"The blood clan indiscriminately kills innocent people in the human world. Shouldn't mankind fight back? If you allow your blood clan to act recklessly in the human world, the whole mankind will be destroyed sooner or later."

Su Hao said angrily: "at least, we humans fight for justice in our hearts, and everyone in the CIA is like this."


What a ridiculous word.

It seems full of positive energy, but it just finds the right reason to kill.

For more than 20 years, zemura has seen through the so-called justice and how hypocritical it is. The so-called ethnic interests are above all else. How dirty and shameful it is, which makes him determined to break away from his blood family and spend the rest of his life.

However, with the frequent murders in Beijing and the gathering of blood families in Beijing, zecun has already made all preparations.

Or fight, or die!

"Young man, what is justice in your eyes? The so-called justice doesn't actually exist. If you dig down carefully, you can see ugly, dirty and muddy water. Believe me, there is no justice in this world!"

Said here, Ze village's deep eyes gradually become empty and his thoughts fly around. It seems that at this moment, the world in Ze village's mind is flowing back rapidly.

"I used to think that building bronze was a just act for the reproduction of the whole blood clan and the future of the whole blood clan. But when I was tired of killing and saw some high-level people in the blood clan who were willing to sacrifice their men for personal interests, I realized that the so-called justice was just talking about."

Zecun's tone is very slow. The magnetic baritone can always make people feel very close. It seems that sitting in front of you is not an old man, but the incarnated God.

"I must admit that I killed many innocent people at the beginning. Life is a painful memory for me every day. But when I look back and see myself covered with red blood, I really want to say to him, 'stop, not to be a good man, but to have no regrets'. Unfortunately, I can't do it, I can only look at myself once , it's gone away, leaving only my old body! "

Zecun's words gave Su Hao a shock from his soul. The experience of life often reveals its endless value only in old age.

After taking a breath of air-conditioning, Su Hao seemed a little embarrassed. Facing the old man in front of him, Su Hao found that he had no power to parry and fight back.

Whether in terms of strength, or in terms of mouth skills!

Su Hao had to admit that this was the first time he met an opponent in his life.

How to persuade the old man in front of him? Su Hao's communication brain. He rubbed the white porcelain cup awkwardly and thought for a long time. Su Hao suddenly thought of something.

That's the dialogue between the founder and Su Hao!

"What exactly do you want to protect?"

This sentence, like an arrow, directly hit Su Hao's heart and made Su Hao open.

Perhaps the old man is right. There is no pure justice and evil in this world. This is often reflected in the animal kingdom.

The simpler the social group, the more people can feel the profound truth of returning to nature without impurities.

Whenever we see the lions on the African grassland pouncing on those poor antelopes and bison, we always mourn silently for the weak side.

Even we will have a resistance that the lion is cruel and evil. Then we may all imagine that if someone hunted these lions at this moment.

In our subjective consciousness, we often regard the deprived and the powerful as cattle, ghosts, snakes, gods, floods and beasts.

Think they are evil!

But the problem is, when fate is absolutely whether you are a herbivore or a carnivore, it seems that your life has been fixed.

If you are a lion, you must use your tusks and claws to kill for your own survival.

If you are an antelope, you must use speed and endurance to escape for your own survival.

This is fate. It doesn't matter whether it's good or evil!

After thinking for a long time, Su Hao asked solemnly, "you are right. Maybe there is no justice or evil in this world. However, even if we are small, we should protect the people we love in our hearts."

After that, Su Hao pointed to those neon incense cleaning on the first floor and said, "I think you should always take care of neon incense and neon clouds. If they are involved and die in this battle, it will be painful for you. We are not fighting for the so-called justice, but for protecting the most important people in our hearts."

Su Hao's words made zecun fall into deep thought.

Although the young man is only in his twenties, he thinks far more than himself.

Yes, just to protect the most important person in your heart!

This is the meaning of survival.

Ze village got up slowly. On his thin cheeks, wrinkles were everywhere. Ze village, with a gloomy face, remained silent for a long time.

"Su Hao, if you know clearly, everything will be destroyed. In the last period of your life, what will you choose to do, whether to accompany your family or play in the world?"

"I will fight until I die!" Su Hao's eyes were very firm. While he said this sentence, familiar figures clearly appeared in his mind.

Irene, Su Ruoshui, Su Nian, Murong XINGRAN, Gu Xiaobai, Feng Bo

"I was once the leader of the blood clan sent to the human world to establish the bronze organization. The main task of the bronze organization is to obtain the mysterious gate map of miracles in the human world. In fact, we bronze had obtained the mysterious gate map of miracles more than a year before the bronze was encircled and suppressed. Then, in more than 20 years of research, I successfully found the specific location of the mysterious gate map of miracles, but, I never looked for it. As for the mysterious gate map of miracles, it was burned by me. "

Ze village tells the whole story, but the more secrets Ze village reveals, the more Su Hao feels what it means to think carefully!

It seems that Su Hao and Xiao Hei are right to guess. The reason why the blood clan tossed so much in Beijing was really for the position of the sixth miracle Xuanmen.

Moreover, when the blood clan chases Ni Xiang, I'm afraid they know that Ni Xiang is with Ze village. The most important thing is that only one person in Ze village knows the location of the sixth miracle Xuanmen.

In other words, the person pursued and killed by the blood clan this time is not a small neon incense, but Ze village!

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