There are tens of millions of swimming fish in the brain. From the eyebrow to the whole body, the sharp pain made the whole body tremble. With a crack, the mirror fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Hear the sound of the mirror broken, then Joe coco three people finally realize that the solemn situation is not right, hurry around, ask how solemn.

Liu Dong tried to grasp the hand of solemn dancing because of severe pain, but he was thrown on the wall and couldn't get up for a long time. From this, Qiao cocoa and Zhou Ruoxi dare not go forward. They look at each other with fear and solemnity, just shouting.

"Grave, grave, what's the matter with you?"

"Solemn, calm! calm! Liu Dong, call the doctor quickly

The solemn words to several people seemed to be unheard of. The pain made his whole body muscles tense, and his arms were even more blue. His face was ferocious and frightening.


There was a long, solemn howl.

In a trance, the picture reappears in the solemn mind.

Fresh clothes, angry horses, majestic court hall, and the execution ground shining like the bloody setting sun

These pictures are like walking lanterns, which make the solemn consciousness rise and fall.

All of a sudden, I opened my eyes like a door god, full of power. That kind of emotionless eyes, let all the people present in the heart is a cold.

What's more strange is that at this time, the solemn eyes rotate leisurely, and each rotation will change a color. Black, green, red, yellow

If you observe carefully, you can see that in the center of solemn eyebrows, a golden red grain of rice is shining into solemn eyes.

This strange scene lasted for a quarter of an hour.

"What's the matter with me?"

Bang, solemn suddenly powerless against the wall, and then gradually appear a trace of anger in the eyes, puzzled asked.

And then solemnly frowned, stretched out his hand in the middle of the brow. I don't know why, the solemn eyebrow came from bursts of pain, like what was stuffed inside.

Knead for a long time, solemn just feel better. Then he looked at the three of them: "Why are you looking at me so strangely? Am I that handsome? "

I feel my face solemnly. I'm still as handsome as before. I haven't become more handsome.

"Are you... Ready?" Joe coco asked, not sure.

"What's good? I was just... "I said solemnly, but I immediately remembered that I had just been invaded by the sun's anger! Half a leg into the coffin!

"Lying trough, lying trough, it's over. I'm finished. I've been put into the body by the evil spirit. I can't live for a few days. Heaven, earth, why do you do this to me? " Solemn and heartbroken up and down“ I'm still a virgin! It's not fair. It's not fair. If you die, you have to let Liu Dong die... "

Liu Dong listened to the solemn words, and his face was covered with black lines.

"You don't look like a dying man." Joe coco looked on coldly for a while, suddenly said.

The solemn Wen Yan, who was originally excited, was stunned. Yes, he didn't feel any discomfort now. It's not like this that the evil spirit enters the body, and the sun's anger directly invades the solemn mind. The important thing is that Zhuang died long ago. How can he live to the present?

"What happened to me just now?" Asked Joe coco gravely and doubtfully.

"It's nothing. It's just like your eyes have become a kaleidoscope. You'll change colors one after another. It's scary, but it's fun. Why don't you change them again?" Joe coco said unkindly.

Serious stare Joe coco one eye, but didn't say what. Just frowning and thinking about what happened.

From the description of Qiao Coco's language, it seems that this is a process of eye change. Solemnity has known that his eyes have problems. If something happens to his eyes, he will not be surprised. On the other hand, the solemn eyebrows also have the feeling of swelling and pain. All in all, these phenomena are quite similar to what Taoism calls "candle light opens the eyes of heaven".

Candlelight is a kind of practice method to open the eye of heaven. Solemnity has seen this method in books.

The eye opener should sit in the east end of the quiet room without light, with his eyes slightly closed and his whole body relaxed. Relax from top to bottom, from inside to outside. After entering the void state of trance, the sexual light will naturally appear in front of our eyes.

At the beginning of cultivation, the waiting time was long. There was no light in front of my eyes, but darkness. At this time, practitioners need not worry, they need to firmly believe that wisdom can be born, and meditate on the empty part of the eyebrow. Two eyes of divine light in Ming Tang Palace, seems to keep non - Shou, if the memory if forget, gradually will appear in front of the forehead light.

When it first appears, some people see the light white fog, some see the stars, others see the red and yellow light, and also the green, purple and other colors of light. After a long time, as long as you close your eyes, the sexual light will appear immediately.

This is the first step to open the eyes of heaven by candlelight, which is called cultivating sexual light.

It as like as two peas of riotous with colour, and the same color of the same color appears, and the same feeling in the eyebrows.

However, the difference is that Taoism's eye opening is built on imagination, but solemnity is directly reflected in the external form.

Is this the legendary Fengshui eye?

Solemn heart move, suddenly thought.

Fengshui eye is similar to Tianyan. It can see things that normal people can't see. And Fengshui eye is mainly used to look at Qi, to see Fengshui angry. The eye of heaven is used to see Yin and Ling, and their emphasis is different.

The first time you see something strange in your eyes before you are solemn, you can see all kinds of auspicious Qi in Qingping temple. Now I think it should be from then on that solemnity has initially possessed the power of Feng Shui eye.

And the source of everything seems to have something to do with a strange woman in white. Solemn day with the white woman after the eyes began to change.

But who is the woman in white?

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