Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 138:Mr. and Mr. (135)

Ben did his exercises in therapy.

"Your doing great Mr. Beauté you'll be able to switch to a walking cast soon." the therapist said.

"Thanks." Ben said

"What plans do you have today?" he asked.

"Believe it or not but getting married."

"Congratulations then. We are all done for today see you monday."

Josh picked Ben up and they headed to the courthouse. To Ben's surprise Bella and Betty were there to be witnesses.

"We have not talked about it but Who's last name do we take." Ben asked.

"I want to take your last Name." Josh said.

After it was all over, the judge pronounced them Husband and Husband; Mr. and Mr. Beauté. "

They then went out to eat. "This weekend we will have a party at our family dinner to celebrate." Betty said.

As they talked the conversation of children came up and this was Betty's chance to bring it up.

"Are you still planning on adopting?" She asked.

"Yes, maybe as soon as your brother is all healed up." Josh said.

"Let me know, I have the perfect family in mind."

"You do?" Ben asked.

Betty explained about the three children.

Ben was the one who said, "As soon as you know, tell us. I think they would be perfect for us." He took Josh's hand. "It is a little bigger then we talked about but I think we should go for it."


Father Joseph called a few days later.

"Betty, the children only have one relative and they can not take the kids. So they will go into the adoption process. You said you have someone in mind?"

"Yes, My Brother and Brother-in-law."

"Bring them by to meet the kids first to see if they would be a good placement."

"Why don't you and Oliver bring them to Sunday lunch at my house. That way they can meet the whole family." Betty suggests.

"Ok, but I still think they need to meet your brothers first."

Betty gave Ben a call and when Josh got home they headed to the Children's Home.

Father Joseph meet with them explaining about the children and how they ended up here.

Then they were taken to a play room.

"This young man is Bobby he is 12." He was a cute boy red hair, freckles with stunning blue eyes.

"This little lady is Kimberly but goes by Kimmy. She is 6." She was a curly blonde hair girl with emerald green eyes.

Then a worker handed Josh a cute little blonde that looked like a younger version of Kimmy. "This is Margaret but they call her Maggie. She is two."

They sat with the kids and talked. They played with the stackable blocks. The kids seemed ok with them.

After the children left Ben asked. "The boy looks nothing like the girls."

Joe told him that Bobby had a different dad but they did not even know who the father was. His mother had gotten pregnant in highschool. The girls looked just like their mother.

"When can we start the paperwork?" Josh asked.

"As soon as you like. Who will you use as your attorney?" Joe asked.

"The same one my sister used. Harry Sanders" Ben said.

After they left Ben asked Josh, "What do you think?"

"I'm scared now. Talking about children and seeing children is two different things."

"Are you changing your mind." Ben asked.

"It's not that. What is we can't get them. Now that I see them I want them to be in our family. The boy looks smart and he will get to grow up with Trevor. I think Kimmy will love playing with Rose. I also get to have a baby. I am just scared we can't have them."

Ben laughed and pulled him into his lap. "I won't let that happen and I think it would if you stay home with them."


"Really and we have five bedrooms so each kid can have their own room. We will contact Harry on Monday. It only took a few weeks for Betty." Ben said.


Babs was tired after her shift at the Animal Shelter. She was waiting for her husband to pick her up.

When she doubled over in pain. David pulled up and she went down. David jumped out and put her in the car. Tears rolled down her face as the headed to the emergency room.

"Mrs. Cameron after all the test it seems like you have gallbladder problems. There is not much we can do until the baby is born. But your son is all right. He's still in a good position and heart rate is great. He is right on track to be born on time."

David was relieved at the Doctor's news.

"Cut down on all spicy and greasy food. I'll give you an antacid to help." the doctor said.

They were glad everything was ok and headed home.

"Sure you are all right. Maybe you should take a few days off to rest." David said helping her from the car.

When they got in the house David got a call from Neil. There was a problem with their mother and he asked David to come with him to see her.

David kissed Babs and headed to the Mental hospital where is mother lived now.

Neil and David sat in the director's office. "Your mother is more and more delusional. I think it would be best place her on the long term ward. She will get more one on one care."

"What is this about?" Neil asked.

"Your mother attacked a pregnant nurse today. Saying the child was going to be her's. We had to send the girl to the hospital. She will now have to stay until the baby is born." The doctor said.

"Do what needs to be done. The safety of others comes first." David said.

"I know you and your wife have come to visit before. I would suggest not letting your wife and child ever visiting."

David signed the papers for her care. Neil called his father and told him what is going on.

David then asked, "My stepfather is still divorcing our mother. She will need someone for power of attorney. Will you testify that my mother will need one?"

"Yes, just have the lawyer send the papers and I'll sign them. Your mother will never get better." He said.

On the way back David called his father and told him what was going on.

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