Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 173:CEO Bella (169)

Zanes meeting lasted all day. He was tired and it seemed that all these board members wanted to do was fight. He had Bert let George know they would be one more night here before leaving.

Bert learned a lot about this part of Zane's business. It was late before they got back to their room.

Bert shot a text to Lily.

[U up?"] Bert

"Yes, Could not sleep. Are you still in the air?" Lily asked.

"No, we are still in the Capital. We will leave in the morning."

"Ok, I love you." She said.

"I love you more. Kiss Rose for me and tell her if she is good I'll bring her a doll from over seas."

"Ok, I will. Get some sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow." She said.


Zane looked at his phone and smiled.

[Roses are red, Violets are blue, I miss you so much I cry boo hoo.] Beauty

[????????????????????????????] Beauty

[Good night my Beast. Know I love you.] Beauty

[I miss you to. Your text made me feel loved. Roses may be red, and Violet may be blue but Bella my Beauty my love for you is true. Have a great day tomorrow and text me when you can.] Beast


The next morning they left brite and early. It was an 18hour and 31 min trip to Hongkong. They left at 7am and would get there 8pm then next day due to time changes.

They were exhausted. Luckly Bert and Zane could sleep on the plane.

This time they got hotel rooms for all three. George had his international driver license so he was there driver for the week too. He liked the extra pay for that.

The meeting went with out a hitch. It only took them the three days.

Zane aloud the men to go shopping for the family.

George got Angela a qipao dress in brite colors. He got both boys jade Chopsticks.

Bert got a really pretty blue qipao dress and a necklace to match for Lily. For rose he found a ancient empress doll with a big headdress dressed all in red and gold.

Zane bought Bella a Dragon set of jewelry. The dragons in the earrings, necklace, bracelet, and ring were made of pure Jade. He Paid 1.2 million for the set.

Then he bought two beautiful baby blankets one is Green and the other Red.

They decided to head out early the next morning.

As they got closer to the US the plane started shacking. Then One engine went out. They could make it if the other engine would just hold on.


Bella's phone rang. It was an unknown number.


"Hello, Is this Mrs. Heart?"


"Madame I need you to come down to the airport. Please bring a family member with you." he said.

"What is this all about?" She asked.

"We will inform you when you get here."

She hung up and called Ben to go with her. The body gaurds drove to pick him up and he asked if we could also pick up Lily and Angela too. They got the same call Bella got.

Bella panicked and tried to call Zane. It went to Voice mail. She then tried Bert. The same thing.

When they got there an officer took them into a conference room.

"This is hard to say but four hours ago a storm hit over the Pacific ocean. Then we recieved a destress sign from Puissance Entreprise private plane that one of their engines had failed. They could still make it with that one engine but two hours ago we lost all contact with them."

"What does that mean?" Lily asked holding Bella hand.

"It means they went down over the ocean. We have the coast gaurd surching but to be honest is does not look good."

"You had better keep looking no matter what. My husband and brother are still alive. I know it in my heart. All three men will come home safely." Bella said standing up.

"Bella, how do you know?" Angela asked.

"When I died my mother told me that I would have two children with Zane and I am only pregnant with one." She stood up.

"Lily, Angela, and Ben you stay here and keep them looking." Bella said

"Where are you going?" Ben

"I need to get to the company. I will stop by and get Josh. We can drop Maggie off to Betty and have her get the kids. I will also call David for his help. Zane's dad is not in the country right now to help but I will send Mary Ann and Dad to be with his mother."

Bella took charge. She was not going to let her husband come back to a big mess. This is what she was going to school to help with.

Everyone pitched in. The board tried giving her grief but she stood her ground. After Mary Ann took care of Mrs. Heart and brought her to the airport to wait with Lily and Angela she went to help Bella with Puissance Entreprise.

Time slowed down and after a week Zane's father was back. He liked what Bella had done to keep things running but their was still no word on the men.

The government gave up looking and listed them as lost at sea.

Bella would not except this. She knew in her heart that the Beast was still alive and tring to come home to her.

After two weeks every went back to their normal routines. Everyone but Bella. She still took Zane place at the company and worked twice as hard to keep everything running smoothly.

There was a memorial service for the three men and Bella reused to morn. Zane was coming home to her. Her brother was coming home. She knew it.

"Bella, you need to rest." Mr. Heart said coming into the office.

"I'll rest when Zane gets back." She said.

"Bella, you have done a fantastic job as acting CEO and the board would like you to stay on in Zane's place. But dear you need to rest a few days. It's not good for Matilda."

"I won't take his place. I will only hold it till he gets back. I have to be strong." She said.

He walked over and pulled her in for a hug, "Child, he is not coming back. We have to face it. At least you were married to him already. You will have his daughter and son to raise in his name. He will live on through them."

She pushed him away, "Get out, he is not dead. He is alive and will be back. All of you that doubt that will deal with the Beast when he is back."

Mr. Heart walked out shaking his head. Zane got himself a tiger of a woman. They are well match.

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