Qiu'er's lips trembled, but she could only stare at her eyes, and her voice was light and fierce.

"It's ok if the king and princess are OK. There are only two things for qiu'er and qiu'er. I hope the princess can and can promise to treat Chuner well and treat Chuner well The body of the maid was sent home... "

As the voice fell, qiu'er's hand holding on to her sleeve suddenly dropped.

Seeing that the little girl in her arms has lost her breath, the whole heart of yunqingrao is pulled up.

She rubbed the face of the servant girl with her hand, "I didn't treat you as my own. Why do you treat me like this?"

Cloud tilt Rao raised his head, some red eyes, but no tears fell down. It turns out that she has always been wrong. It is not that no one really treats herself. She should not treat new people or things with that isolation attitude.

She is not really blind, after all, in addition to the two heartless people, cloud Qingrao in the previous life really has a large group of people who help her.

Otherwise, how could she, a woman, have been in that position for so many years?

"Qiu'er, thank you for letting me understand one thing!"

Yun Qingrao took a look at the face that had lost its vitality, moistened the corners of his eyes and laughed gently.

"Don't worry, I will do what you tell me!"

When chun'er came with the doctor, she saw qiu'er lying on the ground without any anger or movement. She suddenly knelt down on the ground and began to cry.

She cried twice, and was afraid to affect the cloud Qingrao, so she quickly converged her voice.

The doctor touched qiu'er's pulse, and then shook his head to Yun Qingrao.

His meaning is very obvious, the person is already dead, hopeless.

Yun Qingrao's eyes are slightly cold, and the whole person's aura is cold and serious.

She stood up gently, the cold in her eyes seemed to overflow.

"Did you catch it?"

She asked a question with her back hand, and then those servants who came back looked at each other and felt guilty in their eyes.

"Tell the princess, the man escaped too fast, and his subordinates have chased and lost him!"

Originally thought that Yun Qingrao would be angry, but saw the cloud Qingrao eyes are very calm, even with a bit clear.

"If you lose it, go down!"

Hearing this, all people don't know why Baiyun Qingrao suddenly said so. In the face of the princess who suddenly changed her temperament, a kind of hairy feeling surged in everyone's heart.

They felt that there was something different about the princess.

And this change is so great that a little woman, standing there, gives people a strong sense of oppression, which makes them these big men have to bow their heads.

In the past, the respect for Yun Qingrao was just because of her identity and the face of Gong Liuyu. But now, these people have found that the respect and fear are from the bottom of their hearts.

Cloud Qingrao let people gather up the body of qiu'er, and then asked Chuner about some things about qiu'er's family.

However, the answer that Yun Qingrao gets is that qiu'er is an orphan.

Originally very simple things, but become a little tricky up, but Yun Qingrao has promised qiu'er to send her back, which she will do with all she has.

Chun'er looks at the princess with a cold face. Her tears fall down continuously. She is afraid that the princess will be upset when she sees her expression and tries to put her mind back.

"Wang Er Don't be sad, princess. It's natural for qiu'er to save the princess. The princess doesn't have to Er Don't worry about it

Spring son side of the cry, while belching want to comfort Yun Qingrao, but this comfort words, in this moment, to the heart of Yun Qingrao.

"Who in the world should die for?"

She raised her head a little, and looked at the void that did not know where the end was.

Originally a quiet night, also with the arrival of the assassin was disturbed by the jifeigoutiao.

The assassin was not found in the whole palace, and the assassin was mixed into the room with enchanting clouds. The seriousness of the incident was enough to make people feel cold.

The sky is about to dawn. Gong Liuyu, who went out at night, guessed that he would come back late. As soon as he entered the door, he heard his hands faltering about what happened at night.

Gong Liuyu hears the speech and comes to the room where Yun Qingrao lives.

The sky is not fully bright, but cloud Qingrao did not sleep, her room is still lit by weak lights.

The haze of the sky fell on the expressionless face of Gong Liuyu, hiding a bit of the taste of people.

He gently pushed the door open, and saw the cloud Qingrao sitting beside the bed, and chun'er, who was dazed on the chair and had red and swollen eyes, immediately came in: "ah Yao!"

The cloud inclines Rao to raise the head, the coldness in the vision has not subsided.

Seeing Gong Liuyu enter the door, she tries to straighten her face.

"Gong Liuyu, why are there assassins in the mansion? Is it difficult that your bodyguards and secret guards are so useless?"As soon as he entered the door, he faced the question of Yun Qingrao, which made Gong Liuyu's face change.

However, he was still calm, and there was a little apology in his eyes: "it's all the king's fault!"

Yun Qingrao is a little surprised. She thinks Gong Liuyu will at least explain for a while and then say a lot of reasons, but she didn't expect that the other party would admit his mistake directly.

Gong Liuyu is admitting his mistake!

This cognition makes Yun Qingrao don't know how to react for a while, but she clearly remembers how proud and resolute this person is.

To make him admit his mistake is the most impossible thing. She raised her head and looked at Gong Liuyu's long and slender eyes, which were full of waves and brilliance. The original blame in her heart also gradually disappeared.

"Can you tell me the truth? It was in the cave last time, and it's in the palace now. I know the Lord is very busy recently, but maybe I can help you too!"

She lowered her voice a little, and a little more of a deliberative tone.

In the past, she would never have said such a thing. After all, Yun Qingrao separated her from Gong Liuyu very thoroughly. She would not allow Gong Liuyu to ask her anything. She would not ask Gong Liuyu more.

Where he went and what he was busy with had nothing to do with her, and she would not care.

But now, she suddenly has an impulse to help Gong Liuyu.

But, Gong Liuyu this appearance looks impregnable man, originally should not need anyone to help, she asked, perhaps some redundant.

Cloud Qing Rao's eyes in a bit more hesitant color, slightly pursed the lips: "if you feel inconvenient..."

She wanted to say that you don't need to tell me if you feel inconvenient, but she hears the man in front of her.


Light of a word impact on the heart of the cloud Qingrao, she slightly raised her head to look at the face of the evil.

Gong Liuyu looked back at chun'er. Chun'er stepped out of the room and closed the door to them.

He placed the box that had been taken out of the tomb on the table.

"I left all night for it

Yun Qingrao took a look at the lock which was like some scratches. Knowing that Gong Liuyu had opened the box, she raised her head slightly and looked at him with some doubts: "what is in this box?"

Gong Liuyu lifted the lid directly and put one of the things inside in front of the cloud Qingrao.

A piece of snow-white, thin and transparent, like a silk handkerchief, appeared in front of her. The font used on it was very rare and complicated. If it wasn't for Yun Qingrao, it would be well-informed. I'm afraid I don't know it at all.

This is a list.

After seeing this list, Yun Qingrao only feels cold.

She finally knew what it was. It was the chess pieces that yunshang palace had planted in various countries decades ago.

After so many years of recuperation, these chessmen have gradually grown from those small seedlings to towering trees.

Her face was slightly pale. She did not expect that the Shen family would be one of them.

No wonder cloud palace attaches so much importance to this box, this thing, enough to destabilize the foundation of cloud palace.

This is the result of all the efforts made by the cloud palace for so many years. It can even be said that it is the foundation of the cloud palace to be superior to others.

She had not thought that yunshanggong was deeply involved with the royal family of Linyuan state, and even they were a part of Linyuan kingdom in the dark.

This huge plot, let cloud Qingrao slightly feel some suffocation.

No wonder those people brought by Mo ya want to kill Gong Liuyu and her. I'm afraid that is to kill people.

As long as they hand in the box, what they are waiting for is the endless pursuit and endless destruction of the palace.

"Yunqingrao, you never know how dangerous your situation is!"

Gong Liuyu's deep voice reverberates slowly in the cloud Qingrao's ear. Her hands are loose and the silk falls on the table.

"I see. Those people always know that I have this thing in my hand, but because I am of high position and power, I don't know whether I have seen the list or not, so they have been dragging their hands."

Her failure to target the people on the list was a sign of easing their vigilance.

But now that she has seen the list, her name is on the top death list of the palace of cloud.

She sneered, afraid that yunshanggong had been secretly calculating how to kill her in the light of the idea that he would rather kill wrong than let go.

Even if we let the list sink into the sea, we must not let it surface. In that case, the arrangement of Linyuan country for many years is a complete failure.

But it is because of the scrupulousness of those people that Yun Qingrao has a little curiosity about this matter, and then it is because of this curiosity that she discovers the truth.

The light of her eyes flickered slightly, with some indescribable determination."He won't let me live, and I won't let them be at ease. Linyuan Kingdom, yunshanggong, we can see!"

Gong Liuyu hears the speech, the lip Cape draws up a shallow radian.

However, before he opened his mouth, he saw Yun Qingrao raised his head and looked at him with a suspicious look: "I have talked with me for such a long time, but the Lord still hasn't given me the answer to the previous two questions. I'm not a three-year-old child. I'm not going to investigate anything about the abducted topic!"

Gong Liuyu's eyes flashed and a helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He turned his back and did not look at Yun Qingrao's eyes: "do you remember what happened in other villages?"

Yun Qingrao's face was slightly red. Thinking of his appearance on the cold bed that day, he coughed awkwardly: "how can I not remember? I haven't lost my memory!"

In order to ease the embarrassment, she deliberately used the tone of raising the bar. However, Gong Liuyu didn't take her words: "every month, I have two days of breath jam, and my skill is greatly reduced."

Hearing this kind of words, cloud inclines Rao to stare big eyes, some can't believe looking at him.

"You Is that true? "

Her tone is somewhat obscure, also understand why Gong Liuyu is not willing to tell her the truth of this matter.

No one wants to expose his weakness. The most important thing for Gong Liuyu to stand in the eyes of the public is his unpredictable Kung Fu.

However, Yun Qingrao knows about Gong Liuyu's poisoning. When he took her to walk on the eaves, she never felt that he had these problems.

"Then you still take me with your lightness skill..."

Gong Liuyu shook his head gently: "it's the weakening of martial arts. It's not that you can't use martial arts at all. The lightness skill is OK."

So They had only one way to escape?

Cloud Qingrao some can't believe, gently looking at Palace Liuyu, that pair of eyes in the guilt more thick a few minutes.

It seems that she owes Gong Liuyu a lot.

"You don't have to worry about it. This matter has nothing to do with you. Besides, my king has been protected by dark guards all the year round. This is a trivial matter at all."

Little things? How could it be a little thing.

If you encounter this situation next time, and people know that Gong Liuyu's weakness, he himself is very dangerous.

Yun Qingrao gently pursed her lips, and her eyes crossed a light color: "Gong Liuyu, you really didn't hate me?"

She dropped her eyes slightly, and her whole body was full of loneliness.

When Gong Liuyu saw her appearance, she immediately laughed and said, "hate!"

Such a reply without any hesitation makes Yun Qingrao breath suffocate. If he said that he did not hate her, she would have doubts, but now such an answer makes her in a dilemma.

"Why then?"

Yun Qingrao now has some believe that Gong Liuyu likes her, but she still seems like a dream, even in the bottom of her heart, also occasionally some doubts.

She had never seen in her life who would fall in love with the enemy, and why did he not say so when she was still alive?

If there was a misunderstanding at that time, it would not have happened later.

This is what she wants to find out, otherwise she will not be at ease in her life.

But who knows, Gong Liuyu smiles at her mysteriously: "can't you forget?"

She forgot? Forget what?

She always has a good memory. She seems to have never forgotten anything. In her memory, she and Gong Liuyu only had the relationship of monarch and minister, and then she was the kind of mortal enemy who fought openly and secretly.

Moreover, at the beginning, Gong Liuyu's attitude towards her was definitely not in favor of her. Although later, she felt that she couldn't tell the truth, but she couldn't understand what happened.

"Gong Liuyu, you are still selling the key!"

Cloud Qing Rao some angry looking at him, eyes in a bit more impatient.

However, Gong Liuyu didn't feel her anxiety. She said, "in this case, when you think about it in the future, I will tell you again!"

"You are obviously ambiguous. If I remember, I need you to say it?"

Gong Liuyu's face was very calm: "that king just don't want to say!"

Yun Qingrao is frustrated. I don't know how to communicate with Gong Liuyu.

She sighed softly. "Forget it. It's not too late to say it when you want to."

"Qiu'er died in order to save me. I want to send her bones home. Qiu'er is different from chun'er. She was abducted when she was a child, not a real orphan."

When Gong Liuyu heard the words, there was some solemnity in his eyes: "OK, the king will let Gong Cheng do it immediately!"

For Gong Liuyu's ability to handle affairs, Yun Qingrao has always been very reassured, "If today is not qiu'er, the dead must be me. I also think that I have the chance to die twice?"Gong Liuyu frowned in an instant and looked up at the cloud.

Yun Qingrao some do not understand the meaning of those eyes, but she still felt a little concern in the dark.

"Recently, some people have been sent to the mausoleum to move things out of the tomb. The affairs in the mansion are neglected by my king!"

When Yun Qingrao heard such an explanation, her face was filled with some vague doubts: "then when I attacked you before, why didn't you see the king's negligence?"

Her problem is really too tricky, let Gong Liuyu frown between the deeper, he gently raised the eyebrows, eyes with a bit solemn: "this kind of thing will not happen again!"

Yun Qingrao only felt tired. She gave a bitter smile: "if this kind of thing happens again, I can't sit here and talk about it with you!"

As soon as she closed her eyes, she seemed to see qiu'er lying on the ground. "But I'm very grateful to qiu'er for letting me understand that sometimes revenge is not the main thing."

She had only one obsession, but the death of qiu'er broke her obsession.

Revenge is not her foundation. What she should do now is to protect those who are still alive and care about her.

Gong Liuyu's eyes gradually revealed some gratification: "you can not forget that the original cloud Qingrao has died, you are now Lin Qingyao!"

There is a bright color in her eyes.

Since her rebirth, she has never really regarded herself as Lin Qingyao, and her heart and mind are all about the people and things that she is still alive.

Now, if she changed her mind, she would regard herself as Lin Qingyao in the future, and she might be much easier to live like that.

"Well, you're right. Thank you very much."

The cloud inclines to enchant in the eye son to coruscate the brilliance again, the eyes are shining brilliantly.

For a moment, Gong Liuyu seemed to find a dazzling light on her body, and the corners of her mouth could not help but lift up a little shallow radian.

The sky is already bright, and the sun shines down the window. The cloud Qingrao converges all the emotions on her face, and then orders to leave: "I'm sleepy and have a rest. Let me take good care of Chuner before qiu'er dies. From today on, she has been following me."

Yun Qingrao finish this sentence, really tired lying on the bed to sleep in the past.

Gong Liuyu went to the bed and saw that the cloud Qingrao showed her vulnerable side in front of her without any defense, and her eyebrows and eyes were slightly extended.

See her exposed shoulder, and then gently hold a corner of the quilt, cover her.

The cloud in the dream inclines Rao to feel the movement, slightly wrinkled the nose, but still motionless.

Gong Liuyu sat beside her for a long time and then walked out of the room.

Gong Cheng has already brought people back, early guard in front of his courtyard door, see Gong Liuyu approach, he said quickly: "Lord, everything has been transferred to a safe place!"

Gong Cheng's eyes are still a little shocked. I didn't expect that there would be so much gold and silver in the tomb. With these silver, it would be possible to form and train an army.

In the era of military power, as long as we hold a heavy army, we can have more discourse power in the court.

It's as if Yun Tianhong didn't dare to deal with Gong Liuyu, because Gong Liuyu firmly controlled zhenbeiguan.

As long as Gong Liuyu orders, all the generals of zhenbeiguan will not hesitate to rebel.

This is what the emperor is afraid of most, so even if he hates Gong Liuyu, he doesn't dare to tear his face.

"Well done!"

Gong Cheng hesitated for a moment, or continued to say: "the silver sent by the prime minister's house, do you want to send it to the princess?"

Gong Liuyu hears the speech, the corner of the mouth overflows a smile, and then nods.

Gong Cheng sees Gong Liuyu's smile and admires Yun Qingrao in his heart.

There are few people who can affect Gong Liuyu's mood now, but he doesn't see where Yun Qingrao can attract Gong Liuyu.

As if thinking of something, Gong Cheng asked hesitantly, "does the prince like the princess very much?" It's true that the man was already dead, and all the grudges were nothing.

Gong Cheng knew that his problem had been overstepped, but he had the courage to say a word.

Gong Liuyu looks light and looks at Gong Cheng with his back.

"Can't you see that?"

As a confidant of the Lord, of course, he can see it, but he feels a little inconceivable.

"My Lord, I don't know. I don't know if the princess has any special qualities."

Gong Cheng asked carefully, but also appropriately looked at the expression of Gong Liuyu.

Seeing that he was not angry, I was relieved.

But, still got a let palace Cheng confused answer.

"You don't understand!"

Leaving three words, Gong Liuyu turns and walks away. Gong Cheng looks at the back of his prince in surprise. He can't help but turn around and take a look at the direction of enchanting garden.Maybe, this woman is really different. If the Lord can really meet a woman who really treats him, it's good.

Gong Cheng just thought of this, and behind him came a subordinate, "subordinates and others went to trace the origin of the man in black who had escaped before, and found that the poison used by the man in black came from the imperial palace!"

Gong Cheng hears the speech, in the eye in the instant delimits a surprised brilliance.

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