Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 3. The Struggle

As the fire engulfed the bakery, I stood their horrified trying to decipher the sudden change in the events.I turned around to look at my saviour but he was gone.I frantically looked around for a sign of him but he was nowhere to be seen.

A large crowd gathered around the shop and people were horrified at what they saw.Feeling heavy and disheartened I made my way home.

"Aunt Rose!Our bakery has caught fire!" My voice cracked as I narrated the events.She was devastated to say the least.The next few days passed uneventfully.I had started looking for a new job.It was getting difficult to make both ends meet and our resources were running dry.

Some of our neighbours were kind enough to lend our family a few small things like sugar, salt etc.I had to do something quickly.As I was sitting in my bedroom, lost in my own deep thoughts, I heard a knock at the door.I was jolted back to reality and I went to open the door.

It was a middle aged man.He greeted me and said,"Hello Miss!I am Louis Dickinson.I work at a pet shop."

"W-What?Mr Dickinson, we are going through tough times because our shop caught fire but that doesn't mean that we are going to stay like this forever.My aunt and me are trying hard to find work and I am sure that we would soon be able to find one.I request you to please allow us some time." I blabbered on nervously.

"Miss!I am not here to find a new pet.I need someone to assist me in handling the slaves" he said.Aunt Rose, who had come to look who was at the door, was taken aback."Why do you need an assistant?" she asked.

"I have a lot of slaves in my shop.My earlier assistant died of a disease.I need someone young enough to help me in my shop.Miss Mia would suit the profile just fine.I'll offer a nice amount" he said.

"I agree" I replied.

My aunt was shocked.She tried to persuade me to give up on the idea but I was adamant.We needed money otherwise we would be soon out on the streets.

The pet shop was a horrible place.There were cages lined up in a dimly lit room.Many humans, mostly females, were kept in them.They were in a pathetic condition to say the least.Their dresses were torn from places and there were bruises on their bodies.Most of them looked highly malnourished.

I couldn't help but have sympathy for them.It was cruel fate that had landed them here.My eyes suddenly fell on a petite figure who was caged in a far right corner.She had long brown hair with hazel eyes.She wore tattered clothes and there were dried injury marks on her bare arms and neck.She looked scared.

I went up to her and crouched in front of her cage so that our eyes were at the same level.She flinched.

"Hey don't be afraid.I am Mia, Mr Dickinson's new assistant.What's your name?" I asked softly.

She looked at me with fear in her eyes and then looked at Mr Dickinson, who was watching us both from a far distance.He gave her a menacing look and she quickly lowered her gaze.I could sense her exuding fear.Convinced that she won't say a word now I came back to where Mr Dickinson was standing.I was slightly annoyed with him for scaring a poor girl who was barely an adult.

"Mia, there are certain rules you need to follow if you want to continue working here.You can't be very friendly with the slaves." He said coldly.

"I understand but I am only making things better for you.If your slaves are in good condition, they would sell like hot cakes in the market." I replied.After all I knew how to sell.Our bakery wasn't the best in town by accident.He raised his brows in a little surprise and frowned a little.I knew I had him thinking.I mentally did a victory dance.

"Slaves are slaves and that's how they are meant to be treated.But remember, you can't get too close to them." He cleared his throat and went away.I smiled a little.

Over the next few days I came to know that the girl's name was Lucinda.Despite Mr Dickinson's instructions, I had managed to befriend her.She was a soft spoken girl aged around sixteen.She was bought from an orphanage a year ago.Unnoticed by Mr Dickinson,I used to bring my hand made cookies for her.She had started opening up to me and told me about her life at the orphanage which was just a little better than how it was here.

Mr Dickinson, was very cruel with his slaves.He expected them to be fully obedient and often resorted to sticks and torture to keep them in control.Since the day I had told him about keeping slaves in good condition, he had tried to restrain himself, hitting and torturing them only when they grew too stubborn.The new slaves were the ones who were usually put to such treatment.It was painful to see that but I had to endure.There was not much I could do.

One day a vampire visited our shop.He had light brown hair with deep black eyes.Louis took him to various cages one by one.I could see fear in the eyes of the slaves.The vampire went from cage to cage, holding every slave by her cheeks and examining carefully.He stopped by the cage of Lucinda.He looked at her intently.

"How old is she?" He asked.

"She is sixteen.She hardly speaks.She was bought from an orphanage a year back.No one knows anything about her family." Mr Dickinson replied.

He looked at her and then smirked.

"I didn't know you loved giving chocolate cookies to your slaves Louis." He said sarcastically.I was shocked.I had given her cookies an hour ago.Surely he must have seen the crumbs on her.That girl had clumsy eating habits.I mentally face palmed.Mr Dickinson was horrified."I-I" He stammered.

"You take great care of your slaves and they seem to be in a better condition than those in the other pet shops." He smirked.

Mr Dickinson was shocked for a second and then visibly relaxed.

"I'll take her." He said in finality.

I was aghast.I knew this would happen one day but I couldn't stop myself from feeling dejected.She was the only girl I had tried to befriend in this shop.

"Wouldn't you offer me the cookies Louis? They smell better than what I have come across since ages."It was a request but there was an underlying authority in his tone.

Before Mr Dickinson could fall in more trouble and have me banished from this job, I decided to speak," The cookies have been prepared by me Sir." My eyes were lowered and I gave a slight bow.He eyed me carefully.

"What is a young girl like you doing in a slave's shop?" The vampire asked.

"I don't have any other means to earn a livelihood." I replied nervously.Vampires were known to be unpredictable.I better be careful while interacting with one.

"Ah! I see!" He said more to himself than to me.

"I work at the Blackmist Castle.We are in need of better cooks for the Lord.I think you would fit in just fine." He smiled devilishly.

Before I could react to this sudden change in events, he spoke with finality,"Be there at the castle tomorrow morning.A carriage would be sent to pick you up.You would be staying there and will work as a cook at the castle." I just nodded in astonisment.Mr Dickinson looked a little unhappy with this sudden change in the course of events but he couldn't say no to a vampire himself.

I went back home and narrated the events to my Aunt.Alice was listening too.

"Will you leave us then Mia?" Alice spoke tearfully.

I hugged her tightly."Nobody can separate us sweetie.But we can't say no to them.That would bring forth the wrath of the royalty.I promise that as soon as I make enough money to re establish the bakery, I will return." I spoke to her softly, tears streaming down my own face.

"Oh my poor girl!Destiny is being so cruel." Aunt Rose sobbed.

"Don't worry!I'll send you money every month." I smiled through the tears.I just hoped I was able to stay alive in the castle for that long.

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