In the same way, Su Guan and Su Qingqing also suffered from this loss. The two of them are simple enough. Su Qingqing only wears a T-shirt and jeans, which are standard student clothes. It's no wonder the two cops got them. What's more, Mingzhu is not like Yanjing. A humble person in Yanjing may be related to the officials of the current Dynasty. Pearl is not so terrible, so the two policemen have no fear.

"What? Not convinced? " A policeman asked solemnly, squinting. The policeman is young. He seems to be new.

"Xiao Li, the audience, don't talk! Pay attention to the impact. " Another middle-aged policeman looked around and reminded the little policeman.

"Brother Wang, don't worry. My uncle is the director of Pujiang district. With his support, what are you afraid of? " The little policeman said with indifference.

Zhuang Zhong was disgusted when he listened to the little policeman's words. Suddenly, he turned around, grabbed the collar of the policeman, brushed his feet off the ground. The policeman was 1.7 meters tall, but he was 1.8 meters tall. The whole person was hanging in the air, his neck was stuck in the collar, and he was red.

"You... What are you doing? Put me down The little policeman was surprised and said.

"It's nothing. It's just to tidy the collar for the police uncle." Solemn people and animals innocuous smile, hand strength is constantly increasing, the little police hold red face, almost want to suffocate.

"Put him down! You're attacking the police! You know what? The crime is more serious! " When the middle-aged policeman saw that he was serious and suddenly attacked, he could not help but panic. Just now, the strength of the suspect was so solemn that the policeman could be killed. What the little policeman said is true. His uncle is really the director of Pujiang district. If the little policeman has an accident, the middle-aged policeman will have a hard time.

"Little brother, let him go. I promise you, there's a time for you to take it out. Don't worry, just watch a play. " At this time, Su Guan came over and said to solemnity.

Zhuang nodded his head and looked at the two policemen contemptuously. As soon as his hand was loosened, the policeman fell to the ground. Hands constantly stroking the neck, eyes showing a trace of panic, pointing to the solemn shouts: "attack police! You're attacking the police! I'm going to put you in jail! Let you stay in it for the rest of your life! Let you regret it

Su Guan looked at the little policeman on the ground indifferently, shook his head and said: "it seems that there is a lot of garbage in the public security system. It's time to clean it up."

This made the little policeman angry again, but due to the solemn deterrence, the little policeman did not dare to say anything, so he had to get up angrily, with hatred in his eyes, and figured out how to deal with them when he arrived at the police station.

At this time, a police car came, but the middle-aged police called for support. Several policemen jumped from the car and asked why. Without saying a word, they pushed the solemn three into the police car.

The police car roared and soon left Dongtai Road and went to the police station.

It was not until the police car left that the crowd around began to talk.

"That young man's strength is so strong that he knocked the man unconscious at once!"

"Now in this world, that young man is unjust, alas..."

"What did you say the criminal stole? Is such a large suitcase a heavy one? "

"I think the old man and the young man are more or less in danger. If they get into the game, they have to be skinned. It's a pity that the young man is brave enough to do what is just.... "

The eyes of the masses are clear, solemn and implicated, and the police retaliate by taking advantage of their private interests. But since ancient times, the people have not fought with the officials, and the disaster comes from the mouth. No one wants to say it in front of the two policemen. What's more, the little policeman seems to have some background and is extremely arrogant.

Dongtai Road is not far from the police station. A few solemn people were taken to the police station.

The policeman pushed open the car door, looked at it coldly and solemnly, and suddenly said, "brother Wang, you are going to judge those two. This boy has been handed over to me!"

Said, will be solemn into a small interrogation room.

Solemnly, he looked on coldly and followed the policeman into the interrogation room. He wanted to see what little cops could do.

After entering the interrogation room, the police turned on the light in the interrogation room. The light was dim, and some corners couldn't be illuminated at all, which caused great psychological pressure on people. As soon as you enter the room, you will notice the evil spirit of blood and time. It seems that there is no lack of torture in the interrogation room. Otherwise, there would not be such a thick blood evil.

"Hey! Boy, sit down. " The little policeman went to the grave and turned around the grave. Suddenly, he reached out and pressed the grave, and pressed the grave on the chair in the interrogation room.

Then the little policeman pressed the button, and a baffle popped up between the two arms of the interrogation chair, which locked the grave on the chair.

The interrogation room in the police station also depends on the situation. For example, the interrogation room in a solemn position is only used by extraordinarily serious criminals. This interrogation chair is also specially made. It's all made of fine steel. The chair connects to the ground and is firmly fixed. No matter how strong it is, you can't break it.

Solemn had never been to the police station before and didn't know the way, so he was tied to the interrogation chair by the little police.

Looking at the solemnity bound, the little policeman breathed a sigh of relief. With a sinister light in his eyes, he went to the back of the interrogation table, picked up the pen on the table and asked questions habitually. This is a necessary step. Even if the police want to take revenge seriously, they have to go through this procedure.

"Name." Asked the little policeman, turning his pen.

"Why tell you? I don't know you well Solemn eyes stare big, very innocent said.

"Lying trough..." but the little policeman almost didn't come up at a breath. The little police have tried more than a dozen prisoners, some of them have cheated and made up, some of them have pretended to be poor to win sympathy, but they have never heard such an answer.

"I warn you, you are a prisoner now! You'd better answer the question honestly, or you'll look good! " The policeman was so angry that he snapped on the bright light on the interrogation table. The first mock exam was very harsh.

This is a common means of interrogation. First, put people in the dark for a while, and then suddenly turn on the strong light. Under the light, people will have psychological pressure, and the pressure will become greater and greater until they can't bear it. Finally, they will obey and cooperate with each other to answer questions.

The little policeman saw that he was serious and didn't cooperate, so he used it.

"Well, what a big sun." Solemnly narrowed his eyes and said carelessly. The light of this kind of strong light is very strong. Even if you close your eyes, you can't isolate the light source. Solemn, you can only squint your eyes instinctively.

"Ask you again, name! To tell you the truth, I hope you don't answer well, so I have enough reason to repair you! " The little policeman said with a fierce light in his eyes.

Solemnly, he raised his head under the strong light and glared at the policeman. He suddenly laughed and said, "if it were me, I would not be such an eager repairman. I would investigate the background of my opponent before I act."

The little policeman's face changed a little after listening to the solemn words. The most taboo in the police profession is that they have no eyesight and offend the people they shouldn't offend. What they say solemnly is true.

However, when the policeman saw the solemn clothes, he calmed down and said, "hum! I almost got caught by you little bastard! It's up to you. If you have any background, I'll give you my fuckin 'name! Tut Tut, this dress is very expensive, isn't it? How much is it? "

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