Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1221: 625 I heard that you care about me, it seems to be true.

Chi Xuan stood by the table in the conference room and hugged his chest with both hands: "My mom is beautiful at any time, but she has seen it once I cried. It is really terrible, so I don't plan to watch it again." ”

Chi Xuan chuckled, and he had no way of taking his own mother. He didn't even know if he was talking about his mother or his niece. He licked his head and said: "Your daughter, you still Keep it for yourself, I am dirty."

"It will be waiting." Kee smiled coldly.

In the past, I was too reassured by Chi Xuan, thinking that I was firmly in my own hands. I didn’t expect to be crying when I was crying.

At the beginning, I was so ruthless about A Gu, and now I turn my head and I have a lot of love for myself.

Oh, from the point of view of the heart, it is more like his son.

When A Gu went to find the heart of the desert, Chi Xuan used the identity of the wandering beast to command the wandering beast to go to St. Naze to grab the female.

It is not a new thing for the wandering beast to steal the female, but it is to go to St. Naze to grab, those wandering beasts think that Chi Xuan moved the spring heart, which female but not willing to share with others or the other party did not agree, so Moved the mind to grab.

Although Køge had ordered not to allow the three tribes of St. Naze, Saud and Zakaray, and the sixteen tribes who had just returned to Sioud, went to St. Naze to rob the son of the messenger, this Is it the family thing at most?

The wandering beast thinks about Khee’s love for Chi Xuan and the cherished cherished by the ambassador to Chi Xuan. Anyone who robs a female to him will not blame, so he will be playing with the Lord, and he will go without saying anything. St. Naze grabbed the female.

But who knows that when he arrives at St. Naze, he finds that a female is at home in the whole tribe, and the famous 16-golden donkey has not seen it. He has no choice but to take back the half-beast.

Chi Xuan saw the female who had caught it. When she said nothing, she used a set of animal skin bags and went straight away. At that time, Khee was preparing a car for the prey to go to Fidington City to take a takeaway, and happened to meet Gu Mengmeng, and went to the halfway to be inserted in the various departments of the spies. Hugged the foot.

St. Naze was attacked by stray beasts and the tribal females were robbed.

Theodore was attacked by the wandering beast, and Jude and Gallo were not known.

Zachary was attacked by stray beasts, Chi Xuan was seriously injured and dying

When Køge received these three news, he was embarrassed. How could a wandering beast do such a thing? At the same time, it is clearly controlled by someone.

Who can make such a game against him? Leia? It must be Leia!

Kyle calmly analyzes with the fastest speed, three things can't be true, Leia won't do anything meaningless.

The female of St. Naze, the missing Jude and Calvary, and the seriously injured Chi Xuan

Chi Xuan!

It took only a second to determine that Leah’s purpose was Chi Xuan. The reason was very simple. Kee had been using Chi Xuan to take care of Gu Mengmeng, and she did not dare to act rashly and repeatedly retreat. If you want to solve this situation, the easiest way is to kill Chi Xuan. As long as Chi Xuan is dead, he will no longer have the chip that can threaten Gu Mengmeng.

And, oh, the behavior of the wandering beast, that A-Gu will definitely count on him?

He is not afraid of Gu Mengmeng hating him, but he is not a potter!

So he almost did not hesitate and immediately rushed to Zachary. What did he see? Oh, the good end of Chi Xuan carrying a animal skin bag said: "I heard that you care about me, it seems to be true."

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