Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 810: 214 This disgusting and boring life gives him no harm.

Gu Mengmeng looked up and looked forward to all eyes.

Ervis took her no way, scraped her little nose and said: "Listen to the story, but you can't just feel sad. Those pains have accumulated the qualifications to meet you. If you sympathize with me, I will become very sad. ”

Gu Mengmeng licked his mouth and nodded.

Ervis continued to say: "When there was a wolf left in each of the three pits, someone finally got close to the pit again. Unfortunately, they didn't come to feed the food, but to fill the pit. There are always stones from The pits were thrown down and squatted on us, but we couldn’t resist. The range of activities was compressed by stones, and the pits were getting higher and higher. The narrow space made us more The more violent and violent, the more and more uneasy, the stone wall beside the pit was cut out of the deep stone trough until one day, the boulder in the pit suddenly collapsed, we have to avoid huge stones in the forced space, and quickly Make a judgment, then step on the stone one by one and jump out of the pit."

"In the three pits, only two wolves came alive. Another boulder was buried in the bottom of the pit and became a meat."

"And all this is not the end but the beginning." Ervis's gaze lingered, pointing to an open space outside the three potholes, saying: "I and another wolf who escaped from the pit hate each other. In the eyes of the other side, we are all foods with each other. Brothers or something, at that time, they have already been annihilated."

"He was more seriously injured by the smashing of the stone, so the person who finally survived was me."

"In the ten years that I have not met you, I have been thinking more than once that I didn't resist at the beginning, how good is it for him to eat me? This disgusting and boring life gives him no harm. But now I am really Fortunately, I was so crazy about my desire to survive. Fortunately, I survived. No matter how dirty the process is, it is worth it for you."

Gu Mengmeng held Ervis's hand and shivered, licking his lips and saying nothing.

Ervis hooked up Meng Meng's chin, his eyes deep as the stars and the sea, deep and indulgent: "Tell it, don't let me pity."

Gu Mengmeng shook her head, smiled, and said in the softest voice: "I was only very moved. It turned out that you had done such brave things to meet me."

"Brave? Oh, you can always think of some words to beautify those ugliness, but I am very useful." Ervis kissed Gu Mengmeng's lips, just faint, sweet, no lust, only full Love and pity.

Ervis looked at Gu Mengmeng’s eyes and said that he was helpless. He really didn’t think that there was anything good about these old things, and it was not a heroic deed.

However, it cannot be denied. Whether he thinks that these things are not worth mentioning, after sharing with her, the mood is never easy.

It’s like the **** in those memories. With every word of his words, it’s cleared out little by little, and the whole person’s heart is brightened.

Smile, Elvis tried to say those cruel pasts in a relaxed tone: "I killed the red-eyed me and was thrown into the wolf cave. At that time, I seemed to be the age of theirs. Hunger, hurt. There is still pain and fear, that is what I have at the time."

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