After a greeting, five people began to be busy.

Some put the urn well, and then cover it with the spirit guiding banner, and some tidy up the auspicious acupoints to facilitate burial.

The leader took off his coat, revealing a Taoist robe inside, holding a Dharma sword in his hand, and began to practice.

Every time you wave the sword, you will recite a mantra, but you are very skilled in business.

"The Tao is mysterious. It is born but never perishes. It can be seen and seen for a long time. However, there is no ancestral temple and the cave shines on the three realms. It circulates life and death. It can't be seen, heard or fought. It's called poverty, infinity or infinity,

It can be used to irrigate the Tianchi Lake, cultivate well, give birth to all kinds of ways, light the lamp at the bottom of the water, do the opposite, return to the old age and become a baby. The person who has reached the goal can not be deceived. He is skillful in taking care of himself. He is hard to understand his wisdom. He is addicted to the sails. He can save himself from being overturned. He is good at using the sails.

This is a wonderful Sutra, which is used by Taoists to transcend. The whole text is still very lengthy. I can't recite it solemnly by myself, but this man recites it word by word, which really surprised solemnity.

"When you look at the sky in the cave, there is no life and death. The true state is self-evident. The Tao and the God are in harmony. The Tao is nothing. The Tao is fresh. When you return to the body, you can rise to death. With Qi, you can enter the body, and you will be robbed forever."

The man drank and read out the last passage. With a wave of his sword, he took out a handful of paper money and scattered it. Then he pointed to Ji acupoint and said, "the time has come! Bury

The remaining four people carried the four corners of the urn and slowly put it into the bunker.

And with the urn down, there is the birthday of the boss Yi. If you want to change his fortune, this kind of thing is indispensable.

What's more, what the man said is right. The centipede shape can really change someone's fortune in a short time, but only for a while. After that, there was no effect. Not only people had no effect, but also the centipede shape was discarded.

Obviously, these people just want to fool the boss Yi, so they don't care if they get the money.

In other words, when boss Yi finds that his fortune is no longer good, he will pay for them. Because what they've done has worked.

Solemnly, it suddenly occurred to me that there was such a group of people in the old society who belonged to the organization of xiajiuliuli. What they were good at was to use all kinds of geomantic omen to deceive and abduct. However, at that time, they still had moral integrity and would not harm others. Most of them were just exaggerating and cheating people to spend money. The effect of geomantic omen was somewhat good.

From their conversation just now, I can tell that they have lost their moral integrity and are just thinking about cheating money.

"Brother Zhuang, what are they doing?" Zhao asked curiously.

"They want to use the geomantic omen of this auspicious cave to change the fortune of the big boss." Solemnly explained a little.

"Ah? Can't elder brother Zhuang use it? Stop them. "

"Don't worry, I'll start to change it after they leave. They can't take advantage of it... These people seem to have some inheritance and can't offend them face to face." Solemnly said, suddenly a meal.

Originally, he didn't want to have a direct conflict with these people, but a thought suddenly appeared in his solemn heart, which made him want to take a risk.

If we can accept these people, we should solemnly set up a similar company by ourselves. Instead of using insidious means, we should be fair and aboveboard in promoting sales, searching for auspicious caves, buying and selling ghost houses, and so on. What's the middle interest?

Especially here is Xiangjiang. Metaphysics flourishes here. It's not like the mainland can only hide. It must be a vast market!

The more serious you think about it, the more excited you are. With a smile, you suddenly grow up from behind the sand dune, and make an expert style. You are going to steal my cave like this


"Who is it?"

A solemn and sudden sound frightened several people. I thought boss Yi's father was alive.

But the leader didn't change his mind. He pointed the sword at the grave: "where is the devil, pretending to be a ghost here!"

"The devil?" A solemn sneer“ It seems that you are habitual criminals who steal my auspicious acupoints and can be so righteous. "

"Your lucky cave? Do you want him to say yes? " The leader said with a fork.


Solemnly, I found that I underestimated the shameless degree of this group of people, and even could say such shameless words.

"I told him he would not agree, but the government would! I have bought this land. You have no right to bury here. " Solemnly, I feel that in the face of such a group of scoundrels, I should be reasonable in order to distinguish myself from them.

But this kind of solemn posture, but let a few people think solemn and timid.

Joke, with the rogue will the law? Isn't this kid hairy yet?

Today let ya know where Xiangjiang yamen is heading!

The leader gave a smile and then winked at the four men.

The four of them knew each other, and they were going to beat him up.

But before the four of them got close to the solemn, they saw that the Sanhao boy, who just looked upright and yelled to do things according to law, instantly turned into a street gangster, pulling his hair, pulling his face and kicking his feet. All kinds of insidious moves were used. What's more, this kind of dirty move made them have no resistance.

In the blink of an eye, all four people were lying on the beach.

"Meeting the family?" The leader squinted and said.

"A little bit." A solemn and embarrassed reply.

"Well, I'm afraid you won't! You stand up, let's fight fifty rounds! " The leader pointed to Zhuang chongdao bravely.

Solemnly disapprove of the stand, ready to move within the other side down.

However, to his great surprise, the man turned around and ran away.

The degree of shamelessness is almost catching up with that of Zhuang!

"I'm more shameless than me. Can I bear it?" Solemnity felt challenged, so when he stepped on it, his feet seemed like duck's feet. He guessed a flat bunker on the beach, and the next second solemnity was three steps away.

This is a partial lightness skill called "duck walking". It was created by a bandit who robbed houses in the desert all the year round. In the desert, he could do his best, even surpass horses and camels.

Solemn three steps two steps to shorten the distance, and then a stretch of arm, will be the person to pull back.

The man saw that solemnity came from behind like a ghost, but he was scared out of his courage. With a cry, he knelt down directly: "brother, spare your life, we don't mean to disturb your practice. Please let go of our little fish and shrimps. We will burn paper for you every Qingming Festival

"I Pooh!" Solemnly, a shudder struck the man on the head, and he was very angry.

This guy thinks that solemnity is a big zongzi.

"What's your name?"

"Lin... Lin... Daxing." The man replied tremblingly.

"Your ancestors are from the lower Jiuliu city?" Solemnly asked.

The man listened to the solemn question, could not help but be vigilant. A dignified look appeared on his face and asked solemnly, "who are you?"

PA, solemnly, another shudder struck Lin Daxing's head: "if I ask you something, I have no choice but to say it or to die! It's not good for you to know more! "

Solemn this arrogant and domineering appearance, but let Lin Daxing be suspicious. Constantly guess what is solemn identity, eyes dribble, do not know what to think.

"I'll count three, and after that you won't have a chance to say it. 1、 Two... "Solemnly back hand, a pair of black astringent will big guy appearance.

"I said, I said... My grandfather used to make a living in xiajiuliu. I was forced by life, so I had to make a living. Boss, just let me go as a fart. " Lin Daxing said.

"So?" Solemnly, I thought this boy had any inheritance. It turned out that he was just a little bit of a bad family.

But in this way, it is easier to control.

"How's your... Feng Shui manager doing?" After serious consideration, he asked Lin Daxing.

"Business? Generally, only a few months can I get an order, barely enough food and clothing. " Lin Daxing's eyes twinkled and answered.

Seriously, this guy didn't tell the truth. It's estimated that the business is good. It's absolutely enough to be well-off.

"Well, I don't care about your business. If I want to buy your studio, would you like to?" Solemnly.

"Acquisition?" Lin Daxing hesitated, obviously unwilling. Who is willing to give up their business.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse. Think about it. I can give you eight figure funds to set up the biggest Feng Shui manager company in Xiangjiang! It can also take you into the upper class, so that those rich people can see you and beg for you, instead of needing you to come to the door to cheat as they do now. Money, status, women, how long do you think it will take for you to fight for these things? In other words, the police have not got it at all? " Solemnly and gently, with the language of temptation.

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