Qin Tian walks on the roadside, a burst of sweat.

He ya, this tone is like to be raped? It's like rape, OK!

However, Qin Tian also has some doubts. It seems that people in xiao'anzi's circle can really do such things. Besides, xiao'anzi is still under age. If something really happens, his conscience will be condemned!

"Where are you?" Qin Tian asked.

Xiaoanzi said, "take the first corner of Qingfeng commercial street to the end, turn right, and then in the second lane."

"I'll be right there."

Just when Qin Tian was about to hang up the phone, the sharp voice of Xiao Anzi came from the other end of the phone, "you all listen to me. After a while, my bodyguards will come and have your good fruit to eat!"

Another fight.

Does this little Anzi depend on himself?

But listen to the tone of xiaoanzi, it seems to be really encountered some trouble, seems to be besieged in a small alley.

On the other hand, although Xiao Anzi was surrounded by a few people with exaggerated clothes and colorful hair, she didn't have a fear expression on her face. Instead, she was playing with her mobile phone and making fun of the leaders of the group. "Hua Shao, let me call people, that's your biggest mistake. You didn't do anything here earlier. You just have a bad brain."

Like long Shao before, this person called Hua Shao is also one of the non mainstream gangs. However, his hair is purple and his eyes can't see in his riveted leather coat and smoked makeup painting.

See its press small an son in the wall, disdain of say, "I spend less always like to let a person despair, since you say you have a helper, call me to solve together, let you see my spend less fierce."

Little Anzi white flower less one eye, heart said mother's mental retardation.

But after more than half an hour, Qin Tian did not appear.

Xiao Anzi was a little annoyed.

Hua Shao said sarcastically, "ha ha, it's a bodyguard. I don't know where to find the hairy boy. I don't dare to come."

Little Anzi leaned against the wall and said, "it's none of your business."

"Xiao Anzi, I'm blocking you now. If you hadn't come down to me with long Shao, you wouldn't be blocked by us, would you?" Hua Shao raised Xiao Anzi's chin with one hand. "Originally, I didn't like forcing women, but seeing you look good, I don't mind forcing them once."

"I tell you, I'm a minor. Watch out for jail." Xiaoanzi disdains to smile, even if the other party wants to stretch out a magic grasp to himself, there is still no fear on his face, as if he is ready.

As a result, Hua Shao said, "I'm sorry, I'm a minor too, and I'm under 16 years old!"

A word choked Xiao Anzi.

The minor protection law also applies to Hua Shao!

"Oh, go ahead and take off your pants if you can." Even if he was surrounded to be defiled, he didn't see any fear from Xiao Anzi. On the contrary, he scared Hua Shao.

However, young flower light, also can not be stimulated.

When Xiao Anzi said this, he immediately called out, "take off her clothes for me. If you don't do him today, where can I put away my face of burying my family?"

With that, a group of people came forward to take off Xiao Anzi's clothes.

Little Anzi did not resist, with disdain in her eyes.

Just as a few people stretched out their hands carelessly, Qin Tian suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley, with one hand supporting the wall and a long sigh of relief, "Ma Dan, I ran a street to find here."

"Who are you?" Hua Shao looks at Qin Tian warily.

"Are you stupid? This is my bodyguard!" Xiao Anzi leaned against the wall and said to Qin Tian, "Why are you so late? I'm going to be raped. Don't you care? "

Qin Tian glanced at these people. Donima was a group of hairy boys, but several people's hands had already been put on Xiao Anzi, especially the little flower. The belt had been loosened.

If they come a little late, these people will really do it.

"Children, your mother told you to go home for dinner. Let's go." Qin Tian really does not want to fight with a group of minors, which is a disgrace to his reputation!

Then he went over and pulled Xiao Anzi over. "Follow me. Why don't you go to school and play around with me?"

At this time, Hua Shao and others are not willing to.

"This old uncle, is it too shameful for me to take my prey like this?" With a look in his eyes, a group of people directly blocked Qin Tian's way.

"They stop you, you beat them!" Xiao Anzi whispered to Qin Tian, "it's useless. Don't a group of thugs dare to fight?"

Qin Tian sighed.

Although I don't want to use violence against a group of minors, I can't go away without showing my hand. You can't be beaten.

So let go of the hand of Xiao Anzi and hit the wall of the alley with one punch!


A fist sized hole was made in the wall. Pieces of bricks fell down the wall.

Almost all the people present were stunned.

Especially the flower is little, half open mouth, motionless.

"Are you going to fight? Who's coming? "

Qin Tianliang asked the people who surrounded him.

These people looked at each other, tacit understanding of the way out.

Qin Tian took Xiao Anzi and left.

Before leaving, Xiao Anzi did not forget to look back and sneer, "despair? I like to see people despair. "

After going out of the alley to a crowded place, Qin Tian asked, "I'll take you home."

"No." "I don't want to go home," she said

There was disgust in the tone.

Qin Tian recognized the disgust and didn't ask. He just asked, "do you usually play with them? Should you be at school at your age? "

"I'm at school. I just played truant. What's the matter? You're my parents. You care about me? My parents don't care about me. Can you manage it? " Xiao Anzi said angrily.

"How can I say that I just saved you, and you didn't say a word of thanks?"

Qin Tianxin said that he had a problem with children. Anyway, people have been rescued. Let's say goodbye.

"Come on, I'll treat you to dinner." Xiao Anzi said, "thank you."

"I don't want noodles." After Qin Tian finished, he took out his mobile phone and took a look at the time. It was almost noon. "I have something else to do. I'll go first."

"No noodles this time. I'll take you to a five-star hotel." While playing with her mobile phone, Xiao Anzi said, "the location has been set. I won't pit you this time."

This makes Qin Tian curious.

"Forget it. I have something else to do. Next time."

Just when Qin Tian refused, Xiao Anzi suddenly said, "do you want me to sleep with you before you go to dinner with me?"

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