Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 160:To be me or not (157)

Babs loved being home and taking care of Skyler. David tried to hire a nanny to help but Babs refused. No one was going to raise her child but her.

Neil stepped up and help too. He had finally taken a Job at his father's company and was now being a responsible grown up.

He would also spend a few hours at night holding Skyler. That way Babs and David could have a little time alone.

"How was you day?" Babs asked.

"Good, term papers will be turned in soon so I'll be busy. Babs..."

"What? is something wrong?" she asked.

"My Dad is coming for Christmas. He will be here Saturday. I just want to prepare you. He is very strict on edict. You will need to act as the hostess to the house. I will get a Nanny to come while he is here. And I got you a book on what you should be doing."

"Is that what you want me to be?" She asked coldly.

"No, I like you the way you are." he said taking her hand.

"Then I won't pretend I'm someone else." He said.

"Babs Please. This is important."

"More important then me?"

He said nothing just looked down.

"Fine if that is what you want." She got up and left the room with the book. She then moved her stuff to another room.

"What are you doing?" David asked as he came up stairs.

"The lady of the house needs her own room. We share a room only when we want to be intimate and since I just had a child and there will be no intimacy till way after the first of the year I need my own room."

"Babs this is not necessary." he said.

"No if I need to be a proper hostess then I'll be one." The maid then came in and said all her cloths were now in her new room. Babs pushed David out and shut the door. She then lay there and cried.

When Neil knocked on the door he said, "Can I come in?"

She wiped her face and said, "If you are not with the master of this house."

"No, it's just me and Skyler. He is hungry." He said.

"Give him here. I'll feed him." She took the baby and hugged him tight.

"What is his father like?" She asked.

"Not really sure. He never visit while we were growing up. David always went there. But when David came back it took him a while to become David again."

"I can't pretend I'm something I not." Babs said.

"Then don't. I think that is what drove my mother crazy. She had a friend over once I was about 6 and they talked about all the wild times they had before she married Conner Cameron. She said she had to change to fit into that family. After that she did not know how to go back being herself."

"Then I can't do this. Neil I'm sorry but I think I'll go stay with Betty till David comes to his senses. You are welcome over there to spend time with Skyler."

When Skyler was full she wrapped him up and placed him in the car carrier. She packed a bags for the both of them.

She then made a call to Betty, "Hi, can me and Skyler stay with you for a while?"

"Sure,What's wrong?" Betty asked.

"I'll tell you when I get there if I do it know I'll start crying again."

"Ok, see you soon then."

She then called Oliver. "Hey is there any way you could hold off filing the adoption papers?"

"Sure, the judge who handled this is still on vacation why?"

"I think it is just better right now if Skyler is not David's son."

"Ok, if that is what you wish. Do you want me to stop it all together or just put a hold on it?"

"A hold for right now." She said.

Next she found Neil and asked him to drive her home. She told him about the hold on the adoption and he agreed that is was the right thing to do.

He carried the bags and she carried Skyler.

David came out of the den and seen she was leaving, "Where are you going?"

"To stay with Betty for a while. I also stopped the adoption. If we have to pretend to be people we are not then I will say I don't want this life anymore. My son will be who he wants to be and I will be me not some snooty bi**h that has little to do with her children. If you really loved me you would see this." She turned to walk out.

David was in a state of shock and just stood there. When he heard the car door shut he shook his head and ran out but he had just missed them. He watch his better half drive away just because he was afraid of his father and his rules.

Neil help Babs into the house and took her things up to the room Trevor showed him.

She sat down in the kitchen with Skylar and told Betty the whole story.

"Wow, I would of never seen this coming. You can stay as long as you need. Sorry your room is not the same we redid it for Lily when she moved in. Or you can take Mom and Dad's old room however it is a play room right now." Betty said.

"No my room is fine and you have good taste in decorating. Hopeful I won't have to stay long." She said.

"Stay as long as you need." Betty said picking up Skyler up,"Yes sir ree you can stay as long as you like little man."

Neil kissed his son bye and headed back. David was sitting in the den drinking.

"I'm back." Neil said.

"Did she explain why?" David asked.

"Yes, she also explained it to you did you not listen."

"She just does not understand how scary my father really is. I love him and I know Mom left him but why can't Babs stand by me. Why use my son against me."

"David, do you want her to be mom. To play the game till her mind breaks. To have Skyler grow up and fear his father like you do. I talked to my Dad earlier, your Dad is moving back to stay. I did not tell Babs that. But what will that mean for your little play?"

"I don't know. I did know he is moving back. He already has a penthouse bought so he will not be living here when he gets in it. He would only be here till then."

"Then what about when he comes for dinner and to visit Skylar?"

"I don't know. I really don't know."

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