Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 16. The Kidnapping

Unknown POV

I entered the small cave situated among the mountains.I saw Kyle, my right hand man come over to me and give me a slight bow.

He escorted me to the raised platform where all the important members were standing.

I stood in the center and faced the audience.There were thousands of men, women and children gathered just to see a glimpse of their leader.

It had been quite some time since they had last seen me.

I raised my right hand at the audience, my palm outstretched, facing them.

Immediately the chitter chatter died down.The crowd silenced.

"The Elixir has a protector now." My voice boomed.

There were instant gasps.I could hear whispers and murmurs all around.

Kyle's forehead furrowed and he gave me a pointed look as if checking the veracity of what I had just said.

I gave him a slight nod.

He turned away and his expression turned grim.

Nicholas' POV

"I think it is time that I meet Gabe myself." I gave a slight smile.

Rosalinda's red lips formed into a smile.She gave me a quick nod and turned on her heel.Her long blonde hair which were neatly tied into a pony tail swished as she walked away.Her black dress flowed freely behind her.

I took slow steps towards the mini bar.My fingers brushed past the bottles neatly kept on the shelves.My hand stopped at one of the bottles that had "Cloudwater" marked on it in bold.I picked it out of the shelf and began pouring the contents into a fine wine glass.

"Hello Gabe." I spoke with my back towards the visitor, preparing my glass of drink.

"My Lord!" I heard Gabe's carefully restrained voice as if struggling to keep his calm.

I took one more wine glass and added the contents of the same bottle into it.

I turned around and saw Gabe with Rosalinda standing next to him.He looked at me with a carefully guarded expression as if judging my every move.

I slowly took small steps towards him with the wine glasses in my hand.I stretched out my hand and offered him a glass.

"Have it Gabe.It has been a long time since we've had a drink together." I smirked.

I could see his reluctance but nevertheless he took the glass.I smiled and continued, "Now Gabe you know I have come here from afar to meet my brother.But you see my brother seems more interested in his own affairs.Even now he is not in the palace.Won't you help me in revealing his whereabouts and be a cause of our happy reunion?" I pouted giving him the most innocent look I could muster.

"I am afraid I have no news of his whereabouts my lord.I have already conveyed the same to Rosalinda." He threw a quick glance in her direction.

"Gabe! You need to answer the Lord." Rosalinda looked at him sharply.

"Relax Rosa! He is a loyal advisor to his master.I respect that." I took a sip from my glass.

"Lord of Blackmist hasn't informed anyone of his whereabouts.I am afraid you won't get this information from anyone.I would request you to wait for him to come back.He should be back soon." He stated with finality.

I chuckled and brought the glass to my mouth, quickly finishing its contents in one go.

I then swiftly moved towards him in my vampire speed and twisted his neck.There was a sound of breaking of bones and he fell flat on the ground.The glass he was holding broke into a thousand pieces with the beer splashed across the floor.

"What a waste of such a fine beer!" I spoke sarcastically.

"Send him to Nightfall before Damian comes back.I have some intense gruelling sessions planned for him." I spoke with authority.

Rosalinda immediately got to work and sped away with him at vampire speed.

I decided to wait for my brother.It had been long since I had a heart to heart with him.

A few hours passed and I was waiting in my room expecting my elder brother to make an appearance any moment and I wasn't wrong.

My door burst open and there entered Damian with eyes blazing red and a murderous look on his face.

His fangs had elongated and there were veins visible under his eyes.

"HOW DARE YOU KIDNAP MY ROYAL ADVISOR!" His voice boomed in my room.

Before he could catch my throat I caught hold of his hand but he quickly freed himself and he pushed me back and I hit the wall.

Being a vampire, I didn't feel the impact too much and a smile spread across my face.

"I don't mean any harm brother.I just need you to give me some information and I would return your dear advisor in one piece.I promise that." I spoke in a calm voice.

He jerked back his head and burst out laughing in amusement, his fangs still elongated.

"Dear brother! You kidnap my advisor for just some information?Now I thought you were better than that." He chuckled.

"You may think whatever you want brother but the truth is that I have your right hand man with me and you can't have him without giving me my answers." I hissed at him, my temper threatening to take charge.

Damian's fangs went back to normal as his eyes went back to their original brown.

He looked serious and his eyes were trained on me.I knew he was gauging my every move and I couldn't push him beyond a certain limit.He had his own tricks too.

After a short staring match, he gave a twisted smile as he spoke, "Let's discuss."

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