Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 80:Surprise neighbor (80)

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ THE TRAVELS OF TOM THUMB cont.

He tried to get work under various masters, but they would have nothing to do with him, so after a while he took service at an inn.

But the maids there disliked him, for he was about everywhere, and saw all that went on, without being seen himself; and he told their mistress of their dishonest ways, of what was taken off the plates, and from out the cellars.

So they threatened they would drown him, if they caught him, and determined to do him some harm. Then, one day, a maid mowing in the garden saw Tom Thumb running in and out between the blades of grass, so she cut the grass, in great haste, just where he chanced to be, tied it all in a bundle, and, without anyone knowing, threw it to the cows.

Then one big black cow took up a mouthful of grass directly, with Tom in it, and swallowed it down; without doing him any damage, however. But Tom did not approve of his position, for it was pitch dark down there, with no light burning.

When milking time came, he shouted-- "Drip, drap, drop, Will the milking soon stop?" but the sound of the milk trickling into the pail prevented his voice being heard. Not long afterwards the master came into the shed, and said: "I will have that cow killed to-morrow."

This put Tom Thumb into a great fright, and he called out loudly: "Please let me out, here I am inside."

This the master heard plainly enough, but could not make out where the voice came from. "Where are you?" he inquired.

"In the black cow," was the reply. However, the master could not understand what was meant, and so went away.

The following morning the cow was killed, but fortunately in the cutting up the knife did not touch Tom Thumb, who was put aside with the meat that was to be made into sausages.

When the butcher began chopping, he cried as loudly as he could-- "Don't chop far, I am down beneath," but the chopper made so much noise, that he attracted no attention.

It was indeed a terrible situation for poor Tom. But being in danger brightens one's wits, and he sprang so nimbly, this way and that, keeping clear of the chopper, that not a blow struck him, and he did not get even a scratch.

However, he could not escape, there was no help for it, he was forced into a skin with the sausage meat, so was compelled to make himself as comfortable as might be. It was very close quarters, and besides that, the sausages were suspended to smoke in the chimney, which was by no means entertaining, and the time passed slowly.

When winter came, he was taken down for a guest's meal, and while the hostess was slicing the sausage he had to be on his guard, lest if he stretched out his head it might be cut off.

Watching his opportunity, at last he was able to jump out of the sausage, and right glad was he to be once again in the company of his fellow-men. It was not very long, however, that he stayed in this house, where he had been met by so many misfortunes, and again he set forth on his travels, rejoicing in his freedom, but this did not long continue.

Swiftly running across the field came a fox, who, in an instant, had snapped up poor little Tom.

"Oh, Mr. Fox," called out the little tailor, "it is I who am in your throat; please let me out."

"Certainly," answered Reynard, "you are not a bit better than nothing at all, you don't in the least satisfy me; make me a promise, that I shall have the hens in your father's yard, and you shall regain your liberty."

"Willingly, you shall have all the hens; I make you a faithful promise," responded Tom Thumb.

So the fox coughed and set him free, and himself carried Tom home. Then when the father had his dear little son once more he gave the fox all his hens, with the greatest of pleasure.

"Here, father, I am bringing you a golden coin from my travels," said the little fellow, and he brought out the ducat the thieves had apportioned to him.

"But how was it that the fox was given all the poor little hens?"

"Foolish little one, don't you think your father would rather have you, than all the hens he ever had in his yard?"


Bella put down her book. She missed waking up next to her Beast. She only had one class today so she finally got up and got ready.

She walked out of the elevator followed by Fred and bumped in to cute young lady.

"Sorry, I did not see you." Bella said.

"It's alright." the girl said.

"Moving in?" Bella asked.

"Me and my husband. He was transferred here from Fort Williams in State X to run the recruitment office here." She explained.

"Glad to meet you. My name Is Bella Beauté and I live in the penthouse. If you ever need anything just asked."

"I'm Sally Gillman. Beauté you say. I met a Ben Beauté this weekend."

"That's funny he is my brother. Don't tell me you are related to my boyfriends Assistant." she laughed.

"If you mean Josh, yes he is my brother-in-law. It surprised me he was dating a man but I like your brother."

Bella was shocked. Ben and Josh were dating. This was news to her. She would have to talk to him about keeping secrets from her.

"I need to get to class so I promise to talk later." Bella said.

"We are in 218 come visit me soon." Sally said.

As Bella walked out the door she sent Ben a text.

[You are in big trouble Big Ben. I will be calling you at 2 you better answer!!!????]

Ben's phone beeped and he shook his head as he read Bella's message.

[???? Ok]

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