May day is the peak tourist season of Qingping temple. At this moment, there are many tourists in the scenic area. Many tourists stop to watch or worship the Buddha, enjoying a rare leisure time.

The whole temple is open to tourists, and even the Zen room presided over by the temple can be enjoyed by tourists.

Only in the southwest corner of the temple, there is a small courtyard with the sign of "tourists stop".

Through the low wall, you can see a tall gate tower. The gate tower is mottled and damaged, with a plaque on it, which reads "qingpingguan".

"Qingping view? Taoist Temple? How can there be a Taoist temple? " A tourist asked strangely.

What is called "Guan" is usually a Taoist temple. It's amazing that there is a Taoist temple in this temple.

"Come and see! There's a big stove in here At this time, a tourist pushed the closed door open and saw the situation in the courtyard“ And the shrine! It's the Sanqing daozun. It's really a Taoist temple! "

"Let me see! It's a Tai Chi Dan stove. It's so big

"Get out of the way, I'll have a look."

For a moment, tourists scrambled to watch, and the originally quiet courtyard became noisy.

"What a noise! Can't you see the sign at the door? " At this time, there was a shout in the courtyard.

Listening to the voice is not old, but full of dignity in the scolding, all the tourists are subconsciously silent.

Then the door of the courtyard creaked open and a Taoist came out.

Daotong is about sixteen or seventeen years old. He is dressed in a grey cloth Taoist robe. His hair is tied in a bun and he is pinned to it with a bamboo chopstick. His face is quiet and elegant, and he has a sense of dust.

Daotong walked out of the courtyard slowly and looked around for a week. After many tourists looked down and said nothing, he closed his eyes and gently pointed to the four words "stop tourists" and said: "can't you see these four words? My view is a pure place, free from foreign incense, so as not to be tainted by the smell of copper. Please come back

Dao Tong's words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the tourists, one by one shouting for Dao Tong to apologize.

However, the fairy tale not only implies that Qingping Temple caters to tourists for their interests, but also implies that tourists' incense money is dirty. Naturally, people are reluctant.

"Hey, little Taoist, what are you talking about? Be careful I hit you! I tell you Buddha is very smart! Last year, my mother was ill. I came to Qingping temple to burn incense. My mother's illness was cured. You say it's not Buddha's manifestation. What is it? " A young man as strong as a bull stood in front of the crowd and said to Dao Tong.

Tao Tong looked at the man and shook his head with a sigh, but he said nothing.

"What are you shaking your head for? Look down on me? I really hit you, believe it or not? " With that, the strong man raised his fist and tried to fight.

Dao Tong was not afraid. He looked at the strong man and asked, "your door faces west. There is a pond at your door, isn't there?"

"Why do you ask? Do you know me Strong man a Leng, don't understand of ask.

"The pond is filthy and full of mosquitoes and flies, isn't it?"

"Why, do you even know this?" The strong man was stunned again.

"Your mother's disease is caused by foul air. As for what you said, it's only temporary. In winter, when the pond dries up, the foul air decreases, and your mother's condition eases naturally. When summer comes, the water in the pond rises and mosquitoes and flies breed. Filth will rush into your house and make you sick. " Tao Tong continued“ These days, does your mother's illness relapse again? "

"Little Taoist, you are divine! I came to Qingping Temple today because my mother's illness recurred and I want to burn another pillar of incense for my mother. " The strong man scratched his head and said.

"It's no use burning a hundred sticks of incense if you expect these evil spirits to hoodwink the clever pseudo Buddhas!" Dao Tong said coldly.

"Little Taoist, you are really capable. I will convince you! I don't burn incense. Can you tell me how to eradicate my mother's disease? " Then the strong man took out five hundred yuan from his arms and thrust it into daotong's hand.

"You think I'm telling you for money? If I really want to get rich, why do I need to instruct you and other ordinary people here? " The way Tong sneers, finish saying, want to return to the small courtyard inside.

However, the strong man did not get the solution, so he refused to give up and followed daotong to the yard. He is tall and big. At the moment when daotong was about to close the door, he pushed in with brute force.

"What are you doing! Don't you know tourists stop? Get out The Taoist said that he would drive people out.

But the strong man fell down on his knees: "little fairy, please, help my mother!"

Dao Tong frowned and looked at the strong man. He sighed helplessly and said, "well, for the sake of your filial piety, I'll give you some advice. When you go home, build a wall in front of the door and stick ceramic tiles on the wall. Take the picture of willow and Xiaofeng on the brick surface. The willow branches should hang down and the Xiaofeng should move, so as to dissolve the foul air. In this way, your mother's illness will be cured within six months. Well, put away your money and go

With that, the Taoist priest will enter the Taoist temple.

But in the blink of an eye, another person came into the small door and grabbed daotong: "little fairy, I'm broke, I don't want to live! Please help me! Save my family

The well-dressed man, now kneeling down with tears, looked rather pitiful.

Dao Tong looked at the man intently, then sighed: "it's also a poor man. I'll give you some advice. Your industry is hardware consumables. It's really a bad year this year, but there's a ray of life in the northwest. You can go there and have a look. "

"Little fairy, you are a god! You can see my industry at a glance. Yes, I'm a hardware manufacturer! Is it a big contract three years ago that has vitality in the northwest? Little fairy, don't say anything. It's a thousand yuan. It's not much. I'll repay you ten times when I come back! "

The man said, took out a pile of money and put it on a green brick respectfully. Then he turned around and left, ignoring the voice of the road boy behind who asked him to take back the money.

Of course, the strong man did the same and put 500 yuan on the green brick.

Later, the tourists saw that daotong calculated the deeds of the two people one after another. They were so excited that they rushed forward one by one and begged daotong to figure out how pitiful they were.

It seems that Dao Tong suddenly doesn't feel noisy any more. Instead, he pretends to refuse several times and starts to calculate for everyone. Naturally, every tourist who gets daotong's advice will put some money on the green brick.

After a while, a thick stack of banknotes has been piled on a small square of green bricks. Dao Tong's face, which was light in the wind and light in the clouds, gradually became happy.

But Dao Tong doesn't know. Among the tourists, a girl wearing a pink T-shirt and hot pants is watching him coldly.

The girl is extremely beautiful. Her hair is tied behind her head and her face is plain. On her face is a pair of bright eyes with bright autumn water. The figure is extremely good, chest towering, showing a scene absolutely not in line with the age of the spectacular. The trousers are very short, showing two long white and tender legs. People will be attracted by her if they just look at her.

Imperceptibly, an hour passed, and the girl also watched the Taoist for an hour.

Gradually the tourists dispersed, leaving only the girl alone. While Dao Tong looks at the thick pile of banknotes on the green brick, with a smile on his face, completely without his previous dust temperament.

"Wow, I made a lot of money this time! Tens of thousands? " Dao Tong picked up the bills on the bricks and counted them one by one.

"Don't count. Twenty five thousand. I'll count it for you." At this time, the girl who has been staring at Dao Tong suddenly comes forward and says to Dao Tong coldly.

The Taoist boy looked up at the girl, and her face immediately became indifferent. With a light cough, he said, "this girl, what do you want to count?"

The girl saw that the children's clothing pattern did not pierce, but cooperated: "then you can count my name."

Tao Tong looked at the girl in surprise, and was soon attracted by the turbulent scene on the woman's chest. After watching for a full minute, he found that she was impolite. He quickly folded his eyes, bowed one hand, and said something in his mouth: "wuliangtianzun, Amitabha, women are all goblins. I don't think xiaodizi is serious. Today, I've broken lust commandment. I'm guilty."

After the solemn prayer, he raised his face and said solemnly, "girl, you don't know something. Her name has little influence on Qi luck. It doesn't matter. But I can work out the story of the girl

"Oh? Let's hear it. " When the girl listened to the first half of the solemn sentence, she deliberately put it off and sneered. In the second half of the sentence, Zhuang Chong said that he could figure out her deeds, which made him interested.

"I look at the girl," solemn face, as if really calculating in general“ This life is full of ups and downs, and it will bring bad omens! "

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