"Hiss, hiss..."

The blue Bugatti Veyron slammed the brakes and scratched two long black marks on the road. Even in the air, you can smell the burning smell of friction.

The beautiful women in Bugatti Veyron slightly narrowed their beautiful eyes, and the white shellfish teeth bit their lips hard. What appeared in her sight was the bastard in front of her car just now.

According to the idea of beauty, I threw him 600000, not to mention repairing the car. Even if I was selling one, it was more than enough.

But the boy chased him and showed a proud expression. He must still want to blackmail himself.

The beautiful woman has a prominent family and is worth hundreds of billions, but she is not easy to mess with. From Xiaosheng's Golden Nest at home, she developed the character that she can't rub the slightest sand in her eyes.

In particular, she hates people like Su Hao who are insatiable.

But for Su Hao, Su Hao doesn't like such a proud young lady. What's the matter with money? Money can be lawless.

Therefore, the two people who are willing to dig into the horns met in this way.

At the moment, they are more than 30 meters apart. Not near, not far away. For Bugatti Veyron, it can fly to Su Hao's Mercedes Benz in almost three or four seconds.

At this time, the atmosphere between the two seemed fierce and abnormal. Even the car driver driving from one side couldn't help looking sideways to find out the relationship between the two car owners.

A moment later, Su Hao pulled down the window glass triumphantly, poked his head out, and a cunning smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

In this atmosphere full of gunpowder, Su Hao's provocative smile is undoubtedly equivalent to a burning flame! In an instant, it made a burst of unprofitable business fire in the heart of the beautiful woman.

"Kill this shameless bastard!"

The beautiful woman Shui Yinyin's eyes twinkled with two pure lights. She slowly put her little hand on the gear and quietly adjusted the gear of Bugatti Veyron to the maximum.

At the same time, the delicate and small three inch lotus is staring at the crystal sandals and stepping on the accelerator to the maximum.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

A black smoke came out of Bugatti Veyron's exhaust pipe with a hot flame.

Seeing this scene, Su Hao instantly petrified. Soon, Su Hao's handsome cheeks were sweating.

Sleeping trough, this woman doesn't want to rush over and hit me.

Su Hao suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart, and the ominous sign became more and more intense, so that Su Hao hurriedly wanted to untie his seat belt and jump out of the car.


Just as Su Hao was flustered to untie his seat belt, he opened the door and jumped out. The ready Bugatti Veyron turned into a blue streamer and flashed in front of Su Hao.



"Police uncle, she's murder, that's murder!" Su Hao had a lot of bruises on his cheeks and arms. Even on his arms, he could clearly see a bloody scar up to seven or eight centimeters long.

Thanks to Su Hao's quick reaction, he hid in the co pilot's position in time. Otherwise, if you are hit by a full speed Bugatti Veyron, you will probably have a fracture or bone fracture.

Now Su Hao's Mercedes Benz has been seriously deformed and almost scrapped!

Perhaps because the two cars collided, there was too much noise. Within three minutes, a group of real police came and took them back to the police station.

However, after being taken to the police station, Su Hao really realized that different classes were treated differently.

The beauty didn't know her identity. Even the police chief was flattering and groveling on her side. On the other hand, Su Hao's life is cold. Except for two policemen who are taking notes, no one is willing to pay too much attention to Su Hao.

"Uncle policeman, this has nothing to do with me. That girl drove into me like crazy. Oh, hey, my waist plate, my tail root!" Su Hao pretended to be in pain. Even the two policemen who took notes thought Su Hao's acting skills were too much.

The male policeman sitting on the left kept knocking on the table with a pen and said coldly, "come on, be honest with me. When there is a place here and there is a show, I think it's a pity not to give you the Oscar."

"+ = do you know who you offended? That's the first lady of Murong family." another policeman added in time: "your boy is greedy enough. Miss Murong has given you 600000. Why are you driving to block others."

what the fuck!

What is this? I don't want money, but an apology.

Su Hao stuck his neck and said, "Uncle policeman, what I want is not money, but an apology."


The two policemen looked at each other. After looking at each other, they both stared at Su Hao with a funny look.

As police, they have dealt with many traffic accidents. People with such accidents will say that they want an apology, not money.

While Su Hao was taking notes, Miss Murong, sitting on one side, stared lazily and indifferently at the desktop computer on the table. Now there is a sitcom on the computer, but it is an extremely boring and funny way.

"Miss Murong, what else do you have to say? As long as you say, I'll send someone to do it right away." the police chief is a short man in his fifties against the Mediterranean.

At this time, the chief of the police station was flattering on his face, half bent, and stood in front of Miss Murong in fear.

Miss Murong glanced lazily at the chief of the police station, and then said silently, "you're blocking my sight."

The police chief looked embarrassed, then smiled, hid aside, came to Su Hao, looked dignified and said, "boy, I think you can reconcile this matter. Murong's family is rich and has great business. Not to mention you, even I can't afford to offend."

Murong family!

Is it difficult that this girl has something to do with Murong seal, but Su Hao has never heard that Murong seal has a sister or something.

At this point, Su Hao could not bear the evil spirit. Now, let alone Murong seal, even Murong Fu, Su Hao would never buy it.

"No! I have to sue her today. She's murder, murder." Su Hao shouted loudly. His sharp voice and temple like expression seemed to want to move Miss Murong not far away.

However, the beauty had a reasonable expression of love and didn't pay any attention to Su Hao's clamor.

A moment later, the beautiful woman whispered, "I should have killed this bastard directly."

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