Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 21. The Finale

Damian's POV

"What do you mean she got abducted?" My fangs were elongated and my eyes were blazing red as I caught hold of Nicholas' neck pushing him forcefully against the wall.

He freed himself from my grip and gave me a push and I landed a few feet away but quickly steadied myself.

He looked annoyed as well but calmly remarked, "I accept my fault Damian but your anger won't help her get here safe and sound.Rosalinda knows the whereabouts of the Silvermoon pack and we should better hurry."

That calmed my anger to an extent.He was right.Mia had to be saved before any harm befell her.She was the protector of the elixir.

Mia's POV

I was chained in the prison.I looked at myself.They hadn't harmed me in any way.

'Alice!' I thought. She was alone in the castle and here I was unsure whether I would be able to make it out alive from here or not.

I heard the sound of my prison door open.It was Lucinda.She had an evil smirk on her face.

"Hi Mia! Don't you want to see who has come to meet you?"

I looked at her angrily. "I didn't know you were a devil in disguise."

She rolled her eyes, "You'll have plenty of time to express your displeasure over the way we have treated you.But right now you have a visitor."

She grabbed me by the arm and took me outside. We reached outside the cave where to my surprise and horror I saw Lord Damian, Lord Nicholas and Rosalinda, along with a few other vampires.

There were a few of the other werewolves present too.Lucinda was holding me by the arm.

"Leave her Lucinda." Lord Damian hissed.

"I will Damian.Once she activates the elixir that is lying with us useless.Ever since we got it from Silas we have been looking for a way to activate its powers.Since now we have the protector we can use the elixir."

"The elixir is not for your selfish motives.It is meant to be protected from the evil forces." Lord Nicholas spoke calmly but his eyes displayed ferocity.

"You shouldn't talk about what's evil and what's not.Your father captured the entire human world.You all are responsible for the mass killings of the werewolves.We have managed to preserve our identity for so long." Lucinda spoke with utmost bitterness in her voice.

"What happened centuries ago can't be changed.But we have brought in changes for the peaceful coexistence of the vampires and the humans.If the werewolves are willing, we can strike a deal with them but you have never been open to peaceful proposals." Lord Damian stated.

"It's too late for any peaceful negotiations.I am the Alpha of the Silvermoon pack and it is my duty to take care of it." She then looked at a man standing next to her, "Kyle! Get the elixir."

The man gave her a brief nod and went inside. Lord Damian had a serious expression and Lord Nicholas looked a bit angry.

Within the next few minutes I saw the man named Kyle come out with a bowl containing some green liquid inside.

"We have been told by the pack elders that the elixir is useless as it has been cursed by the Old Witch that it would lose all its powers.We need the protector of the elixir to revive its powers." She twisted my arm as she said this and I let out a scream."You will help me in reviving it." She hissed.

The vampires opened attack on the werewolves and the werewolves looked equally ferocious.I managed to hide somewhere behind one of the rocks at the hill top.The elixir was nowhere in sight.

I didn't know what happened to the elixir after Lord Damian attacked Lucinda.I tried searching for it amidst all the chaos but couldn't find it.

Before I could think of anything someone hit me hard on my head.I turned around and saw Lucinda's evil smile.Before I could say anything, darkness engulfed me.

Damian's POV

As I ripped a werewolf's heart out I turned to look at Mia lying on the round.

"Noooooo..." I shrieked.I immediately ran towards her.I placed her head on my lap.

"Mia wake up!" I cupped her face in both my hands hoping she would open her eyes any minute now.

I sensed someone's presence behind me and immediately turned to find Lucinda about to attack me but before she could strike I grabbed her and twisted her neck.

She fell down flat on the ground.With the death of the Alpha of the pack it was not long before we overpowered the werewolves and held them captive.

I was still kneeling on the ground with the lifeless corpse of Mia on my lap.I sensed a hand on my shoulder and knew it was Nicholas'.

His eyes moved over Mia's body and then quickly moved away.

"Lord Damian! The Council has taken the elixir under its protection." I heard a sweet melodious voice.I knew who that was.

"Lady Sylvia!" I looked at the brown haired woman standing before me.

I ran towards her, "You can take the elixir but please save Mia.You are a healer."

She smiled as she looked at me and then at Mia's body, "Lord of Blackmist!I am not allowed to interfere in the matters of this world.But since she's the protector of the elixir, only the elixir can save her."

"Please allow her to take the elixir then." Nicholas spoke.

Her eyes now twinkled as she spoke, "Nothing in this world comes for free Lord Nicholas." She then looked at me, "I am willing to help her in return for something that I may ask from you in future."

"I am willing to give you anything.That is my promise." I spoke with conviction.

Satisfied by my words she closed her eyes and brought out her hand.The bowl of the elixir appeared.I eagerly took it from her hand and brought it to Mia's lips.

As soon as the first drop touched Mia's lips she seemed to regain consciousness and quickly drank the entire liquid.

I was happy to see her alive.

Nicholas came up to me, "I am glad Mia is alive brother."

I hugged him overjoyed, "We had a fight years ago as I thought you to be responsible for the disappearance of the elixir.But now I know you were innocent.Forgive me brother."

He hugged me back and we stood there like that for some time.Together, as brothers, we came back to the castle.

James had kept his promise and Gabe was finally back in the castle.Eugene was particularly overjoyed to see him.

In due course I married Mia and she became my queen.The Great Pure Blood Vampire had his reservations of having a human as my wife but mother sided with us.They didn't attend our wedding but I knew father would soon accept her.

The elixir made her an immortal like me but she remained a human.The elixir was gone and now we could finally hope for peace to prevail in the Empire.

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