Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 178:Matilda is born (174)

Junior, Bobby, and Trevor was coming back from the summer swim lessons. They were going to play basketball at Junior house so they would also be there to help his mother.

As they pull up the see Uncle George and Aunt Angela coming out of the house. George was carrying Sam and Angela had the baby.

"What happen?" Trevor said.

"Sam passed out." George said.

Junior just stood there. His dad was standing in front of him.

"Can you boys ride over and stay at Bobby's house. Josh has been called and expecting you." Angela said.

"I hope he is alright." Bobby said.

"Junior are you all right?" Trevor asked.

"That's my Dad, he is back. I'm not dreaming am I?" he said.

"Son, yes I am back. Want to come with us to the hospital to check on your brother."

He just shook his head and climbed into the car. His father was home.

"Hey does that mean Uncle Bert and Uncle Zane are back too?" Trevor asked.

"Yes, we are all back. Now get over to Josh's house now you two." George said starting the car.


Oliver walked into Betty's office.

"Want to hear a joke?"

"Sure" she laughed.

'A hurricane blew across the Caribbean. It didn't take long for the expensive yacht to be swamped by high waves, sinking without a trace. There were only two survivors: the boat's owner, Dr. Smythe and the steward, Marcus who managed to swim to the closest island. After reaching the deserted strip of land, the steward was crying and very upset that they would never be found. Dr. Smythe on the other hand was quite calm, relaxing against a tree. "Dr. Smythe, Dr. Smythe, how can you be so calm?" cried Marcus. "We're going to die on this lonely island. We'll never be discovered here." "Sit down and listen to what I have to say, Marcus." began the confident Dr. Smythe. "Five years ago, I gave the United Way $500,000 and another $500,000 to my church. I donated the same amounts four years ago. And, three years ago, I did very well in the stock market, so I contributed $750,000 to each. Last year, business was good, so the two charities each got a million dollars." stated Dr. Smythe. "So what?" shouted Marcus. "Well, it's time for their annual fundraising drives, and I know they're going to find me!" smiled Dr. Smythe.'

"That one is even bad for you." She said walking over to him.

"I was thinking that it's time to have another party of the orphanage and you could hit Zane up for a donation." he smiled.

"That joke is really bad. Why would you joke about him." Betty said.

"Because Ben just called and he showed up at the hospital just like Bella said he would."

"Was Bert and George with them?"

"Don't know? Ben just said he seen Zane. Then Bella was getting ready to have Matilda so he had to leave before he could ask. So I thought you might want to head over there."

She grabbed her bag and ran out the door. They pulled up the same time as George who was carrying Sam followed by Junior and Angela carring Peyton.

"Does this mean Bert is back too?" Betty asked.

"Yes, all three of us are back. Why are you here?" George asked.

"Bella is in labor and I came to talk to Zane about Bert. What happened to Sam?"

"He fainted and won't wake up." Angela said.

"Give me Peyton and go get your son look at." Oliver said taking the baby.

Sam was admitted to the Emergency room and they did a few tests on him. They were unsure why the boy would not wake up.

Angela took Junior to were the Beautés were waiting for news of Matilda. She had asked Ben to take Junior to his house for a few days. When she explained what was going on he told her of Bella's childhood and after their mother died she went into a coma like state.

"How did you get her to wake up." She asked.

He said one word, "Fairytales"

Just then Zane came out carrying a bundle of pink. He smiled. "I would like to introduce a 7 lb 6 oz 18 inches long Matilda Marie Heart."

They were in awe of her big brown eyes.

"Zane have you seen your son yet?" Ben asked.

"He is not due for a few more months."

"No Jillian went into labor a few weeks ago. He is in the hospital. Bella comes every day to hold and feed him." Ben said.

"What did Bella name him?"

"Ethan Zane Heart"

"She chose a good one. I'll see him later. Right now Matilda needs me."

"How is Bella?" Betty asked.

"She is tired. They gave her something for pain and she is a sleep now." He laughed.

The nurse took the baby for a complete check up and Zane sat by Bella's side watching her sleep. He had dreamt of this for the past 5 months. Bella was what kept him from going insane on the island. He needed his beauty to live.

Bella woke and seen Zane a sleep in the chair holding her hand. She smiled. She knew he would come home to her and the children. Her mother would never lie to her.

The nurse rolled in two babies. Matilda was in a little bassinet and Ethan was in his incubator.

"Can she lay next to her brother?" Bella asked.

"He is strong enough if you like we can take him out of the incubator for a while." The nurse said.

When the lay the two next to each other Matilda wrapped her little hand around Ethan's hand and he stopped fussing and went back to sleep.

Bella laid there watching her two little ones sleep. Her big one squeezed her hand and said, "I love you my beauty."

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