"The dead chicken! Can't you let me recover? " Make complaints about it.

With the solemn words, the Green Qi flows into the solemn body from all around, making the injured viscera heal slowly.

In the solemn head, a green lotus petals open, magnificent dazzling.

However, it solemnly launched the "liantai Memorial banner".

When the three ghost special fighters want to shoot solemn, solemn body can't move, so he can only sacrifice the liantai Memorial flag in a hurry, and use the black air of the liantai Memorial flag to form a barrier to save his life.

Solemnity drives the array to infuse liantai Qingqi into your body. With the activation of Qi and blood in your body, solemnity's internal injuries are healing. Even the poisoned left leg began to regain consciousness.

As long as the internal injury recovers well, the trauma can be overcome by willpower without affecting the action.

However, she is not willing to give a chance for her solemn recovery.

Liantai Memorial flag can trap human beings, but it can't trap this strange beast that has lived for thousands of years.

At first, she was confused by the black air and lost her direction. However, with the burning of the flame on its body surface, the surrounding black air was instantly burned out, and her vision quickly recovered, and she immediately saw the solemnity of hiding.

"Too much deception! I'll fight with you! "

Aware that she had found herself, she couldn't help losing control in her solemn mood.

She seems to recognize the solemn, not serious head pinch burst not reconciled.

If you don't kill him seriously, you can't move on. He's not the blood of Dongyi, and he can save him from attack.

One person and one bird, however, has become an endless trend.


Luocha was solemnly recalled, preempted the attack, and shot into the eyes of bunting.

However, he also saw the opportunity very quickly. As soon as the iron claw was horizontal, he blocked his eyes and collided with the Rocha, making the sound of gold and iron.

When the Rocha was withdrawn, there was already another scorch mark on the blade.

Although the flame on the surface of bunting's body has been reduced by more than half, I think it is because of the death caused by the previous full urge. But even so, bunting's flame can do a lot of damage to the Rocha.

This time, however, Rocha met a real nemesis.

Solemn but in addition to the Rocha, there is no better means of attack.

Desperately, there is no other way, can only be fighting to damage the Rocha, also want to kill this bunting.

This time, it is likely to be the curtain call performance of Luocha!

Dangdangdang... After several successive rounds of fighting, Luocha and Xuhe have already fought for several times, and each time, there will be a fine hair scorch mark on the body of Luocha.

In the twinkling of an eye, the surface of the Rocha has been covered with traces, like a spider web. It's just that the trace is a little thin, which is not enough to make the Rocha burst.

However, a little makes a lot. It is estimated that if you spell it for about ten times, the quality of Luocha may be changed by quantitative change, and it will collapse into pieces.

Although he was also injured by the blade of Luocha, there were several holes in his paw. But after all, it didn't affect bunting's movement, not to mention bunting's real killing move was its flame.

"This is not the way to go on, damn it! It's hard work! " With a solemn roar, he suddenly recalled the Rocha.

Then stand under the green lotus of the lotus flag and take a deep breath.

Qinglian falls thousands of silk rain from the air, and falls into the solemn body one after another. And solemn only feel the body hot and dry, the whole body Qi and blood are encouraged by the green gas, there is a boiling trend in a moment.

Qi and blood lotus surge, potential such as boiling!

Solemn, his eyes are wide open, his hair is windless, and his roots stand up on his head.

The pores of the solemn body have already been locked, and all the Qi and blood can't be released, which is confined in the body.

In ancient times, people said that wuliuzhenxian was the case. If the pores are blocked, the vital energy will not leak out. Because of impurities in the body, ordinary people often need to detoxify through the pores, so they can't close the pores. If there is no impurity in the body, you can close the pores and lock the vitality in the body.

Solemnity: at present, Qi and blood are boiling in the body. If you are not careful, it will spray out and naturally lock the pores.

Gudong, Gudong, I feel like an extra large kettle. The water inside is boiling hot and steaming.

But the pores are locked, water vapor can not be released, can only all fall back to the solemn body, continue to catalyze blood boiling.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, even worse than being thrown into boiling water.


Under the solemn pressure, I can't bear it at last. I can't bear it. I can't bear it. I can't bear it. I can't bear it. I can't bear it.

"Rocha, get up!"

And the next moment, solemnity has already held the Rocha in his hands, hands empty, essence without money into the Rocha.

In an instant, the Luocha became a big sword. The virtual shadow on the blade swayed, as if there were ghosts wriggling.

The whole Dao was stained with rich blood gas. From the handle to the blade, it was more than two meters, and the whole body was red with blood.

It seems that Rocha also knows that this is his last performance. The blade is shaking. The murderous spirit from the experience of the battlefield is surging out. The momentum of indomitable spirit is fed back to the solemn heart, which makes the solemn momentum increase several times.

"Although there are thousands of people, I will go! Luocha, kill

Solemnly, he said one word at a time, raised his hands, and slashed at her.

Then solemnly did not even look, and cut the second knife.

Then there is the third knife, the fourth knife, the fifth knife

A total of 16 swords came out with incomparable evil spirit, and they chopped at the bunting.

But the solemn never looked at him, just staring at the front.

From the first Dao to the 16th Dao, solemnity seems to have been planned for a long time. The position of each Dao is different. The 16 Dao make up a Dao net, which tightly binds the bunting.

What's more surprising is that the sixteen knives are all aimed at the weakness of her body! It's as if solemnity has known the structure of bunting's body for a long time!

Any knife can hurt her, not to mention sixteen?

The net of the sword trapped him, which made him so overbearing that he also showed a burst of fear in his eyes.

With a long roar, the purple fire on its body surface suddenly intensifies, trying to burn the net.

"Want to run? It's too late Solemn expression, cold as a blade, said softly.

All of a sudden, he tried his best to sacrifice the Luocha, and the Luocha turned into a piece of blood electricity, whizzing to the eyes of bunting.

At the same time, the knife net woven by the Rocha also exploded instantly.

The sharp air of the sword cuts her body, and cuts countless feathers into the air. With the scattered blood, it becomes a dark yellow rain.

Babbler wailed and trembled as if in fear.

It's just that Luocha doesn't care about her emotions. As a flash of blood, Luocha goes through her left eye and her head. With the determination and the will to die, Luocha goes through the purple fire in her body and lets her burn the blade.


Luocha passes through the tail of bunting and successfully penetrates the whole body of bunting. She will not be able to live if she is badly hurt.

The Rocha, which has achieved its goal, also stays in the air for a second after passing through the body of the bunting, and suddenly turns into a pool of ashes.

The rest is just a bunch of blood flames jumping in the air.

This is the last curtain call performance of Rocha. It's perfect

However, in the end, it was completed at the cost of burning itself.

Is it worth it or not?

Solemnity doesn't know, solemnity only knows that he suddenly feels empty in his heart.

All kinds of Luocha scenes with him came to the scene, which made him almost numb. Numbness of heartache

Perhaps, in the future, we will never meet such a killing weapon, or a flying knife called Luocha.

When I was in low mood, I couldn't help thinking of the culprit who caused all this!

Although Luocha has caused heavy damage to bunting, it has not completely killed bunting.

Solemnly, there is only one purpose now, that is to completely exterminate bunting! Leave no trace! Not a hair!

However, when solemnly raised his head, ready to put the idea into practice, he was surprised to find that a strange scene appeared in the air.

The breath of the explosion of Luocha knife net lingers together and fills the whole air. These breath is just like life. It doesn't disappear because of the explosion of the knife net, but creeps slowly.

With the wriggling of Dao Qi, a strange pattern was formed in the air.

After looking at it for a long time, I recognized it as a seal character. After looking at it carefully for a long time, I finally recognized it as a "Saint" character of a small seal character.

"Saint? What's the meaning of this? Strange. " Solemnly touched the back of the head of the burned hair, said puzzledly.

It seems that it's just for the sake of giving a solemn answer. After the formation of Xiaozhuan Shengzi, she suddenly whines with only one breath. Her eyes show a sense of sincerity, and her huge figure begins to shrink slowly.

The purple fire that burned Luocha before was also sucked into her abdomen, as if she had sucked back an inner pill.

Then the holy word rotates in the air and sheds some light, which contains a strong sense of hegemonism, which makes the solemnity almost lost.

In the center of the aura of the holy word, she feels more deeply. The aura of the holy word is like a mess, wrapping it tightly. Then the black light on the holy word flashes, and the handwriting shrinks by one point.

When the light shone six times, the writing wrapped the bunting, which had shrunk into a fist sized light ball.

Solemnly, I don't know how to stare at this scene, but I still don't understand what's going on.

But a little solemn, but I want to understand.

According to ancient books, Phoenix inhabits Wu, which represents the birth of saints. Phoenix, a sacred beast, will only submit to saints and be superior to all other species.

Saints should not only be benevolent and compassionate, but also be king and have a hegemonic faith.

Confucius is described in the Analects of Confucius, saying that Confucius "looks as if he is looking", which means that only a glance from a distance makes people feel afraid. It can be seen that the sage is not a corrupt scholar, but a decisive man who can kill at a critical moment.

What Luocha has experienced is the most murderous atmosphere. Today, inspired by the solemn atmosphere of "although thousands of people are going to die", the murderous spirit has been sublimated directly into the domineering spirit, which unintentionally coincides with the sage spirit.

From this, the Qi of the sword would condense but not disperse, and finally form a "Saint" character, which made the bunting face fear his head and finally surrender.

However, what does the suspended light mass mean?

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