Broken army listened to solemn words, first is a Leng, then strange smile.

"You think you can tell me in this way? Then you look down on me

Breaking the army is to think that solemnity is deliberately telling a story, using the lie of revenge for him to cheat the middleman's information.

"Ha ha, although I'm a little shameless, I'm still reliable. I never promise others anything easily, but I will do it if I promise. Look at my face. Is it deceptive to be so handsome? " Solemnly pointed to his face, said.

The broken army glanced at solemnly, moved his body, changed his posture and leaned against the rock wall.

The solemn leg just now has seriously injured the organs of breaking the army. Even if it can be cured later, I'm afraid breaking the army will not be able to recover its previous Kung Fu. What's more, with what I have just said, I have already delayed a lot of time, and the eyes of the broken army have begun to be lax, so the whole person presents a kind of lazy state.

"I don't know if you can cheat. I don't believe anyone now." The broken army looked at the distant mountain haze with deep and sad eyes.

It's good to say that people are dying. Now the broken army is not the cruel killer, but a young man immersed in the past.

"You're good at Kung Fu. You're good at legs." Broken army leisurely jump out of a, completely not like a time of life and death, but with old friends chatting.

With a solemn smile, he also sat down against the cliff, picked up a small stone and threw it down the cliff.

The two people are in great harmony, just like a pair of friends they haven't seen for many years, recalling the past.

Solemnity just now used a total of two moves, one knee bump, one wind swing lotus leaf, are the moves of Tan leg.

"Like you, it was taught by others. But I'm happier than you. Although the man was strict with me, he was very kind to me and never asked me to repay him. We have the feeling of master and apprentice, but we don't have the title of master and apprentice. I only know how to call him Abbot when I see him. Ha ha, it's very old-fashioned. " Solemnly thinking of the person who always keeps a straight face, I can't help smiling.

"Abbot? Are you a monk Broken army a Leng, ask a way. He couldn't figure out how a shameless and shameless man like solemnity could be a monk.

"I'm a monk, but I've never followed the rules. I've done all kinds of cheating and abduction, and I eat by my craft. " Before being solemn, I lived by fortune telling in Qingping temple. Of course, I would give some advice when I met someone who really had a big disaster.

"Eat by craft?" I couldn't help laughing. It's the first to be able to talk about deception and abduction with such high sounding solemnity. In his words, cheating and abduction seems to be a kind of folk art, rather than a vicious act that everyone shouts and beats.

"I also eat by craft. We all eat by craft." Breaking the army is like finding a confidant, laughing.

"But there's one thing I'm better than you. I learned the craft to sell to myself, and you learned the craft to sell to others." With a solemn wink, he said.

It's solemn, but it's about breaking the army and working for others. It's a disguised reminder that breaking the army and killing your father's enemies are still alive. Don't you want to take revenge? If you want to get revenge, please tell me the address. I will get revenge for you.

In Zhuang Chong's words, the meaning of breaking the army is clear, but breaking the army is indifferent, as if he is still worrying about something.

"You don't have much time. If you keep talking, it's pushing yourself to death. " Solemnly and well intentioned remind to break the army.

But he didn't care about breaking the army. A wisp of confusion appeared in his eyes. He sighed: "death is not a relief. At least I can see my parents and my sister. "

"But you haven't avenged them yet. Why do you go to see them? What face do you have to meet them? " Solemn, a little angry.

How can this man be so stupid? There are people willing to revenge for him, Ya also cover up, not a man! If you change to brother... Of course, brother will never be beaten like this.

"You should know a lot about it?" Breaking army suddenly asked.

Solemnly, why did you ask this again at this juncture? Today, it's not a meeting of friends with martial arts, but a fight for life and death. It's useless to talk about it.

However, the solemn reply was "open the door, eight poles, form and meaning, eight trigrams, new and old Taiji, Tan legs are involved."

"Ha ha, if you practice too much, you will not be good at it. Your legs should be the best, right

"I think so. After all, he came out of Longtan Temple. "

"Longtan Temple?" The broken army was stunned by the solemn words“ No wonder, no wonder... "

Longtan Temple is located in Linqing, where Master Kunlun, the founder of Tan leg, lived in seclusion. And that's why the name of Tan leg came.

It is said that master Kunlun was originally Chai GUI, the king of the Later Zhou Dynasty. Because he had military power in his hand, he was appointed as a pioneer by Zhao Kuangyin to go to Yanyun area. When master Kunlun arrived near Linqing, he received the news of the mutiny between Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Qiao.

Kunlun master who knew Zhao Kuangyin felt that if he returned to the army at the moment, he would not be able to compete with Zhao Kuangyin, who had a strong military force. So he chose to escape and never ask for right or wrong again.

The residence of master Kunlun was Longtan Temple. Later, master Kunlun taught his disciples what he had learned in his whole life. The disciples used it to travel in the world, so the name of Tan leg came out.

Over the years, Longtan Temple has gradually declined, and there are few people who can really understand it. What I learned solemnly is the authentic Tan leg of Longtan Temple. How can I not surprise the broken army.

"Since it's leg Tan of Longtan Temple, I won't be wronged for losing. Cough... "The broken army nodded, but then coughed up a mouthful of blood.

A solemn sigh.

It seems that the broken army is really not ready to live. He has lost too much blood by talking with solemn people again and again, and there is no way to recover.

"If you don't fight, it's just a fight. Ha ha, Tan leg, great! " The broken army stretched out his left hand to wipe the blood on his mouth and said with a strange smile.

If you don't fight, it's just a fight. This is the main point of attack. The real master, the fight depends on. No move, no fight, he caught the opportunity, a hand, immediately end the fight. This is the origin of this sentence.

And Tan leg, form and meaning, Baji and other hard and fierce Kungfu are also taking this path. Usually when we watch a movie, we think it's good-looking to play in a fancy way, but the real fighting depends on it. It's short, sharp and ruthless. The hand net picks the person's vital point, hits either death or injury.

Just killing people, not practicing. This is the essence of Chinese martial arts.

It's just like this when you kick and break the army before you are serious. You can see the opportunity, swing the lotus leaf with the wind, use the fuzzy landing point to confuse the enemy, and then use the strength of your waist and abdomen to pass it to your legs. You can knock the enemy down at once, and then you can't fight back.

Of course, solemnity left a little strength when kicking the broken army, otherwise the broken army would have become a corpse rather than sitting here talking to solemnity.

"Can I see your real strength?" Break army side head to see solemn, suddenly way.

Solemnly looking into the eyes of the broken army, he was calm and stubborn. People who break the army star into life have strong subjective consciousness and are headstrong. What they have made up their mind will not change even if they die.

It seems that if we don't show our real Kung Fu today, we can't get something out of the broken army.

Stand up with dignity.

Take a deep breath, the inhaled gas bulges into a ball, rolls from solemn Adam's apple to Dantian at the speed visible to the naked eye, and then disappears.

This is the elixir ball in Neijia's martial arts, which is similar to the internal force in martial arts novels. It can be regarded as a kind of Qigong to strengthen the physical strength.

After breathing in, his solemn eyes suddenly jumped up.

Windward, swing your legs!

Solemn right leg raised high, straight and strong, like a huge hammer, hard to the mountain wall.

Tan leg in the "hook split twist single whip.".

With a bang, it was like a real iron whip on the rock, making a deafening sound, which surprised Qiao Keke and Zhou Ruoxi who were hiding in the car at the same time.

Then, the place where the solemn right leg kicked, burst.

Yeah, it's a burst. Similar to the feeling of watermelon being crushed, the hard rock wall under the solemn leg seems to be more brittle than watermelon, fried into a ball of powder.

Kicking stone into powder is the ultimate realm of external skill. Use the explosive force of the body to strike the target object instantly, and then disperse the force to all parts of the object, making the object burst, causing maximum damage.

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