Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 804: 208 crazy and twisted is different

Ervis’s calmness is not like a word. There is no such thing as a wave of Biddle’s words. It’s just coldly saying: “There is no question of believe or not, because I don’t care.”

Biddle chuckled and nodded. "Yes. I don't care. It doesn't matter if you live with your other brothers, as long as you can live one."

Live one?

Gu Mengmeng clearly remembers Natalie said that she gave birth to six

Have you ever heard that Elvis has mentioned his brother, is it all dead?

Biddle lost his heart and stared at the direction of the hole. He said: "The wandering beast should not have children. The wandering beast catches the female back just to vent their desires, the child? It is a shame. I don't care if the blood can be passed down. I Is there any good inheritance of the person abandoned by the beast? But that is Natalie’s child for my life. If I can, I still hope that he can exist."

"Well, why are you killing your own children and deliberately using these messages to stimulate her?" Gu Mengmeng can't understand, is this the so-called love and kill? "Do you know how sad it is when Natalie mentions the children?"

"Sad expression?" Biddle suddenly smiled and smiled as if he had received any comfort. He said: "It seems that the children did not die."

Gu Mengmeng clenched his fists, and the tiger poison is still not eating. How can this person be so pleased to see his child’s death? What is not white death?

Gu Mengmeng inexplicably thought of a sentence that Ervis had told her:

He said that it is worthwhile to protect her with all the hardships of the past and a strong self.

She said that it wouldn't matter if she was weaker. She was distressed by the sins he had suffered as a child. but he said

If he is weaker, he may not have the chance to stand in front of her.

At that time, she thought that what he said meant that she only liked the strong, and if he was not strong enough, she would not look at him.

But now it seems that she seems to understand wrong.

What he means is that if he is weaker, then one of the five children who died will be Elvis.

The man who thought of himself almost died in the distorted love of Biddle. Gu Mengmeng’s heart hurts, and he really wants to slap him to death.

"When her companions were all dead, she wanted to leave me with death. She has abandoned me once, how can I let her abandon me again? And she is so beautiful, if she dies, she will Going back to the arms of the beast, and I am destined to be abandoned, to break into hell. Think about it, Natalie still trusted me, in order to abandon me, so trust me."

"She said that this child is the only gift she gave me. I love her so much, and I will treat our children kindly. So she can die without worry."

"I can't let her worry, I can't! She can't give me the child with confidence, and then leave me forever, I don't allow it!"

Gu Mengmeng was so flustered that she didn't even want to hear him continue.

She knows how crazy a man can be for love, and Sneijin has given her a deep lesson with her own life.

However, there is a difference between madness and distortion.

"No wonder she would rather die than to stay with you," Gu Mengmeng said, looking at Biddle.

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