The accounts of these ancients are generally in line with reality. The prehistoric civilization of Atlantis has indeed reached such a height.

More importantly, Atlantis people have begun to evolve gradually. Their intelligence and life expectancy have been significantly improved.

However, the protoss wanted to include Atlantis into the tenth race of Haotian world. After all, Atlantis have shown the trend of evolution. If they take Maya fruits, they are almost the same as those of the nine races.

But at that time, the ice family had always coveted the human world and wanted to expand the strength of the ice family by invading the human world.

Thus, when the protoss had not sealed the space tunnel with the human world, the ice clan transported a large number of soldiers to the human world.

War was imminent, and the civilization of Atlantis was not the opponent of the ice family in any case, so it was defeated again and again.

Finally, the protoss dispatched the Qinglong royal family. Only one Qinglong royal family will defeat the ice family. Of course, facing the ice family in its heyday, the Qinglong royal family also suffered a lot of losses.

But because the battlefield is in the human world, the Qinglong royal family and the ice family have invested almost all their scientific and technological weapons and soldiers in this monstrous war.

The civilization established in Atlantis for thousands of years was also destroyed in this war. Even Atlantis sank to the bottom of the sea because of the tsunami caused by the big bang.

Atlantis civilization has vanished!

After this war, the strength of the ice family has fallen. Up to now, the ice family still hasn't recovered and has declined.


The green dragon royal family, which protects the protoss, will go out in full only when the status of the protoss is threatened. If the Qinglong royal family makes a rash attack for other reasons, it is likely to make the God Emperor suspect the Qinglong royal family and weaken the Qinglong royal family. This is also the main reason why the Qinglong royal family did not send troops when there was a rebellion in the temple.

After all, whether the rebellion succeeds or fails. The ultimate God Emperor in power can only be controlled by the protoss royal family.

In other words, no matter which side the Qinglong royal family helps, it is destined to leave a handle! It is for this reason that the wily Dragon King did not send troops to help either party.

But in front of the flower monk, the most important problem is not the attitude of the Qinglong royal family. But how to protect the children in Irene's belly, which is the blood of the orthodox royal family of the protoss!

After pondering for a long time, monk Hua said decisively, "Irene has Su Hao's flesh and blood. In any case, we can't leak any news about this. Even members of the CIA should not tell. If not, the vision of the alien race is likely to shift from Su Hao to the child in Irene's belly."

Huahe mountain reminds me of this. The old man has thought of it for a long time. This is also one of the reasons why the old man didn't agree that Irene and Su Hao were together!

If Irene liked someone else, the old man might have a big dinner. But Irene fell in love with Su Hao with the royal blood of the protoss, which made the old man quite difficult.

It was originally a happy thing, but now it is mixed!

The old man grabbed a cigarette and lit it again. Wisps of white smoke curled up to cover the old man's uncertain, windy and frosty face.

"I won't tell you anything about Irene. I still know the importance of it." the old man took a deep breath of his cigarette, then ejected two columns of smoke from his nose, and said in a hoarse voice: "Bai Zizi, the captain of the jiufan team, reported to me yesterday afternoon. The warship of the purple wing royal family attacked the warship of the Silver Eagle royal family. Moreover, Su Hao was still on the warship at that time. Could it be that the purple wing royal family wanted to murder Su Hao!"


For this familiar word eye, the purple wing royal family had planned this as early as 18 years ago. If it weren't for the efforts of monk Hua and the cover of the Silver Eagle royal family, I'm afraid Su Hao wouldn't live to this age.

With a cold smile, monk Hua said sadly: "when the protoss had a temple rebellion, the purple wing royal family secretly united with the Golden Lion royal family to launch a coup. Although Su Hao has the orthodox blood of the protoss royal family, the problem is that the current God Emperor is Su Hao's uncle. He took the position of the God Emperor through rebellion, and naturally will not recognize Su Hao's existence."

"But if the current God Emperor really doesn't recognize Su Hao's existence, why didn't the purple wing royal family kill Su Hao who survived by chance after shooting down the warship of the Silver Eagle royal family. Doing so seems to please the God Emperor. After all, once Su Hao dies, the current God Emperor won't usurp the throne." The old man raised his own questions. In fact, he knew about the situation of the Protoss and Hao heaven through monk Hua.

Monk Hua restrained his relaxed smile and replied coldly, "you don't understand the truth of the cunning rabbit dead running dog cooking. No matter what the current God Emperor does, his act of usurping the throne is true in the whole Hao heaven. What's more, if the God Emperor really wants to kill Su Hao, Su Hao and I have been hidden in the human world for so long and have been found by the God clan."

Hearing these words, the old man seemed to have a sudden understanding. His cold eyes glanced at monk Hua, "you mean that the God Emperor still thinks about the blood relationship with Su Hao."

Blood relationship is something that arrogant Protoss people rarely have. Even in the human world, kinship is not a way to maintain family affection.

"This is just one of them. The main problem is that if the God Emperor kills Su Hao, it will be difficult to convince the public within the Protoss. What's more, Su Hao's grandfather is also the controller of the Silver Eagle royal family. After the God Emperor succeeded to the throne, he did not investigate the Silver Eagle royal family, but he was showing his mind and ambition to the outside world. Although Su Hao is also an orthodox royal family of the protoss, Su Hao There is no help around me except me, a bad old man, which poses no threat to the status of the God Emperor. "

At this point, the flower monk paused and continued: "The open and covert struggle between the purple wing royal family and the Silver Eagle royal family began as early as the last God Emperor. Everyone wants to master the warships of the whole Protoss! And the old fox of the wing king, I'm afraid he knew Su Hao was among the warships of the Silver Eagle royal family, so he chose to attack in a desperate way. If Su Hao was killed, the purple wing royal family will throw all the responsibility to the Silver Eagle royal family To achieve his political goals. "

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