Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 141:Bella in danger (138)

Jillian was shocked then started to laugh. "Everyone knows that Mr. Hart is not married so I don't know who you think you are but you need to get out of here I'm calling the police."

"Go ahead and call the police because you will be the one going to jail, Zane will kill you if you don't leave right now." Bella yells

"I think you have it wrong." She pulls Zane way from Bella.

Bella calls 911 then Josh. Zane could not hold on any longer and has his way with Jillian.

Bella heart breaks she knows it's not Zane's fault but it still feels like a betrayal.

When Josh and the police arrived Josh opens the door. Jillian sat there with marks all over her body laughing "he is now mine."

Josh had them arrest her and he took Zane to the hospital. Bella sat and cried in the waiting room.

"Are you alright?" Ben said as he rolled in.

"He could not fight it and slept with her. I know it was the drugs but I still hurt inside." She cried.

"Do you know how this happened?" Bella could just shake her head.

It was not long before the police were bring Jillian into the hospital. She had taken some of the drug to.

When Jillian saw Bella she broke away from the police and attacked Bella with full force. Ben and the officers tried to pull them part.

Bella got hit hard in the stomach and hit her head hard on the wall. Ben was furious.

"Why is she not in jail?" He asked.

"She has been drugged too sir. We have to bring her hear then investigate to see who is really at fault." The officer said.

They took Jillian to a room to be looked at. Hospital staff came out to look at Bella. They took her to a room for test.

Ben Called Bert, "Can your girlfriend cone to the hospital. The police let Bella get attacked here."

It took very little time before Lily and Bert was walking in. Bert told Lily everything he knew. She said she would see to it that the truth came out.

Zane was just coming back to his senses, "Where's Bella? What happened to me?"

"Bella is upset in the waiting room with Ben. You were drugged and had sex with Jillian in front of her." Josh said.

"The food was drugged, why?" Zane asked.

"We are looking into it. I sent all the footage of the night to them."

"Check on Bella, I need to see her." Zane said.

Bella was being seen by Dr. Connell. He ordered blood work so they would do an x-rays of Bella head and a MRI.

Ben had seen Josh and told him what had happened. Josh was afraid to report back to Zane but he had a job to do.

Zane pulled the IV out of his arm when he got the news. "Take me to her now."

"Zane you need to get that drug out of your system first. Ben and Bert are with her." he said.

Zane pushed past him. He grabbed the first hospital staff and had him tell where Bella was at.

As he came into the room the doctor was going over her blood work.

"It's to dangerous to do an X-ray or a MRI right now. It not healthy for the baby. I do need to do an ultrasound to check if everything is all right." Dr. Connell said.

Zane stopped in his track, 'Baby, Bella was pregnant?'

Bell looked up, "Get him out of here, I don't want to see him right now it hurts to much." Tears rolled down her cheek.

Ben and Josh pulled him out to the hall.

"She is still in shock Zane. It hurt her to hear you have sex with another woman. She knows it was because of the drugs but it still hurt her." Ben said.

Zane dropped to the floor. "We got married today."

"What?" Ben said not understand what Zane had stated.

"I married Bella on our lunch hour. I can't lose her." He placed his head in his hand as tears fell.

Lily went to the station and sat in as they went over the footage Josh had sent over. It was plain as day. Jillian mixing a powder in a plate of foot. then 10 minutes later taking some pills herself. They watched her change into the teddy and go into Zane's office. They watched Bella run down the hall and into the office.

They could not tell what happened in the office but with the evidence they did have Jillian was at fault.

The officer at the hospital were notified and as soon as the doctors released her they were to bring her back to jail. Lily also advised them to have the doctors give her the morning after pill to be sure she did not get pregnant.

Jillian was informed but refused to take the pill. This was her only chance at being Mrs. Heart because she knew a child was more important in families like the Hearts.

Bella was taken to the OBGYN area of the hospital. The sonogram showed she was about five weeks along. Everything looked like it was in place. They wanted to watch the head injury because of past problems with blood clots in the brain.

Zane stayed outside Bella's door. Dr. Connell talked to him, "I see from her chart that she had surgery for blood clots in the brain just a few months ago. I'm concerned this will repeat. She hit her head really hard tonight."

He took a breath to gather his thoughts then continued, "If she developed one again then it may come down to her or the child."

"Save my wife first. We can always have more children but there is just one Bella." Zane said.

"All right. Hopefully we will pray both will be all right. I will do my best."

Before the night was over Betty, Babs, and David were at the hospital. Oliver stayed at Betty's to watch the three kids. Lily came back and gave everyone an update on the case.

Zane slipped away and made his way to Jillian's room.

"Mr. Heart, I sorry I did not know someone had drugged our food." She said.

Zane said nothing just stared at her.

"I know this was just a mistake but I refused to take the pill incase your child was conceived. I will make sure to protect him with my life." She smiled.

"You have two choices, 1 take the pill and live or 2 don't take the pill and never be seen again." Zane said in his cold beast voice.

"You hurt my wife and child. You drugged me and yourself. Cameras in the hall and outer office have you doing this. You are doomed." He then turned around.

The Nurse brought the pill back in and Jillian took it. She was now scared to death.

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