Zhang Qing's anger is growing.

The Hydra became more and more excited.

"A little more anger is not enough."

Hydra will watch up, "there are 30 seconds left, if you don't hand, I'm afraid it's too late."

Lu Sen didn't do it.

He's still holding back.

However, his heart is very clear, this anger, afraid to be unable to hold on.

"My strength is waiting. If you agree, then my strength can be taken at any time."

"Shut up! shut up! Shut up

Lu Sen covered his ears and roared like a madman.

"Zhang Qing, don't refuse my power. At this time, you have no choice. If you don't use my power, your woman will die in 30 seconds. "

"Shut up

Lu Sen thumped his head fiercely, trying to stop the sound of his body.

However, no matter how he beat his head, it was useless.

"You'd better give up struggling. I know you want to gain strength. At the same time, don't you want to know who betrayed you?" The voice in my body is full of ridicule, "your brothers, those brothers who have gone through life and death, just because of you, will let them all die. Even if you occupy my body, how can you live and feel at ease?"

"Give up the struggle, accept my existence, this is the first thing you do." Voice again and again in the ear impact, "if you don't accept, then can only watch your woman die in front of you."

Everyone looked at the way Lu Sen banged his head and didn't know what he was doing.

"Lu Sen, the countdown has begun." The cold blade of Hydra slowly extended to Su Yu's neck, "ten, nine, eight..."

Ears listening to the sound of the Hydra count down, the voice in my mind and constantly ring up.


When the last number was finished, the Hydra said in a low voice: "Miss Su, it seems that he doesn't love you enough. Among so many people, one is his favorite. You're not his favorite, so I'm sorry. "

When the Hydra knife is raised, Su Yu's eyes show panic, and his mouth keeps making a whine sound, but he can't speak.

"Miss Su, I know you have a lot to say, but now it's your man who has given up on you. It's none of my business. If there is a chance, I will collect your soul after death and let you be reborn. Goodbye... "

The hydra's knife gently wiped Su Yu's neck.

The next second, Hydra's knife is behind.

I don't know when the Su language disappeared.

Hydra looks back and Su Yu is saved by Lu Sen.

Hydra was a little surprised, but he laughed.

"Lu Sen, this is your ultimate strength." Hydra mouth with a smile, "this just can save me a lot of time, I will take your soul, become my feed."

Lu Sen did not speak.

He took a light look at Su Yu, who was still in shock. His figure flashed and appeared in front of the hydra, holding a knife in his backhand and stabbing at the hydra.

The Hydra probably guessed that he would make a move, and he stepped back a few steps.

Lu Sen, who is almost in a crazy state, is ready to kill the Hydra with every knife.

The Hydra retreated quickly.

At the same time, Hydra felt very excited.

Lu Sen's strength has become more and more powerful, but for him, it is the best.

What's more, Hydra has not met such a powerful opponent for a long time. He also hopes that he can have a big fight. He doesn't need to be in a high position every day.

The female boss looked at the fight between the two people, and she stood beside Mu Qingcheng.

"Are you her wife?"

Mu Qingcheng can't speak.

The woman boss took the tape off her mouth.

"That's your man and my man fighting. Who do you think will win?"

Mu Qingcheng said coldly: "nature is my man."

"You are quite confident."

"I have to have faith in my man."The female boss sneered: "I think it's not only your man, but also their man."

Mu Qingcheng turns her head and looks at an Rou, although she always knows that Lu Sen has other women outside. But I never thought there would be so many.

Mu Qingcheng bit his lip and did not speak.

After a while, Mu Qingcheng said, "rose, I didn't expect that you were also occupied."

Rose said with a bitter smile: "no way, who let your man is too good. As a good man, I always have to take the initiative to throw myself in my arms. "

Mu Qingcheng said with a smile: "so even if that guy is very playful, he is still our man, isn't he?"

"Of course."

Mu Qingcheng turned his head and looked at the female boss, "do you hear me, even one tenth of them are my men."

The female boss sneered: "well, I'll let my man kill him now. In this way, you will lose your man at the same time."

"Your man may not be able to win." Mu Qingcheng said in a light voice, "if he's sure, he won't bring us here. It is because he is not sure that he will take us as hostages and try to make Lu Sen have scruples, so he can't let go of his hands and feet to fight. A strong man, he doesn't need to worry about anything at all. And your man, it seems, hasn't reached that level yet. "

Female boss Liu Mei Yang up, pinching Mu Qingcheng's neck, "cheap woman, you don't need to be too proud. As I said, today is the day of your dead men! "

"Maybe it's the day you die a man."

The female boss loosened her grip on Mu Qingcheng's neck and said, "I know you are an excellent woman who manages a listed company with one stroke. Actually, you're very much like me. However, you are not as decisive as I am. "

Mu Qingcheng sarcastically said: "don't you kill people so decisively? Or do you not steal your wallet so decisively at other people's parties? "

"You..." the female boss's eyes flashed a bit strange.

Mu Qingcheng looked at the female boss, "I think you must be surprised, why do I know such things. About ten years ago, it should be that time, in a cocktail party, you scurry around in the crowd, and then every time you pass by, you have an extra wallet in your hand. I've always thought you look familiar, but I'm not sure. Until I saw that mole in your index finger, I probably recognized it. "

"But I didn't expect that after many years, you will have today's achievements and certain abilities. But in my opinion, a thief is always a thief. Even if you have today's achievements, you still can't get rid of the title of thief. "

"Shut up

The boss slapped her.


Crisp slap sound, soon Mu Qingcheng face more than five slap marks.

"Mu Qingcheng, no matter what kind of person you are, you have to understand that now you are a prisoner. Do you know that if you are a prisoner, you must be honest with me, or I will cut your face with a knife!"

The hot feeling on the face, Mu Qingcheng did not pay attention to.

Over the years, no one has ever beaten her, even though she has been staying at home.

However, in the current situation, she is in the hands of others.

"Do you think disfigurement can scare me?" Mu Qingcheng sneered, "if you have seed, just take out a knife and draw a knife on my face. Don't just talk about it."

"You don't think I dare?"

"I don't think you dare."

"Ha ha..." the woman boss laughed, "you are really funny. I will take it as a joke. But since you don't believe it, I'll make you regret what you just said. "

The female boss took out a knife, suddenly raised her head and rowed on Mu Qingcheng's face.

However, just as her knife was about to scratch Mu Qingcheng's face, a man rushed over and knocked her out.

The female boss is not a hydra. She is just an ordinary woman. Although she has great wealth, she is not a martial arts practitioner.

The knife fell to the ground after the woman boss was hit and flew.

The man who knocked her down quickly picked up the knife on the ground and untied the rope in Mu Qingcheng's hand.


Mu Qingcheng is stunned!

Because it's not someone else who bumps into the female boss, it's her grandfather who has been looking for a long time.

Even in her wedding did not see him old man appeared, but at this time, in order to save her rushed out."Good granddaughter, it's OK."

I admire the old.

An old man who has been missing for many days suddenly appears.

Looking at the woman boss who fell on the ground, he said without expression: "I have said for a long time that anyone who wants to hurt my granddaughter must step through my old bone."

The female boss stood up from the ground, looked at Mu Shaoxiong, sneered: "old mu, you are finally led out."

The old man frowned.

The woman boss laughed, but her smile was so insidious.

"Do you think you're taking everyone hostage today? You are really wrong about that. In fact, from the beginning, our goal is you. It's just, normally, you don't show your face, but we know you're around. "

Mu Lao wrinkled more and more tightly and seemed to think of something.

"Old man mu, give me that thing in your hand."

"I'm afraid you don't have the chance to get my thing," he said coldly. Unless you step on my old bone - but even if you do, you won't get it. "

"Pa pa."

The female boss took two pictures, and then rushed out of the villa a dozen people, all wearing a pair of sunglasses, and wearing black suits.

It's about the same size.

"Old man mu, now that you have appeared, either hand over your things or you will all die!"

The female boss's expression became ferocious. It seemed that her face was split.

A look at the situation of female boss is plastic surgery.

However, he didn't care at all, because now she had to subdue Mu Shaoxiong and snatch the things from him.

It's a very important thing for Hydra. The female boss also wants to know what kind of thing it is worth Hydra spending so much money and material resources to get.

"Give it to me and I will spare you from death."

"Do you think I'm afraid of death when I live to this age?"

Female boss insidious way: "perhaps you are not afraid of death, but I will let you know, life is not like death is what kind of taste."

Move a finger, a dozen men in black suits rushed over.

At this time, black rose and Anrou and other women on the rope also untied.

Black Rose rushed up and pulled Mu Qingcheng aside. "You take them. I'll stop them here with Anrou."

Anrou is a member of the Nuwa people. Her ability, black rose, has been seen since she was a member of the Nuwa people.

Originally, they were going to save Lu Sen today, but unexpectedly, they were just ready to leave, and they were caught.

"Anrou, I'll put it off for a while. You ask your father to come."

Anrou nodded and immediately sent a distress signal to andaoshan.

"Sister mu, please take them away."

Mu Qingcheng looks at an rou. At this time, she doesn't say anything.

Looking at the flustered Jiang Wanzhu and Zhao Jinger, he walked over and said, "let's leave here first."

"But... Jiang Wanzhu is worried about Lu Sen's safety.

Mu Qingcheng knew what she wanted to say, and interrupted: "at this time, we can't help but delay. As for Lu Sen, you don't have to worry. Do you doubt the man you like“

Jiang Wanzhu looks at Mu Qingcheng, a strong woman in the business world. Even in this case, she still shows her unique toughness and calmness.

Jiang Wanzhu also did not say anything, and Zhao Jinger and others, as well as Mu Lao left together.

The female boss sneered: "do you want to go? It's impossible. "

The woman boss rushed over and tried to stop her.

Black rose was in the way of the boss.

"Your opponent is here."

Black Rose rushed to the female boss's chest with a flying kick.

However, this one fly kick didn't kick the female boss, but let the man in black to stop.

The female boss didn't have a panic expression. She said insidiously: "except for the old man, all the women will be killed. I want them to die in peace! "

It's absolutely terrible for women to be cruel.However, black rose is also a woman, she is also terrible now.

"If you want to kill me, you are not qualified!"

Black rose shot.

However, someone stopped her, and then she watched the woman boss walk to the stone house in front of her.


The woman boss went into the stone house, and there was no one inside.

"Come out!"

Then a woman came out from under the bed next to her.

A woman without clothes.

The female boss went over and pulled her hair directly.

"Come out of here!"

"It hurts!"

Female boss angrily way: "you this thief goods, you still have what qualifications to shout to ache now!"

The woman was the one who had just come in to tempt Lu Sen, but she did.

"Are you happy now? Broke a place, and then went to bed with a man? Even, his body those things rush into your body, do you think, may be pregnant

The woman did not speak, her body trembling.

In front of this woman whose face has split, she looks very terrible.

"You did it all!"

The woman boss is full of anger.

The woman as like as two peas, but not even looking at it, is the same as the female boss.

However, the female boss is not cosmetic surgery.

If plastic surgery, how can you hide the eye of Hydra.

They are twin sisters.

"Do you hate me now?" The female boss pulled the woman's hair, "but, I have today, you've done all this. At the beginning, if I hadn't saved you, I wouldn't have been raped. And you're better. Nothing's wrong. "


"You don't have to call me sister. There is really no sisterhood between us." The woman boss pulled the woman's hair and forced her out.

The female boss pointed to Lu Sen and the hydra, biting her teeth, and said in a deep voice, "do you see that man, who just took away your body. And that man, he's my man. They are fighting. Who do you think will win? "

Women don't know how to answer such questions.

Because, no matter how to answer, it is wrong for the female boss to be like this.

"When my man kills your man, then we can carry out the human clearance program. And you are doomed to be eliminated. "

"Elder sister... It's time for you to stop..." the woman said, "over the years, you've killed so many years, don't you have any guilt in your heart?"


The boss laughed. "How could I feel guilty. Those smelly men, they all die. And those women, they deserve more. In the end, all the women in the world die, and then I can choose the best men to be my pet. And when I get tired of them, I'll shoot them and send them to hell. "

When a woman looks at her boss, she becomes more and more strange, but also more and more terrible.

This is her sister, her twin sister.

However, what happened that year has nothing to do with her at all.

All this is because the female boss brought the man back, and then the other party wanted to plot against her. She said it was to save her. In fact, she obviously did it on purpose at that time.

After that, the elder sister seemed to be abandoned by the man, and then her temperament changed greatly.

She wants everyone dead.

"You stay here now, and I'll settle with you when they die. When the plan starts, if you want to survive, it's up to you to win it. "

The woman looked at the female boss walking forward, her face split, although no blood out, but let people look at it is quite terrible.

The woman looked ahead, and two groups of people were fighting.

However, she was not sure who could laugh to the end.


Lu Sen, who is already crazy, is left with only killing in his eyes at this time.

He has little emotion.Kill!

This is a reflection of his heart.

One knife after another, waving and chopping at the hydra.

"Lu Sen, your strength is not enough." Tianjiu snake dodged and said, "don't you want to kill me? If you can't kill me, then I will kill you."

Lu Sen still didn't speak. The black knife gas released by the ghost Dao was winding around the Hydra like a fierce ghost.

The Hydra hasn't made a move yet. He was dodging from the beginning.

However, Hydra also knew that Lu Sen was in such a state that it was impossible for him to stop. The only thing we can do is to subdue him directly and find a way to find out his soul.

However, Hydra thinks it can wait a little longer.

Because Lu Sen is not excited enough.

He thinks that the power in Lu Sen's body can be burst out again.

He's waiting.

Well, in the process of waiting, we must find a way to stimulate Lu Sen to the point.

Now, to stimulate Lu Sen's constant anger, the only way is to kill his women.

See in front of the running Mu green orange, Hydra figure flash, blocking the way of Mu green orange.

Mu Qingcheng, who was running, quickly stopped.

"Miss mu, I'm really sorry to come, because you are his wife. Among so many women, you are the most important one. Only by killing you will I be able to carry out my plan. "

Hydra's got it.

Lu Sen had seen it at this time. However, he was a little far away from the hydra, so there was no way to save him!


Lu Sen roared, but he couldn't help it. The nine headed snake's hand went through Mu Qingcheng's chest.

Mu Qingcheng felt a pain in his chest, and then the Hydra pulled out his hand from his chest.

Mu Qingcheng's body softened and he fell to the ground.

"General manager Mu!"

Jiang Wanzhu and Zhao Jinger hold Mu Qingcheng who is about to fall to the ground. They are in a panic.

"Lu Sen! Lu Sen

Jiang Wanzhu and Zhao Jinger began to cry.

"Ha ha ha..." the Hydra laughed wildly, "Lu Sen, how do you feel when you see the woman you like fall on the ground again? It's a pity that your woman died like this. In fact, if she died slowly, I'll give you a green hat, I'm sure

Lu turned his head and looked at the hydra. "Who are you?"

"Do you really want to know who I am?"

Lu Sen rushed over and kicked the hydra, but his body glided back to avoid it.

Lu Sen holds Mu Qingcheng. Her blood has dyed all his clothes red.

MuQing orange is still alive.

She took her last breath.

The bloody hand slowly reached into Lu Sen's face.

"Husband... Next life, I'll be your wife again... If there is another life..."

Finish saying, Mu green orange hand falls down, cut off gas.




Lu Sen's whole life has become more and more crazy.

Putting down the orange slowly, Lu Sen turned his head and his eyes became more red.

"That's it. You're up to the standard I want." The voice of Hydra became more and more deep. "Lu Sen, you should know that in order to wait for you to become this kind of state, I put a lot of thoughts into it. Now, you have finally become what I want to be. Then, come and be my fodder. "

"Hydra! I'll kill you

Lu Sen rushed over.

Lu Sen, who fills his mind with hatred, has completely given up his soul.

The power in the body is constantly released, which is almost unbearable for the body.

Mu Lao slowly knelt down, looking at the dead Mu Qingcheng, holding her and crying.

the old man wept bitterly.

"Qingcheng, my good granddaughter, how can you go ahead of your grandfather?""My good granddaughter... My grandfather hasn't really seen you in your wedding dress. How can you leave your grandfather behind..."

The cry of the old man made the whole scene more solemn and stirring.

"My good granddaughter, it's not you who should die, it's my old bone."

The old man put down MuQing orange and took out a black box from his body.

"Maybe it's the last thing that grandpa can do for me. Your parents were poisoned to protect this box. Now, this box should not let you have an accident. Grandfather has not appeared, is afraid will bring disaster to you. However, I didn't expect the disaster to come. "

The old man opened the box and there was something like a ball in it.

For this thing, he pretended to be a fool, and finally felt that the danger was getting closer and closer, so he chose to leave.

These days, he has been hiding, just don't want to let danger find his family.

However, danger came.

First there was an accident with his son, then there was his granddaughter.

This thing, you have to make it disappear.

Before it disappears, however, it can save the life of its granddaughter.

Mr. Mu took the black ball and walked to the Hydra step by step.

"Grandfather mu..." Jiang Wanzhu called him, "it's dangerous there. Don't go there..."

Mu Lao looked back at Jiang Wanzhu and said in an old voice, "look after Qingcheng for me. If she comes back to life and asks about me, tell her that I've been to a far place, where my comrades in arms and her parents are, Don't worry about it. "

Jiang Wanzhu didn't quite understand what he said.

However, she could not help but shed tears when she looked at Mu Qingcheng who had no breath.

As for what happened today, it came so fast that she didn't know what happened.

Everything came too quickly, and the immediate situation, let her at a loss.

Looking at the old Mu step by step, and the front of the fight is continuing.

If Mr. Mu goes there, he will die.

However, Jiang Wanzhu has no way to stop Mu Lao, because she can't protect herself now.

The woman boss came with her people.

Mu Lao stood in front of him and yelled at the hydra, "this is what you want. Now you take it!"

Nine headed snake defused Lu Sen's strength and stepped back a few steps.

When he saw a black object in his hand, his eyes became very excited.

"Old man mu, throw things here!"

Mu laodan said: "I can't throw it. If you want it, come and get it."

The Hydra galloped past.

However, Lu Sen stopped him.

"Get out of the way!"

Hydra wants to leave Lu Sen, but still has no way.

Seeing the woman boss running over, the Hydra yelled at her: "grab the things in the old man's hands quickly!"

The female boss took a look at the lost Mu Qing orange and went to Mu Lao.

That thing, Hydra always wanted to get, she also wanted to know what kind of thing it was.

Looking at the female boss coming, Mr. Mu smiles.

It was a kind smile.

The female boss was stunned.

"You will become what you are today. You are responsible for everything. Your sister has actually helped you a lot, but you don't know it. "

The female boss said in a deep voice: "I don't need you to talk about my business."

The old man sighed, "I thought that your grandfather and I were comrades in arms. It's just that he left me first. I'm thinking that if he didn't leave so early, he should be able to raise your two sisters well. "

The female boss clenched her fist and said angrily, "give me the things!"

Mr. Mu held up the black ball in his hand and said, "there's another thing you may not know. Qingcheng's parents and your parents had an accident because of this thing. They used to be friends, but in order to keep this thing, they both had an accident. "

"Old man mu, it's no use what you tell me now. I'll spare your life if you take things out. Otherwise, I will send you down to see your granddaughter now. "The woman boss has an extra gun in her hand.

There is no fear in Mu Qingcheng's eyes.


For him, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Looking back at Mu Qing orange lying on the bed, her blood has been slowly drained.

"I can't wait any longer. Your grandfather is still waiting for me below."

Finish saying, Mu old hand holding the black ball to open.

"Don't let him open it!"

Hydra's words are still a little slow, and Mu Lao has already opened it.

A golden light flew out of the black sphere, and then entered the body of Mu Lao.

When Mu Lao absorbed all the golden light, then the golden light burst out from him, like fireworks, rushing to the dawn, and then fell on Mu Qingcheng.

A few seconds later, Mulao disappeared.

Everything has returned to calm.

It's the same as before.

The female boss looked at the empty front, a little at a loss.

Then she set her eyes on Mu Qingcheng.

A few seconds later, her expression was surprised, as if she saw an incredible situation.

Mu Qingcheng wakes up.

The pierced chest, slowly recover.


If you don't see it with your own eyes, the female boss will never believe it.

Everyone present didn't believe it.

However, Mu Qingcheng did wake up.

After Mu Qingcheng sat up, he looked dull for a second, and then he looked around.

There was a shortage of her head and she didn't know what was going on. A man who is clearly dead is really resurrected.

This resurrection is not the same as the resurrection they made like Su Ming.

Mu Qingcheng looks at the surprised Jiang Wanzhu and Zhao Jinger and asks, "what happened?"

"Do you feel anything in your body?"

Mu Qingcheng looked down, except that her clothes were dyed red, there seemed to be nothing wrong.

A few seconds later, Mu Qingcheng suddenly thought of something, pupil micro Zhang.

She remembers letting the hydra's hand go straight through her chest.

Nowadays, there is no wound on the chest except for the clothes.

What the hell is going on?

Mu Qingcheng has no idea what happened.


Where's grandfather?

Looking around, I can't see where my grandfather is.

"Did you see my grandfather?"

Jiang Wanzhu looks at Zhao jing'er, and Zhao jing'er looks at Jiang Wanzhu. Neither of them knows how to answer.

Can you tell her that Mulao just turned into a golden light, and then those golden lights entered his body, and then burst out and fell on her, and then Mulao disappeared and she revived.

It sounds like a ridiculous lie.

"I don't know." Jiang Wanzhu shook his head.

In fact, she wanted to tell Mu Qingcheng the truth, but she was afraid that she had just come back to life. She couldn't bear the news that Mu Lao had saved her and disappeared.

One life for another.

How can such a result be accepted.

Mu Qingcheng looked around and did not see his grandfather.

But she really knew that her grandfather had appeared before.


There was a huge sound in front of me, and Mu Qingcheng's thoughts came back.

Lu Sen!

Mu Qingcheng looked forward and saw that Lu Sen and hydra were fighting.

Lu Sen at this time, he is almost a changed person.

Those eyes, they look so terrible and strange.

Mu Qingcheng clenched her fist and suddenly felt that her body was like a powerful force inside.

What the hell is going on?

Mu Qingcheng was not only surprised, but also a little scared.

Because she didn't know what was going on, and it was like she couldn't control it.At this time, she saw the fighting Hydra, leaving Lu Sen behind, and began to rush in front of her. Although Lu Sen is struggling to delay, but Hydra's speed is very fast.

Before and after less than three seconds, the Hydra has come to Mu Qingcheng.

"Give me back my strength!"

Hydra step by step approaching, because of panic, Mu Qingcheng began to back.

She just wanted to take a few steps back, but her body moved, but she took a big step back.

This distance is 20 meters away from the hydra.

Hydra see this scene, eyes become more and more greedy.

This is the power he wants.

I didn't expect to see you today.

It's a power that can really bring people back from the dead.

As long as he can get it, no one in the world will be his opponent.

"Give up the power." Hydra rushed over, he wanted to catch Mu green orange, but let the latter to shake off.

Hydra is not reconciled.

At this point, how can this power be lost.

"Give up your strength!" The expression of Hydra became more and more ferocious because of anger.

Mu Qingcheng doesn't know how to give up her power. She just feels very scared now.

This kind of panic comes directly from the heart.

However, when he saw Lu Sen coming from behind, Mu Qingcheng's sense of panic became smaller.

"Nine headed snake, die!"

Lu Sen, who is coming, blows angrily.

At this time, Lu Sen has long been blindfolded by hatred.

Even if Mu Qingcheng has come to life, but in Lu Sen's heart, Mu Qingcheng is already a dead man.

The Hydra grabbed Lu Sen's fist and said angrily, "don't come here to hinder me!"

The Hydra threw Lu Sen out.

After a spin in mid air, Lu Sen fell to the ground safely.

But now Lu Sen has recognized that hydra is the killer of Mu Qingcheng. As long as hydra is not dead, then hatred will not stop.

Lu Sen constantly attacks the hydra. Although the latter is angry, he just wants to tear Lu sen in two.

However, no matter how angry hydra is, Lu Sen's strength will not tear him in half so easily.


The impact of two forces, Lu Sen flew out behind.

However, before long, Lu Sen stood up again and continued to attack the hydra.

The power of every punch is almost the power of the whole body.

If he can knock down Hydra with one punch, Lu Sen will never use the second punch again.

It's the same with Hydra. He wants Lu Sen to die immediately.

Compared with Lu Sen's power at this time, Hydra hopes to get Mu Qingcheng's power.

The power of resurrection.

Having that power is equivalent to having endless life.

At that time, he will be the only one in the world.

Moreover, his plan can be carried out ahead of time.

At the thought of this, Hydra gets excited.

Over the years, in order to gain this power, he tried every means to kill so many people.

However, this force has disappeared for some time.

Now it appears again, although it has entered Mu Qingcheng's body, but let the Hydra see with his own eyes, a dead person, alive.

It shows that that force is true.


The Hydra collides with Lu Sen's fist. Lu Sen vomites blood and flies out.

Lu Sen fell to the ground heavily. He could feel some of his ribs broken.

Because of the pain, he finally recovered from the hatred.

Lu Sen's body moved, he wanted to stand up, but because the injury was too serious, even if he had tried hard to support, there was no way.

Are you going to die like this?

Lu Sen doesn't want to die like this.If he died now, he would let that soul out of his body.

At that time, everything he has now will become that person's.

He must not die!

However, the Hydra has come to the front.

"Lu Sen, it's all over."

Looking at the knife in hydra's hand, Lu Sen felt that maybe everything was going to end.

He tried his best, but in the end he couldn't stop the hydra.

Clenching his fist tightly, Lu Sen moved, but let the Hydra step on his chest.

A sharp pain came, and Lu Sen's breathing became more and more difficult.

Nine headed snake feet did not take back, slowly squatted down, looking at Lu Sen's painful expression, sneered: "maybe, you will not know until you die, who betrayed you in the last life."

Lu Sen wanted to know, but he knew that Hydra couldn't have told him.

"Let me tell you." Hydra insidiously said, "in fact, the person who betrayed you is me."

Lu Sen stares at the hydra, trying to see through who he is, but he can't.

"Captain, of course you don't recognize me."

Hearing this address, Lu Sen was stunned.

For a long time, no one has called him that way.

Who the hell is this guy.

"Captain, do you know how much I've done to get rid of you all. Cooperate with the drug lords, and then lead you to the bait... Oh, more accurately, the drug lords are also my people. And the drug lords are dead now. Captain, you see how good I am to you. I've leveled all those who used to be against you. "

"Who the hell are you?"

Lu Sen must be familiar with this man.

However, he never remembered who it was.

If it's his brothers who have gone through life and death, it's totally impossible.

Why did they betray him?

Is it?

Lu Sen thought of a person in his mind, but he soon shook his head and denied it.

It won't be his.

If it wasn't for him, who would it be?

Because the face of Hydra, Lu Sen really did not see.

At this time, the Hydra puts its hand on its face and tears open a human skin mask.

"Captain, do you know who I am now?"

Looking at this familiar face, Lu Sen was stunned.

"No way! How could it be who! "

"Captain, anything is possible."

"Tang Tianhao, why are you?"

Facing Lu Sen's question, the power of Hydra's foot is increasing.

"Why can't it be me?"

Lu Sen didn't believe that Hydra would be Tang Tianhao.

This is really a brother who lived and died with him.

Join the army together, then join the special forces together, and then work together.

Almost every move, they're together.

Why would such a person betray him.


Lu Sen looked at the Hydra and said, "you are not Tang Tianhao. You died in the primeval forest. You were stung by the poisonous front. There is no medicine to save you. I burned your body, so it's not you. "

Hydra laughed, "Captain, I think you are really naive. Do you think I'm really dead? If I create the illusion of death, how can I carry out my plan. Because you will never believe that a dead man will betray you. "

"Why are you doing this?"

"I want to ask you that!" Hydra's eyes become more and more fierce, "everything is forced by you."

"Tang Tianhao, I ask myself that I have never done anything sorry to you. Besides, I'm very grateful to you. Because at the beginning, if you hadn't blocked a shot for me, maybe I would have died. "

Tang Tianhao's eyes became more and more terrible. "I was too naive to block that shot for you. Then, you become the hero of everyone's attention, and I become a laggard. Because you became a hero, Qingyu chose you. Lu Sen, do you know that Qingyu is also my favorite woman. "Lu Sen did not speak.

He always felt guilty for Tang Tianhao. He made up to me, but Tang always said that because they were brothers, in that case, no matter he or himself, he would jump out to block that bullet.

At that time, Lu Sen was very grateful and secretly vowed that if Tang Tianhao was in danger in the future, he would be saved even if he died.

However, Tang Tianhao could not wait until that day, because Lu Sen could not fulfill such a promise.

Because when Tang Tianhao was on a mission together, he was poisoned.

At that time, there was no cure for this poisonous front.

Then Lu Sen watched Tang Tianhao die.

"Lu Sen, it's all about you. You're the one who ruined everything. If there is no one, then both fame and wealth, or Qingyu, are mine. And you? Get everything that originally belongs to me, but you can't even protect Qingyu. She died right in front of you, so why are you still alive? So, it's you who should die most! "

"It's you!"

"You're going to die!"

Facing the angry Tang Tianhao, Lu Sen did not refute.

Yes, he was going to die.

Besides, he should die.

"But even if you want me to die, I can understand that. But why drag all the brothers into the water? "

"Hum." Tang Tianhao sneered, "Lu Sen, do you really don't understand or pretend you don't? When I disappeared as a dead man, I thought, I must destroy all this. I'll destroy everything around you. "

"Then I worked hard on my plan. Before my plan started, you were still the respected captain in everyone's eyes. After my death, new people came in, and almost everyone forgot my name. Why did I make so much contribution to the organization? After I died, I just remembered a name and added so much credit. And before long, I was forgotten. "

Tang Tianhao is not reconciled.

So, he planned it all.

And it all made him successful.

When Lu Sen died, Tang Tianhao thought it was over.

However, at that time, the sky came down with a vision, and soon after, he let it in and lived in such a posture.

But Tang Tianhao knew that if the vision appeared, he was not dead, so maybe Lu Sen was not dead.

Therefore, he must find Lu Sen and kill him again.

He finally found Lu Sen, so he started a new plan again. And this plan is the human clearance plan.

Because he knew that there were too many mediocre talents in the world, so he had to select them one by one.

Human clearance program, which he thinks is the best way to screen.

From the beginning of the project, until now, everything is going well.

"Lu Sen, it's all over." Tang Tianhao's cold knife was already in his hand. "Don't worry, I will insert this knife directly into your heart. You don't feel a little pain, and then it's all over. "

Tang Tianhao's knife stabbed Lu Sen's heart slowly.

As the tip of the knife entered the meat, Lu Sen felt a pain.

He wanted to struggle, but after a few seconds he laughed slowly.

"You saved my life in those years, and now you take it back. It's natural." Lu Sen said in a low voice, "however, your so-called human clearance plan, in my opinion, will never come true."

"I'm not in a hurry. I'll kill you, and then I'll kill all your women again, and my plan will go on slowly. But don't worry, I will let your women be buried alive. "

The knife went deeper and deeper.

Lu Sen didn't feel any pain, because after he knew that the Hydra was Tang Tianhao, he accepted his life.

Because he owes Tang Tianhao.

Once owed him a life, now this life back.

Close your eyes slowly.

As the knife continued to enter the body, some slight and pain slowly gushed out.

"Lu Sen! Lu Sen

As if hearing a sound, Lu Sen opened his eyes.

However, his eyes were not very open, and he could not see clearly who was calling him."Captain! Captain! Wake up

It's this familiar and strange voice again.

"Brother Lu! Brother Lu, you can't die. You can't die now! "

This voice

Lu Sen thought it was so familiar.

But the sound is so far away from him.

Lu Sen opened his eyes and saw a misty voice in front of him.

Lu Sen moved. He could move on.

However, in front of me, there was fog, and I could hardly see the front.

"Captain, your task has not been completed. How can you die?"

"Lu Sen, you have to know that you are shouldering the mission of our whole fangs. How can you die?"

"Brother Lu, you said you would come back to take me after completing the task. How can you die before you marry me?"

The sound is getting closer.

Through the fog, Lu Sen was stunned.

He saw everyone and they were smiling at him.


Lu Sen felt tears coming out of his eyes.

It's been a long time since he shed tears.

However, when I saw them, tears flowed out of my eyes.

"Everybody, you are all here."

Lu Sen wiped the tears from his eyes. "Where is this place? Why are you here..."

After a pause, Lu Sen continued, "am I dead? Yes, I'm dead... "

Because Tang Tianhao's knife has penetrated into his body a little bit, he is really going to die.

If he didn't die, he wouldn't be here, and he wouldn't be able to see these people.

Teammates, leaders, favorite women.

They're all here.

Lu Sen trotted over.

"Lu Sen."

A voice rang behind him.

Lu Sen looked back and saw Mu Qingcheng standing behind him.

"Little orange, why are you here..."

"Lu Sen, you can't go there." Mu Qingcheng said, "come out with me, I still have tasks to finish."

Lu Sen looked at Mu Qingcheng in front of him and the face that once broke his heart. That woman used to be all he had.

After a while, Lu Sen said, "wife, I can't go back."

"You can go back."

Lu Sen shook his head: "I owe Tang Tianhao his life. Now, I'm just paying him back. "

Mu Qingcheng was in a hurry. "Husband, if you leave like this, what do you want me to do? What do you want us to do? Are you willing to leave us like this? "

"There's nothing I can do now," Lu said with a wry smile. Really, wife, I've never been like this before. It seems that I can't control anything at all.

"Husband, you can do it!"

MuQing orange expressway.

"When you come back, our days have just begun."

"Wife, you go back and take it as if I'm sorry for you..."

Mu Qingcheng said angrily: "but you've made my stomach big. Do you want to go away, and you're not even responsible?"

Lu Sen was stunned.

Subconsciously looking at Mu Qingcheng's stomach, there is still flat.

"Husband, I didn't come this month. Besides, I've been tested and pregnant. I'm going to find a chance to surprise you. If you leave me and the children, do you want to be bullied by others? "

"No way."

"Come back soon. I'm waiting for you with the children."

Lu Sen looked back and found that his former leaders, his teammates and even his favorite women were still smiling at him.

But instead of waving to him, they waved to him.

"Lu Sen, go back. You still have tasks to finish. Remember, it's an order. You have to obey the crowd. "

"Lu Sen, what is the most basic loyalty purpose of soldiers?"

Lu Sen immediately replied, "obey! obey! Obey again"Then you are right. Now I order you to go back immediately and finish the task you haven't finished yet."

"Captain, you don't have to worry. Even if we're not here, we can still fight together."

Lu Sen didn't understand.

At this time, a black knife appeared in front of Lu Sen.

This is his ghost knife.

"Captain, in fact, we are dead, but our souls are put into another space by chance. Just now, our souls were released, so we were able to come out and meet you. But, we can't reincarnate again, so we will enter your ghost knife next. From now on, we will fight side by side with you. "

Lu Sen looked down at the ghost knife in his hand, as if he understood something.

Because he was eroded by the power of ghost knife before, he has lost his mind.

In addition, Mu Qingcheng's death completely made him crazy.

All he had left was hatred.

If he can't get out of the shackles of ghost Dao, then he will let ghost Dao control forever.

As for the soul that has always been thought to exist in the body, it is actually the dark power from the ghost knife.

When he began to use the ghost knife, it had been eroded by that force.

"Brother Lu, I'm waiting for you to come back and marry me after completing your task. I love you, brother Lu. "

Yu Dun and Lu Sen saw the people who were smiling with him just now. They turned into white smoke and entered the ghost knife.

Lu Sen held the ghost knife tightly, and there were two groups of forces fighting with each other.

Soon, ghost knife's black body slowly turned white, and finally stopped.

With a wave, Lu Sen felt his strength gushing out.

"Lu Sen, now start to finish your unfinished tasks. You don't owe Tang Tianhao's life. From the beginning, he arranged all this. Even if he blocks bullets for you, it's because of his hard work. You have to believe that the soul of the army lives in your body. It's your destiny to fight criminals. So, are you ready now? "


"Then you go and finish the final task for us, and you have to finish it beautifully."


Lu Sen's strength surged up. He opened his eyes and saw that Tang Tianhao's knife was going on. And in Tang Tianhao's side, a hand is slowly piercing Mu Qingcheng's body.

"Give me back the power!"

With Tang Tianhao's roar, in Mu Qingcheng's body, a golden light turned to him.

Then Mu Qingcheng's body softened and fell down slowly.

"Green orange!"

Lu Sen roared, his body leaped up and left with Mu Qingcheng in his arms.

Mu Qingcheng is not dead.

There was no wound on the body.

But, her body is very weak, like let a person to draw the spirit of the same.

"Green orange, what do you think?"

Mu Qingcheng shook his head, "I'm ok. I just feel a little tired. Husband, I want to have a rest. I'll leave it to you next. "

"Wife, thank you."

Lu Sen lowered his head to kiss Mu Qingcheng's forehead, holding a ghost knife in his hand, and slowly stood up.

He knew that when Tang Tianhao was stabbed with his knife just now, Mu Qingcheng woke him up.

Although he still doesn't know why Mu Qingcheng has the power to wake him up, he will have time to understand all this after it is over.

In the hand ghost head knife, the strength continuously gushed out.

"Everybody, now we are fighting side by side again, please give me strength."

Ghost knife slowly raised, the sky appeared a dazzling lightning.


After the big bang, Weitian earthquake.

At this time, Hydra will also absorb all that strength.

"Lu Sen, this time I'll see how you can stop my human clearance plan!"

Lu Sen's heart is calm.

Open your hands, it seems that you are feeling the breath of nature.

After a while, Lu Sen said slowly, "Tang Tianhao, today I'm going to finish the unfinished task."Two people rushed at the same time.

Two shadows, soon entangled together.


There was a loud noise in the space, and then everything returned to calm.


"Sister orange, what do you think of this set?"

In front of a wedding dress shop, a woman asked, pointing to a picture on a book.

"I think it's pretty good. It's a little sexy, but it's generous."

"But I don't think it's sexy enough." Women think there is something missing.

Mu Qingcheng smiles: "Wanzhu, if you dress too sexy, I'm afraid that our wedding will wrap you up with a quilt until the end of the wedding."

Imagine that picture, Jiang Wanzhu's expression has changed.

"It seems that I have to dress conservatively."

"Green orange, what about this one?"

Black Rose came and asked.

"What do you think of yourself?"

Black rose white one eye, "I did not wear the wedding dress, you are an experienced person, certainly asked you."

"Well, come here together, let's sum up our opinions."

There are seven women.

Mu Qingcheng, black rose, an Rou, Su Yu, Jiang Wanzhu, Zhao Jinger, and one is the sister of the female boss.

Of the few, she was the only one sitting.

Her stomach is a little big.

She gently touched the stomach, she did not expect, half a year ago that time, really let her pregnant.

Although the relationship between her and Lu Sen is not so deep, she belongs to the kind of first get on the bus and then pay for the ticket, but getting along with Lu Sen makes her feel very comfortable.

As for her sister, she has been lost since the incident half a year ago.

Although sometimes miss, however, think of the belly of the child, she knows that at this time, she feels that it is more important to be a good mother.

"Luoyang, which one do you choose?"

Expectant mother is thinking about things, heard the voice of Mu Qingcheng, slowly raised her head, "I have no experience in this, please help me pick it."

"That's it."

"All right."

"Oh, they're all choosing wedding dresses."

Two people came into the door.

"Hey, Bai Jin, Bai Ge, it's too late for you two sisters." Jiang Wanzhu complained, "if we all run away, you're the only one left."

"I don't want to. It's not because of my sister. You know, she's a workaholic. Even if next week is the wedding, she is still reluctant to give up her work. If I hadn't forced her to ask for leave from the Bureau, I'm afraid she would not have asked for leave. "

Bai Jin stares at Bai Ge and doesn't speak.

Mu Qingcheng smiles: "OK, Bai Jin just got a promotion a while ago. There are many things on hand. We need to understand."

Bai Ge spat out his tongue, and then went to choose the wedding dress.

Mu Qingcheng took Bai Jin's arm and asked, "is there any news from my grandfather?"

Bai Jin shook his head: "has continued to send people to find."

Mu Qingcheng sighed: "more than half a year, still no news, just like last time."

Bai Jin whispered: "you don't have to worry. Maybe your grandfather will show up on the day of marriage."

"I hope so."

Bai Jin raised his head, just to see the eyes of Jiang Wanzhu and others, several people look at each other, understand.

"By the way, didn't my husband say that he was carrying out a task?" At this time, Bai Ge began to shout.

"What mission?"

People don't understand.

Bai Ge immediately knew that he had said something wrong and put out his tongue.

"Bai Ge, let's be clear. Didn't my husband say that he would attend an international medical exchange meeting? How did you go on a mission? "

In the face of public questioning, Bai Ge quickly backed back, "you ask my sister, she knows better."

Bai Jin looked at the women's eyes and said without expression: "two days ago, the international anti-terrorism organization sent for help, saying that an extremely dangerous terrorist escaped from the deep sea prison. Because it is an extremely dangerous criminal, international anti-terrorism organizations hope that our country will send one of the most elite team-mates to participate in the arrest operation. ""So, my husband was chosen."


"Extremely dangerous terrorists, how dangerous it is."

"Sssss level."

"We're going to get married next week. We have to stop it."

"I don't want to be married without a husband."

The women put down what they had and ran out together.


Time: noon.

Location: in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Character: a man in beach pants, a straw hat and a pair of sunglasses.

Event: holding a pair of binoculars, looking at the blue water ahead.

Just then, the man saw a man's head come out on the sea level, and he threw the telescope aside.

"Your uncle, I've been staring at you for a week, and you're just now. You're a better diver than a submarine. But even if it's good, you need to breathe. "

"Because of you, I'm going to miss my wedding.

"I'll see how you get away from me today."

"If I arrest you, I can go back to the wedding."

With that, jump.

(end of full text.)

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