"Three brothers born to one mother live in Fuzhou, Antarctica, the second in beishuntian, Beijing, and the third in xiaoxiguan, Shenyang. They practice Taoism and alchemy in the tower of Bell and drum. Their mouths are full of red fire and blue smoke. They produce red and blue. They specialize in men and women. They also specialize in girls and boys." With a burst of inexplicable words of long Shen, it is officially announced that the immortal family of the other party is also on the body of long Shen.

But the immortal family was reporting their own strength.

"I don't want to show my respect for the Hu family. I'll come back to Huang's words and let you get out of the womb and exchange for the cultivation of immortals. You can go from house to house and learn how to speak. Every family can be the guardian of immortals. It's your Huang family who leads the way to find the flag and summon soldiers. Only when the entrance of the hall is established can you be the vanguard of the horse. You can run errands and learn how to talk. If you are quick, you can take the lead..."

After listening to the next paragraph, the solemn heart sank, the secret way this time is a powerful immortal.

It's called the king of steles.

Beiwang, also known as Beiwang or beishuai, is the leader in charge of Qingfengxian (ghost immortal) in Tangkou. In some areas, they are also called jinlongbeizi and yinlongbeizi. Because of different regions, they are called differently.

Although he is only an ordinary leader, he is equivalent to the second row leader in some areas. However, his role and influence in Tangkou is quite great. Whether a Tangkou is stable or not is not decided by the leader of the Tangkou, but by the ability of the king.

In the mouth of the hall, the king of reputation has the same power and task as the chief of the general staff of an army, or a military adviser. Although he has no decision-making power over some major events in the mouth of the hall, he has the command power over the mouth of the hall. After the entrance of a hall comes out, what the immortal family does, what the disciples do, which immortal family is on duty, and which immortal family sits in the hall, are not decided by the leader of the hall. They are all arranged by the stele king.

If the king of stele does not have the ability, then the overall ability of the Tangkou will be reduced correspondingly in the future, and even the basic stability of the Tangkou may not be achieved.

Before, long Shen always said that he was a good disciple, so this man's stele king was absolutely an expert, otherwise he couldn't help him keep the hall in order.

Don't want to be a good disciple without a good one.

"Long Shen, how dare you contact me?" At this time, a hoarse voice came out of his mouth, suddenly not like his own.

"Boss, boss, please spare me. Let me go once. I will take the grass and tie a ring in the future. I will repay you as a cow and a horse..." long Shen said in his normal voice.

"Holding the grass to tie the ring? Your death is the best reward for me. " Then the husky voice came back.

Long Shen is like a mental patient. He plays two roles and talks to himself. He looks ridiculous.

In fact, solemnity and Chu Yanran both know that this is the man talking to long Shen with the help of the power of the tablet king.

According to long Shen, he contacted the man in this way before, and many instructions were given in this way, including how much to kill the "masters" each time, whether he could accept new people, and so on.

And this technique is extremely secretive, which leads to long Shen's not knowing the name and appearance of the man, but just calling him boss.

"Don't... don't... boss, I've been doing things for you for so many years, and I have no credit. Please forgive me this time. If I die, no one will make you 20 million a year! " Longshen begged bitterly.

Hearing this, solemnity and Chu Yanran were stunned at the same time.

But they did not expect that this gang could earn 20 million a year just by cheating!

This amount is really big enough to shoot all the members of the gang ten times.

However, solemn and Chu Yanran also know that this is not the largest amount of fraud funds. The master surnamed Wang reported in the newspaper paid five million yuan for an apprentice, not counting the cost of learning arts.

Master Wang used to treat an officer's wife, and he spent 20 million in total before and after treatment, but he didn't get it right. Twenty million. It's just a cure. This kind of swindles the money speed, simply lets the human marvel.

Master Wang's property revealed afterwards is even more shocking. Not to mention the famous brand cars such as Hummer, it's just master Wang's private property, which has accumulated over 100 million.

If this man had not been revealed, he would have been a legend.

At that time, after reading Master Wang's report, I had the impulse to open the door to do business.

In my eyes, the group of dragon ginseng is 20 million a year, which is less than Master Wang.

"Ha ha, long Shen, you think too much of yourself. As long as I am in this team, other people are insignificant! I can find another one after one death, and you will be the object of my warning. Don't worry about it The hoarse voice of Sen Sen laughs, let a person give birth to a chill from the bone.

The whole detention room became unusually cold. It was June, when it was hot and dry. However, despite the scorching sun outside, the temperature could not get in here. It's like an ice cellar here.

Crackle, suddenly, the incense on the divine table suddenly jumped twice, the original three incense burning side by side, the right one inexplicably burning faster, instantly burned down more than half.

Now it's two long and one short.

"Two long and one short life-threatening incense!" When Chu Yanran saw the incense flickering, her face changed and she blurted out.

Long Shen also saw the change of incense, and his body trembled uncontrollably. He wailed: "boss, please, please! I don't want to die, I don't want to die! "

"Hey, hey, it's not up to you!"

The incense flickered more severely, and the two long and one short incense situation became more and more obvious.

And at this time, the Dragon ginseng suddenly back a bow, like a shrimp general, the body almost bent to the ground.

The upper and lower teeth cackle, and the whole face turns black and black, while long Shen's hands can't help strangling his throat. With more and more force, he turns his eyes and can't breathe.

"No! He's going to kill the Dragon ginseng! " Chu Yanran yelled, rushed up immediately, grabbed long Shen's hands to stop him.

Who knows, the strength that dragon ginseng hand uploads is surprisingly big, Chu Yanran makes an effort under unexpectedly did not move at all.

Longshen's eyes are protruding slowly, and his tongue is also protruding out. It seems that there will be no air intake.

The stele king used by the other side is the immortal family who is in charge of ghost immortals. It's easy to kill people with his upper body.

Long Shen was controlled by the king of stele and wanted to strangle himself.

"Get out of the way." At the critical moment, a solemn and steady voice came.

Chu Yanran said to get out of the way. She didn't have a magic weapon. She was really powerless for the king of steles.

Brush, see purple light flash, a string of hands fly out, hit on the back of Longshen's hand.

"Well He heard a whimper in his throat. Then he let go of his hand and hung down.

Dragon ginseng is like a dead dog, lying on the ground, gasping for breath.

But it was finally saved.

[author's digression]: the left shoulder has developed into scapulohumeral periarthritis. As soon as I lift my arm, I will die of pain. Otherwise, I will write it in the morning. I'm really sorry

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