One after another screams came from the bathroom, which couldn't help attracting the students who were training.

Everyone looked at each other. No one knew what was going on inside. About five or six minutes later, the scream inside gradually stopped. When the onlookers outside planned to go in and see what was going on, the door of the men's toilet was accidentally pushed open from inside.

Su Hao came out head-on. When he looked at it, Su Hao also carried a big man with a beaten face and purple eyes.

That person is Zhang Liang!

In the fighting department of the Sports Institute, Zhang Liang's reputation is still very big. On the one hand, Zhang Liang is really capable. On the other hand, people who have played with Zhang Liang know that Zhang Liang is vicious and often does some illegal things.

For example, in the boxing ring, as long as one party's knee touches the ground, the other party can no longer attack.

But if you are knocked down when playing with Zhang Liang, you should guard against Zhang Liang. No matter whether you have fallen to the ground and can't attack, as long as the referee doesn't say, he will still rush up and punch the other party in the head!

Once, even when the other party fell to the ground and admitted defeat, Zhang Liang punched the other party, causing the high school student to have a severe concussion and was sent to the hospital.

Therefore, Zhang Liang's ferocity and disobedience to the rules have long been notorious in the fight department.

But today's scene is really surprising. Zhang Liang, who had always been fierce and no one dared to provoke, was beaten black and blue like a lost dog and carried out of the bathroom.

The onlookers had heard of Zhang Liang's bad conduct, so this time he was beaten. Not only did no one report to the teacher, but he was a bit of schadenfreude. He wanted to see Zhang Liang's bear now!

Calmly, Su Hao looked around and said in a slow voice, "fellow students, I have some private affairs with Zhang Liang. If you can, please give me a way."

Su Hao's voice was not loud, but he quickly passed through the crowd like an electric current. Let the onlookers of the students, can not help but hit a spirit, one after another backward!

Seeing that the people had made way for themselves, Su Hao moved forward slowly with Zhang Liang's collar as if dragging a dead dog!

Just as Su haogang walked out of the crowd, fat Feng Bo also came out of the bathroom. The four boys beat him up in the morning, which made Feng Bo itch. Su Hao knocked the other three out this time. Feng Bo naturally can't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Just after su Hao walked out of the bathroom, Feng Bo kicked the other three boys under their crotch!

The said kick can't kill their children and grandchildren, but when they wake up, it will hurt them for ten days and a half months.

After finishing these quickly, Feng Bo jumped out of the bathroom triumphantly, ran out of the passage let out by the crowd and caught up with Su Hao!

With a smile, Feng Bo said with a proud smile: "boss, I can't see that you are too powerful. You put down these four professionally trained people. I really admire you more and more now!"

After that, Feng Bo glanced down and caught a glimpse of Zhang Liang carried by Su Hao. For a moment, he remembered the scene of this guy beating himself in the morning. He was angry and went up to "click" and slapped Zhang Liang on the cheek!

Then he angrily scolded, "NIMA, dare to beat me. Now you know how powerful it is. If I see you once in the future, I will beat you once."

Although Su Hao couldn't see feng Bo's powerful behavior, he didn't stop it too much.

After all, Feng Bo was also beaten. He just slapped Zhang Liang in the face. It's light!

Su Hao doesn't have many ideas about what to take advantage of others. In Su Hao's opinion, taking advantage of people's danger can not be used as the key point of evaluating a person's quality at all.

Since Su Hao became the captain of the mercenary team, the way of thinking in his mind is that as long as the enemy makes a slight mistake in the arrangement of troops, it is his chance to start.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. Who can give you time to be fully prepared. Even if there is only a chance, we should turn the tide.

After all, the battlefield is not a place to joke. A trace of kindness may result in his comrades in arms and brothers falling into a pool of gunfire and blood!

It is precisely because he is used to thinking on the battlefield that Su Hao can't see those full of benevolence, righteousness and morality.

Grandma, if you don't care about life and death, do it if you don't accept it!

When Su Hao took Zhang Liang to the door of the fight training hall, he threw Zhang Liang out with a strong wrist!


As Zhang Liang fell to the ground, the three beauties guarding the door were so frightened that they lost their color and hurried to hold together.

At first, they thought Su Hao was beaten into this miserable look, and then thrown out.

But when you look carefully, the man lying on the ground is very different from Su Hao in body shape and appearance, especially his dark skin color.

After the three girls recovered their looks, they looked up and saw Su Hao walking back. There was no injury on his face or even any sign of going through a big war!

Feng Bo, who followed Su Hao, also came over with a smile and boasted: "Tong Tong, see, this is my real strength. After I went in just now, I gave those four boys a five thunder gossip palm and beat the shit with a few moves."

Five thunder Bagua palm?

When I called at noon, didn't I say ruyitong arm fist?

Liu Yutong is not a silly and naive girl. She glanced at Feng's eyes, pursed her thin lips, raised a sneer and joked: "Oh, I can't see it. You really enjoy the martial arts of all families. However, I remember who was beaten to cry in the morning? It seems to be you!"

After being exposed, Feng Boshan smiled, scratched his head with ashamed eyebrows and drooping eyes, and said with a smile: "I didn't play my game wrong! Wait, I'll show you my real strength now."

After that, Feng Bo rushed up angrily and kicked Zhang Liang in the stomach. Now Feng Bo's heart can't help jumping out of the fire. If it weren't for these bastards to calculate themselves, he can lose his favor just established in front of the goddess Liu Yutong.

Grandma, I kick you to death, I kick, I kick!

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