"Does Li Xianyi have a dead son?" Liu duo looked solemn and asked.

Zhuang nodded and looked at Liu duo.

Obviously, two people want to go together. Will the body of Li Xianyi's son be put in the gossip loft?

Otherwise, why would li Xianyi work so hard to maintain it?

However, there is one point that doesn't make sense. The building has been built for thousands of years, and Li Xianyi's son has only been dead for more than ten years. It is impossible that this hexagram building was specially built for Li Xianyi's son.

In this way, it seems that it doesn't look like Li Yuanyong's body.

"It's Li Xianyi!" Suddenly, solemnly pointed to the fourth floor of the Gualou said.

In the corridor there, Li Xian ran wildly, covering his chest, as if there were wild animals behind him.

Soon, Li Xianyi walked into a room on the fourth floor of the hexagram building, then turned around and appeared in the corridor on the fifth floor.

It seems that he wants to go down to the bottom floor. What Li Xianyi wants must be in the attic on the bottom floor.

"Come on, let's go down, too!" Solemnly, as soon as he turned around, he was looking for the stairs leading to the next floor of the hexagram building.

However, looking for a circle, solemn but silly. Because there are no stairs leading to the next floor in the corridor!

How did Li Xianyi get down?

Yes, he entered the room and then appeared in the corridor on the next floor. The stairs must be hidden in the room.

Thinking so solemnly, he pushed a door open and went in.

As soon as the door was opened, there was a smell of rotten dust, which made me cough solemnly.

However, with a glimmer of light, I can see that there are countless wooden boxes in this room, but I don't know what they are.

There was nothing in the room but wooden boxes.

There are no stairs in this.

"Strange." Grave doubt way, then conveniently lift a wooden box.

The wooden box opened in response to the sound, from which came the smell of rust.

Solemnly take a look, but see this wooden box is all different forms of weapons.

There are all kinds of weapons that can be called by name, such as swords, spears, halberds, axes, axes, axes, hooks and forks. There is a big box in it.

Open a few more boxes and find the same. They are all full of iron weapons.

It has been rusted for a long time, but the weapon itself is still very solid, only the surface is rusted. From this we can see that the ancient forging technology is not inferior to the modern.

"It's a standard weapon." Liu duo, who came in after solemnity, looked at the weapon and said.

Standard weapons are special weapons for the ancient army. They have standard shapes and sizes.

If these boxes are full of standard weapons, they must be used by the army.

But what does the master of this underground palace have to do with the army? Is it a dead general? Or is he really a king?

He entered another room, which was still full of wooden boxes.

Solemnly open a box, this is not a weapon, but armor.

It's a uniform bright armor, but the casting material is worse than those of the two guards. The armor is a little thin, and the surface is also full of rust.

With a solemn and gentle hand knock, the armor sends out an empty echo, proving that the interior of the armor has not been completely rusted. After thousands of years, it's amazing that it can be preserved to this extent.

It's just that there are still no stairs in this room.

Eight rooms in one corridor, looking for the past one by one.

Eight rooms are all finished, there are no stairs! This can make solemn egg ache, no stairs, then how did Li Xianyi get down? Did ya jump directly?

Solemnly look at the bottom of the valley, the dark bottom of the valley is full of unspeakable evil Xing, and there is a light smoke floating in the valley from time to time.

The smoke is purple black, just like the haze on the horizon. Beauty at the same time represents danger. Solemnity can even smell the violent atmosphere contained in these purple black smoke.

If grave really jumps down the corridor, grave has no doubt that the smoke will stick over and corrode his whole body into a skeleton.

"There are traps everywhere, but we don't know the way. Do you want to watch Li Xian go to the bottom of the valley and take away the things in the hexagram building? " Solemn indignation.

As he said this, he kicked the door of the last room. With a roar, the door collapsed and splashed with dust.

Liu duo frowned. He was obviously not happy with his solemn and boring behavior. Empty from get a dust, why?

But then a solemn sentence, let Liu duo know that he wronged solemn.

"Mom, I know there's something strange in it!"

He said solemnly and excitedly, pointing to the room where he kicked the door and explaining, "Addo, do you think this room is bigger or smaller than other rooms?"

Liu duo looked carefully, not sure: "it should be small."

"That's right! The corridor was divided equally into eight parts and eight rooms were built. According to the shape of the eight trigrams, how can there be different sizes? So there must be something hidden behind this room! "

With that, he solemnly went to the wall and knocked a few times, then went to the other side and knocked a few more times.

Then he stopped near the cliff, pointed to the wall and said with a smile, "I guess it must be empty. How about your peach knife?"

Liu duo white solemn one eye, way: "boring."

Without saying a word, he waved his knife directly. With a roar, the wall was cut open by Liu duo, revealing the narrow space inside.

The collapse of the wall at this time to reveal the material, but not masonry, but wood. There was also a very hidden door opening on the wall, which was exposed because the wall collapsed.

I think Li Xianyi went down through this door.

After the walls were split, a narrow staircase emerged.

The stairs spiral down to the corridor on the next floor.

Solemnly tut tut two times, criticizing Liu Duo "too violent, how to find a daughter-in-law later", walking down the stairs in front of him.

Then, they appeared in the corridor on the second floor.

It's much easier to find the follow-up stairs.

After walking three stairs in a row, solemnly follow Liu duo to the fifth floor, where Li Xianyi appeared before.

There are still traces of Li Xianyi's blood here. It is obvious that Li Xianyi was seriously injured.

Just now, the solemn two delayed a lot of efforts. I don't know where Li Xianyi is now and whether he has entered the bottom floor of the hexagram building.

"Hurry up!" Solemnly said, with Liu duo speed up. Direct violence crack, see the dark wall on a kick collapse.

One breath to the last floor of the corridor.

Next, solemn but desperate.

Because Gualou didn't lead to the stairs below when it reached this floor. This time, there was no hidden wall, but a real cliff. The cliff is so solid that there is absolutely no hidden door.

Li Xianyi didn't know where he had gone. There was only a trail of blood extending to the bottom of the center of the hexagram building.

Did Li Xianyi jump to the bottom?

When he was confused, suddenly there was a loud noise in the center of the valley, as if something had been blown open.

Solemnly rushed out to see, only in the center of the valley, dark valley bottom, waves of fog kept rolling, like boiling in general. And solemn seems to see, there is a thing is set off by the fog, leisurely floating up.

"What is that?" The way of solemn surprise.

Liu duo shook his head. The light was too dim for him to guess what the dark thing was.

Clumsily, like an old fish jumping the waves, the thing that could not be seen was suddenly up and up, bringing up a lot of fog and splashing, breaking up into foam and shining.

At this time, solemnity finally saw the face of that thing.

It's the loft of the hexagram building!

It's just that the loft is a little luxurious. It's all made of glass. Under the background of fog, it looks like a fairy palace in the sky.

Through the glazed tiles, you can see countless images flowing in the attic.

There are heavenly girls scattering flowers, gods blessing, ghosts traveling at night, thunder and anger... It's like a small world, self-contained, free from outside interference.

In that space, the rune is shining, sending out a strong light, almost equivalent to a small sunrise.

In the middle of all the images is a delicate crystal coffin.

Crystal coffin is not big, only more than one meter, it seems not like an adult coffin. It's more like a children's coffin, dedicated to the burial of dead children.

In the head of the coffin, there was a ferocious beast.

The fierce animal has blue face tusks. Two tusks with a length of tens of centimeters protrude out of the body. The body is covered with layers of scales, and the two claws are extremely sharp.

From this point of view, in the past, the fierce beast was very similar to the legendary werewolf, but it was more than several times more ferocious than the werewolf.

The most amazing thing is that the beast's expression is dull, his hands on his shoulders, but he is holding a rope, and the other end of the rope is tied to the child's coffin.

The fierce beast is pulling the coffin!

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