Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 75:Joke of the day (75)

Bella got the book from Ben's room. It was still wrapped nicely.

On her way home she opened her own book to finish the story she started that morning.

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ MOTHER HOLLE cont.

So she went in to her mother, and as she arrived thus covered with gold, she was well received, both by her and her sister. The girl told all that had happened to her; and as soon as the mother heard how she had come by so much wealth, she was very anxious to obtain the same good luck for the ugly and lazy daughter.

She had to seat herself by the well and spin; and in order that her shuttle might be stained with blood, she stuck her hand into a thorn-bush and pricked her finger. Then she threw her shuttle into the well, and jumped in after it.

She came, like the other, to the beautiful meadow and walked along the very same path.

When she got to the oven the bread again cried, "Oh, take me out! take me out! or I shall burn; I have been baked a long time!"

Soon she came to the apple-tree, which cried, "Oh, shake me! shake me! we apples are all ripe!" But she answered, "I like that! one of you might fall on my head," and so went on.

When she came to Mother Holle's house she was not afraid, for she had already heard of her big teeth, and she hired herself to her immediately. The first day she forced herself to work diligently, and obeyed Mother Holle when she told her to do anything, for she was thinking of all the gold that she would give her.

But on the second day she began to be lazy, and on the third day still more so, and then she would not get up in the morning at all. Neither did she make Mother Holle's bed as she ought, and did not shake it so as to make the feathers fly up. Mother Holle was soon tired of this, and gave her notice to leave. The lazy girl was willing enough to go, and thought that now the golden rain would come. Mother Holle led her, too, to the great door; but while she was standing beneath it, instead of the gold a big kettleful of pitch was emptied over her.

"That is the reward of your service," said Mother Holle, and shut the door.

So the lazy girl went home; but she was quite covered with pitch, and the cock by the well-side, as soon as he saw her, cried: "Cock-a-doodle-doo! Your pitchy girl's come back to you." But the pitch stuck fast to her, and could not be got off as long as she lived.


The next morning Betty had a list of everything she thought of for the party.

Eiffel tower ice sculpture

Gold and black plates.

Twinkle lights.

Cafe tables and chairs.

Invitations that look like a ticket.

You are going on a flight to Paris France.

Date, Time, and where.

Please join Sanders, Sanders, and McLaughlin for a fun filled night on the streets of Paris.

Savoury food:


Cheese (or fromage) – brie, camembert, boursin and other French cheeses





Pains au chocolat

Chocolate eclairs




French wine (for the adults)

Kir royale (prosecco with crème de cassis)

Pink lemonade (for the children)

A photo booth with a backdrop of Paris at night.

Food $2000 from French Hen

Decor $3500

Staff $1000

photographer $500

Gift bags $2000

Ball room at the Hotel LeHouse $500

My fee $500

Total of $10,000

She made out a contract with everything on it and headed to see Mr. McLaughlin.

When she arrived he was in a meeting with a client so she had to wait over an hour to see him.

He read over the contract before signing it and handing over a check for $10,000. "I would like you to turn over all receipts for this money." he said.

"Yes, I will and I will also return any money not used." She replied.

As she was gathering her papers He asked, "Would you have lunch with me today?"

Betty was stunned. She had the feeling that he was annoyed with her before and now he was asking her out. She was a little curious about this handsome man.

"Sure, that would be nice." She answered.

He took her to a little bistro not far from his office. His cold aura melted and he became a funny guy.

He started off telling her a joke.

A blonde and a redhead have a ranch. They have just lost their bull. The women need to buy another, but only have $500. The redhead tells the blonde, "I will go to the market and see if I can find one for under that amount. If I can, I will send you a telegram." She goes to the market and finds one for $499. Having only one dollar left, she goes to the telegraph office and finds out that it costs one dollar per word. She is stumped on how to tell the blonde to bring the truck and trailer. Finally, she tells the telegraph operator to send the word "comfortable." Skeptical, the operator asks, "How will she know to come with the trailer from just that word?" The redhead replies, "She's a blonde so she reads slow: 'Come for ta bull.'"

They talked and laughted then he asks for number to see her again.

"I would like that." She said.

"Next time dinner and we can take our time." He suggested.

"Sounds great. I enjoyed our time together today." She said.

They then parted ways.


Zane went over the audit report on the south side project. When Ben got done with it there was $52.4 million spent unaccounted for.

Zane read over everything before calling in the head of this project for answers.

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