Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 18. The Spy

"Come in Mia." I responded to the knock.

"My Lord! I'm sorry I disturbed you at this unearthly hour but I was worried about Sir Gabe." She came in through the door in her night robes.I looked at her from head to toe.Her hair were disheveled and she was standing bare foot.She must have stayed wide awake worrying over Gabe.

"Don't worry about him dear.He's a powerful vampire remember?" I smirked trying to put her mind off him.

"My Lord! It's not that I doubt his abilities to protect himself but I do not understand why I feel so restless." Her voice was panic stricken and I could smell fear from a distance.

I took out a chair for her and gently seated her.I poured a glass of water which she gratefully accepted.Her eyes met mine for a brief moment showing gratitude for this kind gesture.I felt a little uneasy.Her eyes held much innocence and I regretted lying to her.

She was fragile.It was unfair for a human like her to get caught in the affairs of the vampires.I had known her for quite some time now.She was innocent, kind and brave enough to serve at the castle among several bloodthirsty vampires.

"If you permit we may take a stroll in the garden.I have often seen you there in your free time." I smiled genuinely.

She looked up at me with those tired eyes and slowly nodded.

The sky was full of stars and the night was as silent as death itself.Occasionally one could hear the sound of crickets.

Mia was walking beside me.Her bare feet were taking slow steps on the soft grass. Her face looked relaxed now.

"My Lord," She spoke in her soft voice, "Do you think that Sir Gabe has been sent on an official tour?"

I looked at her and smiled slyly, "Hasn't Damian mentioned the same thing to you?"

She looked at me with those eyes that held suspicion, "Lord Damian has told the same to me but my heart refuses to believe him."

"You should ask Damian then Mia.Perhaps he'll be able to clear your suspicion." I spoke.

She smiled."I wish he told me everything.He is the lord of the Empire.Why would he divulge his secrets to a mere cook of his castle?"

"I hope you know that you aren't just a maid for him Mia." I looked at her from the corner of my eyes. " His affections for you have not been hidden from me." I spoke in a slighltly teasing tone.

She blushed immediately colouring up her cheeks, "The Lord is still a mystery to me."

"We all are.We are royalty brought up to be powerful and enigmatic." I told her with a distant look in my eyes.

We reached a small bridge built over a beautiful pond. I stretched out my hand and she took it.I slowly guided her towards the other end.

As we reached the other end I saw someone at a distance, darkness covering his face.Ofcourse I could clearly see the person's face but I was sure Mia couldn't get a clear view with her human eyes.

"Eugene!" I remarked and she came out of the shadows dressed in pure black robes with her blonde hair flowing freely behind.

"I was outside taking a tour of the city Nick." She spoke looking at me and then Mia."Gabe has gone on an official tour but I don't believe the story." She rolled her eyes.

"And why is that so hard to believe sister?" I gave her a sideways smile.

"Gabe always tells me of his official visits before departing.He didn't meet me this time.There is something suspicious out there." Her eyes twinkled with suspicion as she looked at me.

"If there's someone who can answer your queries it's Damian." I spoke casually.

"Lady Eugene! I apologize for interrupting but I think Lord Nicholas is being truthful.I am certain that he has no role to play in the matter." Mia spoke.

I immediately felt guilty of lying to her.

"We all should get back to the castle.It's too late." I stated and we all headed back with Eugene's gaze not leaving me once.

The next day I sat in the library going through all the books that I could lay my hands on.I was determined to find out about the Mystic Woods.

One by one I went through all the books on magic and history.A few of them had certain references to the place but nowhere it was mentioned the way to get there.

I lit my cigar as I closed my eyes and slowly puffed out a few clouds of smoke.I heard a movement outside.

"Come in Conrad." I spoke.

He entered and gave me a low bow.

"There's a spy in the castle my lord.My sources tell me that someone from the Silvermoon pack is here." He stated.

"We do not know yet who he is but we are trying to gather as much information as we can.The eavesdropper outside your room last night was the same spy." He continued.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, "Are you sure of it?"

"You can have me executed if my information proves to be false my lord." His voice dripping with confidence befitting a man of his stature.

My lips twitched in a devilish smile. "That's quite an information you have provided Conrad.I am happy to see that you could prove your worth.Call Rosalinda and make sure that Damian doesn't come to know of it."

He gave a bow before leaving to carry out my orders.

"You asked for me my lord?" I heard a female voice which I instantly recognized to be of Rosalinda's.

"Yes come in Rosa.I have something of prime importance to discuss."

She took a few steps inside and stood beside me.Dressed in her signature black robes her hair were tied in a long pony tail.

"Conrad told me about it.We have a spy in this castle.The silvermoon pack is trying to send its men here." She spoke.

"Increase your vigil.Try to keep an eye on all those with suspicious movements." I instructed.

She nodded her head.

Unknown POV

I covered my face with a hood.I escaped out of the castle and the cool night breeze greeted me.

I started running on the streets.I could feel someone following me but I didn't know yet who that was.

I didn't want to reveal my identity.

If only I wasn't taking that potion, my senses wouldn't be weak now.With my weak senses it was difficult to find out who was following me.

I nevertheless continued walking and running on the streets, hoping that I wouldn't get caught.

Let me reach my dwelling I could then take the help of my pack to get rid of my stalker.

I reached at the foot of a hill and could see a huge cave at the top.

My home!

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