Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1184: 588 overbearing seniors fall in love with me

After yesterday's meeting, the management's people thought that the president holding a woman's meeting was the ultimate in refreshing the world view. I didn't expect the meeting scene to be more embarrassing today.

Hey, click

"You taste, this heart pistachio is quite delicious." Sneijin opened a pistachio with his left hand, and threw the husk to the side, and then sent the nuts into Gu Mengmeng's mouth.

Gu Mengmeng felt that she was quickly anxious to be seen by the management's eyes, but Sneijin was unaware of it. She looked at Gu Mengmeng with a look of hope: "Do you like it?"

Gu Mengmeng nodded and said that he liked it, and Sneijin took another one to start peeling.

Gu Mengmeng took the pistachio from the hands of Sneij, and said: "You concentrate on meeting, I peel and eat."

Sneek blinked. He didn't like Gu Mengmeng rejecting him. He liked to peel her peel.

Gu Mengmeng knows what the uncle is thinking, so he smiles a little. He said: "You concentrate on the meeting and finish the morning. Let's go home soon. I peel myself, huh?"

come home early

These four words pleased to Sneij.

He nodded in a difficult way, and Sneijin’s gaze became cold and hazy as he moved away from Gu Mengmeng’s face. He looked at the director who was reporting, and then his left hand tapped on the keyboard. The killing of the fruit has nothing to do with the mud, and the judgment is amazingly accurate.

As a result, the scene fell into a flaw. In addition to the rustling of the materials, Ervis’s snoring on the keyboard and Gu Meng’s peeling of the pistachio

Gu Mengmeng’s heart collapsed. She thought about eating two meanings. As soon as she stopped, Sneijin immediately turned her head and asked: “Why don’t you eat it? Is it stripped? Let me do it"

"No, I just want to drink."

Sneijin unscrewed the water bottle on the conference table and handed it to Gu Mengmeng. The expression of her drinking water was sweet and scary.

The management faces each other, sitting in the main position to see people eating pistachios and drinking water, they laugh at the arrogance of the spring, is it really the president of their tallest? Fine points?

Gu Mengmeng had a pistachio for the morning, and Sneijin had solved the problem that was already fast-paced in a more crazy form because Gu Mengmeng wanted to go home early.

At noon, I didn't want to let Gu Mengmeng eat and take out, so I went home with Gu Mengmeng and gave her a lunch.

Gu Mengmeng thinks that although the boss is a boyfriend, can't he be a rice worm? So he took the initiative to undertake the work of washing dishes. Sneijin smiled and said: "You are a beautiful hand, not suitable for work."

"But I can't do nothing today." Gu Mengmeng was helpless, saying: "The monthly salary is 4,000, and I am guilty."

Sneaker thought about it, smiled a little, then pulled Gu Mengmen behind her, put her hand on her waist, and said, "Then hold me."

“Hey?” Gu Mengmeng is puzzled.

Sneaker chuckled: "This is an important job that no one can do except you. When I wash the dishes, you will hold me behind me."

Gu Mengmeng felt that his face was burning, and the side was attached to Sneijin's wide back, and there was a subtle taste of his clothes. This shallow familiarity reminded Gu Mengmen that two people were sleeping and sleeping all night last night, and this morning, his good morning, now wants to come, burning her face.

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