With that, he solemnly took out the mountain character mirror.

Su Qingqing coldly looks at solemnity, and wants to see what kind of tricks solemnity can instill. She doesn't believe that she is a professional student of Peking University, and she can see things wrong.

After taking out the mirror seriously, he knocked on the mirror gently, then suddenly grabbed a corner of the mirror and broke it.

"Ha ha, is that what you call leak picking?" Su Qingqing saw solemn break the bronze mirror, can't help but smile, victory like looking at solemn. In her opinion, the quality of the mirror is almost OK, and the solemnity is absolutely eye-catching!

"Yes, this is my leak! Qingqing, classmate Su Said with a solemn smile. Then he took the broken corner of the mirror with two hands and tore it in half.

When she opened her hand solemnly, Su Qingqing found that there was a small bronze mirror embedded on the back of the mirror!

The small copper mirror is exquisite without any rust. When the back of the mirror is exposed, four characters of "mountain" are engraved on the back of the mirror. The bottom of the character of "mountain" is horizontal to the button of the mirror. No matter how the mirror is placed, the characters of "mountain" are symmetrical. There are countless fine and dense thunder patterns around the character.

"This is... This is the four mountain mirror!" After the old man saw the little mirror, he immediately pointed to it and cried out excitedly“ This work, this line, absolutely! Absolutely

Sishan mirror is the mirror of the Warring States period. The slightly inferior ones are all around ten thousand yuan. It seems that the price of this kind of mirror is ten times higher.

In other words, solemn bought 100000 yuan for 3500 yuan! It's not a leak. What is it?!

Su Qingqing obviously saw that the mirror was genuine, and her face was blue and red. But she's straightforward, and she won't find excuses. She said, "well, you won. I lost my eye. Call me what you want. "

Previously, Su Qingqing said that if she was serious enough to pick up the leak, her name would be reversed and called "Qingqing Su". Su Qingqing's daring character is really good, which is rarely seen in today's girls.

Solemnity turns a deaf ear to Su Qingqing's words, but looks down at this four mountain thunder grain mirror.

After a long time, the solemn suddenly understood that this mirror is a small Fengshui array! The four mountains form the wind and gas gathering Bureau, and the surrounding thunder patterns lock up the aura and prevent it from leaking out. They can even urge the aura to change into Yang and hard. This is also the reason why when you first look in the mirror, the mirror gives off a strong sunlight. It should be the aura in the mirror that causes the serious eyes to change. The two react, making the serious eyes astringent.

"This is... Four mountain mirror?! Is the appearance so good? I can't believe that after playing with the bronze mirror for half my life, I've lost my treasure in the end! " At this time, the owner of the bronze mirror shop was also attracted by the old man's cry and came up.

When he saw the bronze mirror in his solemn hand, he immediately said with chagrin.

Zoubao means that the store is losing money. It's worth more than 100000 yuan. How can it keep the boss depressed?

But as soon as the store owner looked at it, he knew that he was not wronged at all when he went to treasure today. This four mountain mirror is inlaid in the big mirror. It can't be distinguished without human hearing. If it is not found solemnly, even if the mirror is put in the store for another 100 years, the shopkeeper will find it hard to find treasure in the interlayer.

"Little brother, do you sell these four mountain mirrors? I'll give you ten The shopkeeper's heart moved and told Zhuang chongdao. His shop lacks an ancient bronze mirror with perfect appearance, so he wants to buy a solemn mirror.

Generally speaking, it is not clear that antique shops bid prices. They always use several numbers instead. A number may be 10000 or 100000, depending on the specific situation. The ten figures given by the shopkeeper here are, of course, 100000 yuan.

He looked at the owner with a solemn smile and shook his head. Don't say 100000 yuan, that's 500000 yuan. I don't know how to sell it. This four mountain mirror is obviously a geomantic instrument. The thunder pattern on the mirror is the key reason for the formation of magic weapon.

However, the real mirror of the Warring States period does not have thunder patterns, but depicts feather patterns. This mirror is painted with thunder patterns, which is obviously not the original version, but added by later generations.

It is said in the book of changes that "water and fire do not catch each other, thunder and wind do not contradict each other, mountains and rivers ventilate, then they can change and become all things.". The saying is that wind and thunder complement each other, and then they can transform everything. In addition to wind and water, the relevant conditions are also very important. If you want an object to form a magic weapon, you have to let it store wind and gather Qi.

Lei Wen is a very suitable talisman of Tibetan wind. It is depicted on the four mountain mirror. If the four mountain mirror is exposed to the first ray of sunlight in the morning every day, day after day, year after year, it can accumulate aura and generate a strong sun light, which is very sharp to break the evil spirits and eliminate the demons.

It's obvious that a Feng Shui Master Carved thunder patterns on the four mountain mirror. The combination of Lei Wen and Si Shan mirror is very suitable, so it is difficult to tell the age on the spot. However, according to the level of aura, it should be carved by the experts in the period of the founding of the people's Republic of China. At that time, there were many experts in metaphysics, but later, for special reasons, they either died or went abroad. So far, Chinese metaphysics declined.

"Not for sale?" The shopkeeper looked at the solemnity and suddenly clenched his teeth“ Fifteen! Am I sincere enough? Give it to me, little brother. "

Solemn still shook his head, palmed a turn, put the four mountain mirror into his pocket, completely cut off the owner's mind.

"It's not that I don't sell you, it's that I can't sell it because I'm useful." Solemn then said to the shopkeeper. This mirror is solemn and can be used to crack the sickle of the star bar. It's really not sold.

"All right." The shopkeeper saw that solemnity was really not for sale. He nodded regretfully, and some of his interest declined.

"Well, brother, I'm not the one who doesn't repay my kindness. Since I've found a leak in your shop, I'll take care of your business. " Said, solemnly re-enter the boss's shop, casually touched two pieces of sunglasses, also do not bargain directly checkout.

The original intention of solemnity is to pay the boss in disguise, but this too straightforward attitude makes the boss a little suspicious. I'm afraid I'll take a fancy to something again. I want to pick up treasure.

If you go to the store twice a day, the shopkeeper will stop mixing. Therefore, after taking the two Sunglasses handed over by solemnity, the shopkeeper looked at them for a long time and determined that they were only ordinary mirrors, so he dared to put them on solemnity's package.

And until solemnity took over the packing box, the shop owner was also staring at solemnity. It seemed that the boss was really afraid of solemnity.

Carrying the bronze mirror, solemnity will go back. Today's goal has been achieved, so solemnity naturally has no reason to linger.

Just stepped out of the door, but saw Su Qingqing and her grandfather are talking to a man.

The man had messy hair and his clothes were a little shabby. He couldn't even compare with Adidas. His face was full of dishes, as if he hadn't eaten for several days. It's the standard dress of an old farmer 30 years ago.

In the antique market, there is only one kind of people who appear in this way, that is tomb robbers. The antiques stolen from the tombs will be sent directly to the antique market to find buyers. Generally, this kind of goods is called ghost goods, which is different from other goods.

Ghost goods are good and bad. In the past, all ghost goods are basically true. But now, with the prosperity of the antique market, there are a group of people who specially dress up as grave robbers, make old things with fakes, and then say they are ghost goods to deceive Xiaobai. The whereabouts of these people are still uncertain. They will change places after they finish a big vote, and it is difficult to find them even if they are cheated.

The person talking to Su Qingqing seems to be this kind of person.

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