Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 127:To save the Beast (124)

Bella heard her phone ring. It was an unknown number so she picked it up.

"Hello" she said

"Help Me, get Josh." Zane said threw a strained voice.

Bella ran out and bursted into her brothers room, "Zane's in trouble. Josh you need to help."

Both men sat up and Josh took the phone. "Grab my phone and pull up my tracking app." As he talked to Zane Ben pulled up the app and found that Zane's phone was at Mid City Hotel.

"I'll be right there with the police." Josh said.

"Hurry or I might lose it. They gave me a sex drug and there's a girl here. I don't want to lose Bella."

Ben called the police and they were going to meet the three there. It was taking to long for the police and Josh wanted to find his boss. So he hacked into the security system and followed the two men dragging Zane to 2412.

The police had someone try to open the door but there was something wrong. When they heard a girl screaming they then broke the door down.

Zane was tied to a chair with ripped sheets. He knew he could not hold on much longer and had the girl tie him to the chair. But he was fighting now and trying to break free so she was scared he would break lose.

When they got there they took the girl to the hospital and the wanted to take Zane too but He just grabbed Bella and Went up to the presidential room which he used for business most of the times and Pushed Bella to the bed.

The only way now to get this madness out of his system was with sex and the only one her ever wanted to have sex with was Bella.

Josh waited with the police. They found the camera and some fingerprints to run. The room was a dead end. It was rented to John Doe and paid for with cash. How ever they did have all three people on video.

After just a short time the prints came back for two. Dennis Feingold wanted for blackmail and strong arm extortion. The other was Bob Butler wanted for breaking and entering.

Bella let Zane use her body to get rid of the drugs in his system and after some time she was really tired she passed out.

When Zane woke up with the exhausted Bella he felt bad. How could he let something like this happen. He would protect her from now on even from his own anger. If he had not gotten mad yesterday then Bella would not have left. He would not have gone out drinking and he would not have been tricked.

He slipped from bed and showered. Then called Josh to bring cloths for both him and Bella.

When Josh got there Zane asked, "Did you find out who did this to me?"

"The two men have been identified but the woman not yet."

"Look at the Finway Bar. She seem to be on first name bases with the bar tender there. He had to be the one to drug my drink. She called him Joe."

"Ok, I'll handle this and report back."

"I'm taking the day off. Have my Dad handle things today. Tell him what happened and I'll be back to work tomorrow." Zane said.

"Ok, What about Bella she has class today." Josh asked.

"Call in for her. If she has any test file for a make up."

Zane then dressed before waking up his beauty. "Bella time to get up and go home."

"5 more minutes." she mumbled.

"Bella get up and shower so we can go home."

She opened one eye, "You are a horrible beast you know."

"I know, get up I have clean cloths for you. Lets go home and sleep."

"Ok" she dragged herself out of bed. The shower made her feel more alive and the dress they got her was ugly. "Get me home so I can get out of this dress."

"I like how you think." Zane wiggled his eyebrows.

"Not going to happen, I mean this is a ugly dress. I did not know I owned something this ugly."

Josh worked hard all night long. He was very tired but knew Zane was counting on him. So he then called the police office asked to talk to the officer in charge of this case now.

"Hello, this is officer Thomas how can I help you."

"Yes, I want to report that Zane Heart is ready to talk to you at your convenience. Also the bartender at Finway Bar named Joe was helping the lady last night drug the drinks." Josh said.

"Ok, Thank you I'll send someone over to question him. Can you tell me where Mr. Heart wants to meet me?" Lily asked.

"He is at his penthouse do you need the address?" Josh said.

"No I got it. Let him know I'll be there after lunchtime."

"Thank you." Josh hung up

"Tell my son to take as much time as he needs. Also thank you for taking care of him." Mr. Heart said.

Josh called Zane then with the update and told him he was taking a few hours to get some sleep.

When he got back to his apartment and sat down he passed out.

Ben had just gotten up. If he had not been hurt he would of carried him to bed so the only thing he could do was take off his shoes and cover him with a blanket.

"Sweet dreams my love," Ben said.

Ben knew how hard assistants work from watching his brother all these years. He wondered if they could make it on just his salary.

Ben pulled out the financial records and started to crunch numbers. With what he is getting now. After they got married and adopted they could live comfortable with just Ben's salary and Josh could stay home with the child.

He then wondered if Josh wanted more then once child. They both had siblings so it would be nice for a child not to be alone. This was something that they would need to talk about.

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