The priest carried the handlebar of the Dodge Tomahawk, and the rear tire of the motorcycle landed on the ground, performing a special motorcycle stunt.

The Dodge Tomahawk at high speed is really like a Tomahawk missile, whistling at the beetle.

"Ah," cried Jo coco, closing his eyes.

The 680kg Dodge Tomahawk is huge. Visually, it is full of iron and steel domineering. Under the control of the priest, it suddenly rolls against the front window. Joe coco, sitting in the co driver's seat, is the first to bear the brunt. He is naturally frightened.

The oppressive feeling of the giant falling from the sky made Joe coco scream wildly.

"Never seen the world!" Serious disdain of a Joe coco, calm.

Outside the car window, the minister's ferocious face is clearly visible, and the minister's solemn mouth can also be read out, that is three words.

"Go to hell"!

A solemn and contemptuous smile, to die? I don't know who died yet.

Then turn the steering wheel solemnly and abruptly, release the brake and step on the accelerator at the same time. Originally, the beetle was still in the inertia of drifting. Suddenly, it was solemnly exerted a power, and immediately it really flew up. The four wheels were 20 cm above the ground.

Drift is to reduce tire resistance and use speed inertia to make the car float. However, because the drift is used for cornering, there must be a dynamic control for the drift, otherwise the car will lose control and accidents will occur.

There is no one who dares to step on the accelerator like this.

The beetle, which had increased its power, hissed like a whip and flew up in a parabola.

At this time, the priest was driving the Dodge Tomahawk to press on the beetle. Originally, the priest was aiming at the front car cover of the beetle, but now he is solemnly controlling the car to fly up. The place where the Dodge Tomahawk meets the beetle is just at the top of the beetle's parabola.

As a result, the Dodge Tomahawk failed to press on the beetle, and the beetle slammed the high-speed tire into the Dodge Tomahawk.


Just listen to a earth shaking noise, beetle and Dodge Tomahawk hit together.

At the same time in the corner of the two cars, driven by the huge inertia, a heart shaking impact.

Dodge Tomahawk was just crushed by the beetle tire, and suddenly it was like a shell ejected out of the cabin and flew upside down.

This Dodge Tomahawk really became a Tomahawk missile. Unfortunately, the missile was launched and eventually destroyed, not others.

"No!" The priest's original expression of grimace was instantly frozen, and his eyes flashed with panic light and a despairing roar.

The potential of man in a desperate situation is infinite. Facing the danger of falling off a cliff, even the priest who is not good at hand to hand combat suddenly gives birth to a force. He grabs the hand on Dodge's Tomahawk and makes a sudden effort. Then he jumps all over and gets out of the motorcycle.

When the huge body of Dodge's Tomahawk passed under the priest's feet, the priest was a little bit on the body of Dodge's Tomahawk. His whole body was like a falcon, suddenly spreading its wings in the air, and with the help of the power of trampling, he glided to the inside of the winding mountain road.

"Oh, I'm good at playing." With a solemn smile and an exclamation, he suddenly pushed the door open.

Solemn right hand holding the steering wheel, can only use the left hand to push the door. Zhou Ruoxi, who was sitting in the back, saw a red light flash on her solemn left hand. Then she heard a click and saw that the whole door of the beetle was pushed away solemnly.

The great force made the door fly out, and the direction was exactly where the priest was going to stay.

“FUCK!” The priest could only speak a word of English before he was hit by the door. The broken door became a sharp blade at high speed and cut the priest's waist.

Poof! Poof!

First, the priest spewed out a large amount of blood from his waist, and then the priest spewed out several mouthfuls of blood in mid air. The two sounds of blood gushing are mixed together to outline a frightening picture.

And the priest's body fell heavily on the winding mountain road, making a sound of cracked teeth.

"Reverend!" Similarly, in order to avoid the break of the solemn car, seeing the priest hit by a series of solemn actions, he should not be able to survive and be attacked by anger.

Although the killer profession does not have too many emotions, and broken army nature is cold and thin, will not trust anyone. But after all, the priest has been working with him for a long time. Even a dog has feelings, let alone a man. The death of the priest, even if the army is broken and the task is successfully completed, is not worth the loss.

In his career as an army killer, he could not do without the help of others, especially the clergyman who was proficient in machinery.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you!" The broken army's eyes flashed, and two cold rays of light came out.

It's like a person who broke the army star and died. He belongs to the calm and insane type. When they are angry, they are extremely calm and will not use their emotions to vent their anger. There is only one way for them to vent their anger: the blood of the enemy.

Solemnly, I don't have time to pay attention to the shouting of the broken army. The beetle is still floating in the air, hanging in the air on the curve, but it's very deadly.

Fortunately, it was a small curve, and the flying beetle just landed on the outside of the curve.

The whole car was about to turn over the cliff.

Bang, the beetle landed safely, the violent vibration also made the engine suddenly shut down, lost power.

"Damn, the quality of this foreign car is not very good. It's not good after just flying. It's not as good as my big time tractor. " He patted the steering wheel solemnly and scolded.

Whoa! On the other hand, the broken army also stopped the Dodge Tomahawk.

Two people, one in front of the other at both ends of the curve.

"Boy, you don't want to leave here alive today! I'll cut off your limbs and watch you wail to death The cold eyes of the broken army looked solemn and full of hatred.

Solemnly, I got out of the car on the left side of the door and looked at the broken army. I was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not very sensible, I don't know how to handle things, and I don't know what to do. I accidentally killed your friend. If anything offends you, you're going to hit me. "

You fuckin 'hit me... After listening to the solemn words, the broken army suddenly turned black.

Slut, this slut, if you don't kill this slut today, you are ashamed of heaven and earth! The broken army swore in his heart.

"Go to hell, I want to get rid of harm for the people!" The broken army roared, picked up the MP5 in hand, and swept to the solemn.

MP5 is a kind of mini submachine gun, which is widely used in the military and security forces of various countries. This kind of gun has high shooting accuracy and small recoil, so it can be fired with one hand. Before breaking the army is in the motorcycle, single hand holding MP5 strafe solemn.

"Be careful, be serious!" Joe coco, who was huddled in the car, also regained his mind and yelled.

Solemn but like a hero on the battlefield, he looked at the broken army with no fear, and his eyes were full of provocation: "come on, you bite me."

In the face of serious provocation, breaking the army is even more crazy. As soon as you pick your fingers, a string of three punches will sweep to serious.

And solemnity is staring at the broken army index finger tightly. When the broken army index finger moves, solemnity has already made a response. His whole body shrank and then unfolded, just like a vigorous ape, he suddenly fell to one side, and three bullets rubbed past his solemn body.

"Boy, I have some skills, but so what? Can you dodge three or thirty? Die The broken army sneered and raised the MP5 again.

Solemnly, he stood up from the ground, patted the soil on his body, and said, "why do you bad guys always have such faces? It's easy to let people die. Besides, you look too ugly! You see, you sit at an oblique waist, with a long, rough face, dark complexion, and scars. This is a typical case of breaking the army star into life. Alas, it's hopeless. It's hopeless. No wonder you are a killer... "

Solemnly not for the purpose of the army face comment.

Breaking the army was surprised by the solemn words. What's the origin of this boy? How can you see my star?

"Are you surprised that I'm so good? Oh, I can't help it. I'm used to it. The God of hemp clothes looks at the world from each other, and the geomantic omen determines the land. It's me. Your destiny is not inextricable. As long as you can give me one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand, I will help you solve it and guarantee that you will never worry about it! Think about it He boasted solemnly and shamelessly, and took the opportunity to sell his business.

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