Some initiator who played a bad leading role naturally did not know how much influence his behavior had on a pure child. He was still immersed in his perfect performance just now.

Nima, solemn, you are just a genius. You can play, you can play, you are handsome! What else in the world are you not? Please, can you give other men a way to live?

Solemnly, I beg for myself in my heart.

Joe cocoa is extremely contemptuous of this kind of behavior, but as long as this kind of behavior is not done to her, Joe cocoa is particularly happy to gloat.

"Big sex wolf, do you think that Li Zhenji will come to you to settle accounts?"

"I don't know, but at least we have evidence to prove that I'm innocent, and you listen to this..." solemnly, pulling to a certain paragraph of the video.

There was Li Zhenji's voice: "don't worry, I can assure you now that no one in the Li family will pursue you again from now on! My guarantee has legal effect! "

Hearing this, Joe coco couldn't help wheezing and laughing again.

Solemn this slut is really leak, even induced Li Zhenji to say this.

If the people of the Li family pester again, and Li Zhenji talks about it, they will be in a passive position. After all, what Li Zhenji said has legal effect.

And even if the two sides really fight a lawsuit, the other side may not be able to win. After all, the will in solemn hands is genuine, not fabricated.

The video properly put away, solemn then to treasure Zhai Zhao shopkeeper made a phone call.

I said solemnly on the phone that I want to sell something through Jubao Zhai. I'm not in a hurry to sell it, but the price should be as high as possible.

Charity is not a matter of half an hour. The solemn idea is that if we can sell more than 1.8 million yuan, we can build one more school and have dozens more children get the chance to learn.

Shopkeeper Zhao answered and said he would go there immediately.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, shopkeeper Zhao came in a hurry.

This man really loves antiques. As soon as he heard that Zhuang Chong had something good, he rushed over.

After shopkeeper Zhao arrived, the two sides first said hello. Before drinking water, shopkeeper Zhao can't wait to see what he said.

With a solemn and mysterious smile, he dragged the safe in the yard into the room.

Then feel out the Rocha and cut it close to the corners of the safe.

Shopkeeper Zhao did not know why. He looked at the solemn action and was a little confused.

However, after the solemn cutting and the removal of the three pieces of gold, Kunlun jade and Lanzhi jade, shopkeeper Zhao was silly.

"This is... This is... Flawless Kunlun blue jade! The color is so perfect, the best, the best! As an old saying goes, "cangbi is a gift to heaven, and the color of jade is the same as that of heaven. I didn't believe it before, but I saw it today!"

"This... The tallow jade of Hetian seed material! Such a big piece? God, how did you get these things! These three things add up to 300 million! This is still a conservative estimate! If we let the wind out slowly and find an opportunity to auction, we can sell another 100 million yuan! "

Shopkeeper Zhao exclaimed excitedly.

"Isn't that 400 million?" Solemnly, I was a little stunned to hear the value reported by the experts.

Li Xianyi has really left a fortune of 400 million yuan, twice as much as what he had predicted before, but he can build another 500 schools. Although there is a considerable gap compared with more than 6000 schools run by Shaw, it is also a great charity.

"Are all these things really going to come out?" Shopkeeper Zhao still doesn't believe it. He asks Zhuang chongdao.

"Yes, all of them. You can see how to arrange it. You don't have to worry about the time. You can get out in a year. " Zhuang nodded and said.

"A year!" Shopkeeper Zhao's eyes flashed and he laughed“ One year is enough! Just look at it! I'll let the wind out first, let the news brew, and then hold an auction together with other curios in Jubao Zhai! "

The thought that he could hold such a big auction in his lifetime made manager Zhao even more excited.

Without saying a few words to solemnity, I'm going back to jubaozhai to plan.

Solemnly, he sent off shopkeeper Zhao, and by the way, he loaded the three things into the car of Jubao studio. The rest is waiting for shopkeeper Zhao to finish planning and collect the money.

But at the moment, there was only a pile of ragged iron sheet left in the room, which was very eye-catching.

"Big sex wolf, you hurry to get these things out. What if you bump Xiao an into her?" Joe coco said.

"Don't worry, stay in the house first. In case Li Zhenji's family comes to visit, it's also a means of coping." Solemn but not agreed.

As soon as the voice fell, the mobile phone in the solemn pocket rang.

Solemnly picked up the phone, saw the number, but it was a little surprised.

Then connect, inside spread Zhao Lingzhi's voice.

"Seriously, are you free now? Can you come to my place? "

The tone is serious. It seems that there is something urgent.

Solemnly, he said, "OK, I'll go right away."

With that, hang up the phone and walk out.

Joe coco white solemn one eye, but did not say anything, but turned to play with small Ann.

Took a car, solemn soon arrived at Zhao Lingzhi's residence in the Pearl.

This place is solemn. I came once before, and I reformed xiafeng Shui to help Zhao Wei take care of her body. I don't know how Zhao Wei is now taking care of her.

Just walked into the villa, solemnly saw Zhao Lingzhi far to welcome out.

"Uncle Zhao." Solemnly, Zhao Lingzhi arched his hand.

"Solemn, here you are. Please, alas." Zhao Lingzhi sighed and asked him to sit down in the room.

"Uncle Zhao, what seems to be difficult? If you need serious help, just ask. If you can help, you will help. " He said solemnly and quietly.

Zhao Lingzhi first shook his head and poured a glass of water on the grave, then sighed, as if thinking about something.

Solemnity does not disturb Zhao Lingzhi, but sips his tea quietly. If Zhao Lingzhi really needs serious help, he will certainly speak, but there is no need to urge him.

Finally, after a moment of silence, Zhao Lingzhi spoke.

"Seriously, I have an invitation."

"Uncle Zhao, if you can, you will not refuse." A solemn and sincere way.

"In fact, it's not too much trouble. I just want Wei to stay with you for a while, until you help Wei treat the three yin Jue pulse."

"Well? Uncle Zhao is going back to America? Is that the situation over there? " Solemn but did not answer, but asked in surprise. But he immediately smelled the unusual meaning from Zhao Lingzhi's words.

"I know I can't hide it from you. That's right. There's something big going on in the United States. I have to go back this time. And... It's likely to be a near death. It's still unknown whether I can get back, and the only thing I can't rest assured about is the child. Fortunately, I met you. If I really can't come back, solemn you must treat Wei Wei as your own sister! Please

With that, Zhao Lingzhi suddenly stood up and bowed to the grave.

This can frighten solemnity. Zhao Lingzhi is a great figure in Hongmen and a benchmark in Chinese martial arts. What is the rank of solemnity? How can you stand Zhao Lingzhi's bow? Zhao Lingzhi has so many disciples and grandchildren that they can't swallow their dignity when they know it?

"Uncle Zhao, no, no!" Solemnity quickly helped Zhao Lingzhi.

But Zhao Lingzhi didn't say a word, and his body suddenly gave birth to a dark force, as if he had been electrified. He shook his solemn hand and shook it away.

And Zhao Lingzhi's bow was completed after all.

Zhao Lingzhi is a master of double strength, and he is just one step away from triple strength. He is solemn, but he can reach the threshold of double strength. The quality of dark strength is not a grade, but it's normal for Zhao Lingzhi to pop it away.

It's just solemn, but I can't figure it out. Zhao Lingzhi is already a master of this level. What's going on in Hongmen that will make him have this idea of never going back?

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