
After hearing this, Liu ruofeng naturally did not have any opinions, and immediately nodded his head and agreed.

With that, they immediately set out on the way back.

Qin Tian has to fight against the clock to kill tasiban before the ancient evil god recovers. Only then can Qin Tian concentrate on dealing with the ancient evil god.

Just as Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng were about to leave, an old man named Xu Ying came out of the land and stood in front of Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng.

In an instant, Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng are on guard, staring at the old man in front of them.

"Master you Yun, why are you?"

When Qin Tian fixed his eyes on it, he found that the old man in front of him was Taoist Youyun.

"Qin Tianxiao you, I've come to tell you something. Now the whole world has changed a lot." Just listen to you Yun and tell Qin Tian.

"Big change? What do you mean After hearing this, Qin Tian asked suspiciously.

"Evil has begun to stir up, all parties have been invaded by evil spirits, and the time for ancient evil spirits to recover is coming." Taoist Youyun tells the story to Qin Tian.

"What Qin Tian was surprised when he heard that. He didn't expect to come so soon.

I just left Li Shiguo and just got the treasure. All of a sudden, the whole world changed.

At this time, Taoist Youyun reaches out his hand and waves it, and a picture appears in front of Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng.

The picture is the change of the whole world today.

I saw that the sky was covered by dark clouds, and all kinds of black shadows were flying everywhere, which were evil spirits.

All of a sudden, the whole world fell into the incomparable chaos, everywhere has become a place of ruins, the people are wandering around, very miserable.

Then, Taoist Youyun waved his hand and changed the picture again. This time, it was Li Shiguo.

At this time, the Lishi kingdom had been broken by evil spirits. The whole city was in chaos, and the houses inside were destroyed everywhere.

"It's... It's not possible. We came out yesterday, and great changes have taken place all of a sudden." Qin Tian looks at you Yun in disbelief and asks. He can't believe what he sees in front of him.

"Qin Tianxiao you, after you enter Tiankui tower, time has begun to speed up. The moment you stay in Tiankui tower, then the world has passed one day." Hearing Qin Tian's question, Taoist Youyun explained to Qin Tian.

After Taoist Youyun explains, Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng understand it. It turns out that this is the case. They didn't expect that there was such a strange thing.

It seems that they have been in tiankuitar for too long.

It has been more than half a month since Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng left Li Shiguo.

But Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng had been in Tiankui tower for about ten minutes.

This is the same as the time in the previous myth, one day in the sky and one year on the earth.

But now things have happened, Qin Tian has no way, what he has to do is to go back quickly, and then stop what happened next.

"Qin Tian, don't lose heart. Everything else will depend on you." At this time, Taoist Youyun finally told Qin Tian.

After that, Taoist Youyun disappears in front of Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng.

After Taoist Youyun disappears, Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng react. They immediately use their lightness skills to quickly set out and return.

It took about two hours for Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng to return to Li Shiguo.

When they saw Li Shiguo, they were shocked.

In front of us, Li Shiguo has been reduced to a dead city. The gate of the city is open, and there are all kinds of corpses lying on the road. Some of these corpses belong to Li Shiguo soldiers, and some belong to Li Shiguo people.

It can be seen that a fierce war has taken place in Li Shiguo.


At this time, I saw a black wind swept down from the sky, directly fell in front of Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng.

Seeing the black wind falling, Qin Tian and Liu ruofeng sacrifice their swords at the same time, and stare at the shadow of the black wind in front of them with great vigilance.

"Who are you?" Liu ruofeng raised his sword and pointed to Heifeng's shadow.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Just listen to the shadow of the black wind, and immediately send out a burst of fierce and strange smile, let people listen to feel extremely creepy.

"Qin Tian, do you remember me?" Then the shadow of the black wind made a familiar sound to Qin Tian.

That's right. Qin Tian is very familiar with this voice.

It's not someone else's voice. It's the voice of the Dragon tasban.

"Tasban!" Qin Tian suddenly exclaimed.

"Ha ha ha, it seems that you haven't forgotten yet." Black breeze shadow immediately laughed to say.

After hearing the laughter, Qin Tian frowned. He didn't expect that it was tasban. He thought it was an ancient evil god.

"Tasban, how could it be you? Do you think you summoned all these evil spirits? " Qin Tian looks at the shadow of black wind doubtfully and asks.

The shadow of the black wind is just the shadow of tasiban. Tasiban stayed in lishiguo to wait for Qin Tian to come back. He knew that Qin Tian had gone to Tiankui tower.

Tasban naturally knew where Tiankui tower was, so he didn't follow.

"Qin Tian, I said that when I recover, I will rule the whole world. But I didn't expect that the ancient evil monarch has also recovered. He helped me recover more quickly, so I am now the right-hand man under the ancient evil monarch." Tasiban told Qin Tian in a very insidious way.

After hearing this, Qin Tian realized that it was like this.

No wonder Qin Tian said that tasiban had such great power. It turned out that it was all the power given to him by ancient evil gods.

It seems that this ancient evil god wanted tasban to work for him.

"Don't you want to get out of here, tasban?" Qin Tian then asked curiously to tasiban.

"Ha ha ha, Qin Tian, you are so naive. Now I am working for the ancient evil king. The ancient evil king can give me everything I want. Do you think I can still cooperate with you?" When he listened to tasbanton, he began to laugh and preach, laughing with extreme arrogance and ridicule.

That's right. With the ancient evil king, tasiban is not afraid of Qin Tian at all. He doesn't have to cooperate with Qin Tian, let alone worry that he can't leave here.

"Qin Tian, you are not qualified to talk about cooperation with me now, because your chips are in my hands!" Then I just heard tasiban tell Qin Tian another sentence.

This words let Qin Tian suddenly pale, suddenly seem to think of something.

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