Pearl City.

Uncle Wu, the housekeeper of Qiao's family, is calling Qiao coco over and over again.

Originally, the place where Qiao coco lives today needs to change the floor. Uncle Wu wants to ask Qiao coco what color is better. But since noon, Uncle Wu has been dialing Qiao Keke's phone. Strangely enough, Qiao Keke's phone is always unable to connect. This makes Uncle Wu very impatient.

Qiao cocoa has high requirements for the decoration of his room. Wu Shu dare not change the floor without Qiao cocoa's consent, so Wu Shu can only keep on calling Qiao cocoa.

According to Uncle Wu's understanding, Qiao cocoa should have gone to a bar with Zhou Ruoxi, and then turned off his mobile phone because he was bored.

As long as Uncle Wu insists on dialing, he will get through. Joe coco can't play all day, can he?

But it's really unfortunate for Wu Shuyan. From noon to dusk, Qiao Keke has been out for a whole day. Qiao Keke's mobile phone can't get through.

A feeling suddenly appeared in Uncle Wu's heart.

"No, miss. It's good for people and nature. There's no accident. Look at my crow's mouth. Bah, bah, bah." Uncle Wu scolded himself, thinking that things would never be like what he thought. Maybe Joe coco will be back in a moment.

But with the end of the evening and the beginning of the light, Joe coco still didn't come back. Even Zhou Ruoxi, who has always been strict and clever, has no news, and her mobile phone is also unable to connect.

"Is something really wrong?" Uncle Wu was flustered and called Qiao Zhengsheng.

"Master, Miss hasn't come home yet. It seems that something is wrong." Uncle Wu said on the phone.

"Well? Not home yet? Did you call her? Who did she go out with? " At the other end of the phone, Joe's voice came out, which was full of dignity and respect.

"Yes, I've been calling since noon, but I can't get through. Miss is going out with Miss Zhou. By the way, there is solemnity. The three of them drove out early in the morning. "

"With Josie, and solemnity? In this case, it should not be a big problem. Even if coco doesn't understand any more, Josie won't play around with her. "

"Yes, I think so, too, but... I'm afraid of that. Even Miss Zhou, who can't fool around, hasn't come back. Will she?" Uncle Wu didn't dare to go on. If it was true, it would be a big deal.

Qiao Zhengsheng naturally knows what Uncle Wu wants to say, and there is also a trace of worry in his voice: "Lao Wu, what you said is reasonable. Wait a moment, I'll ask the people of the police station to help find out the location of Coco's last call."

Qiao Zhengsheng said that he was about to hang up the phone and find an acquaintance of the police station to help locate Qiao Coco's mobile signal.

But the phone hasn't been out yet, but Joe's cell phone rings.

Qiao Zhengsheng frowned and picked up his cell phone to connect.

It's a strange number. Joe Zhengsheng has never seen it before.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" Qiao Zhengsheng asked.

"Boss Joe, right?" There was a cold voice on the other end of the phone, like crow croaking, which made people bored.

"It's me. If I don't have anything, I'll hang up first. I have something important to deal with." Qiao Zhengsheng didn't like the sound, so he said.

"Don't hang up, boss Joe. I think what you're dealing with now may have something to do with me."

"It's about you? Who the hell are you? " Qiao Zhengsheng's eyes glared and said in a fierce voice.

"Ha ha, boss Joe, it's useless for me to put away your fake prestige! We are business people. Business people have to have business rules. Would you like to be polite? "

"What do you want? Is cocoa in your hands

"Boss Joe is really smart. It's just comfortable talking to smart people. You don't have to talk much. Boss Joe guessed it. Yes, it's in my hands. "

"What do you want to do? How much is it, say it. " Qiao Zhengsheng first trembled and then calmed down. Kidnapping Joe coco is nothing more than asking for money. As long as the money can be solved, it's not a big deal.

"Oh, boss Joe is so straightforward. If I don't open my mouth, I'll be ungrateful. Well, we don't need much. Boss Joe is going to send 200 million US dollars to the designated place before 12 o'clock tomorrow, so we will naturally release the money. In our line of work, they are not for life but for wealth. They will keep their word and never break their word! How's it going? "

Qiao Zhengsheng listened to the phone that reported the extra weight, but it is a cold breath. 200 million US dollars, equivalent to 1.5 billion RMB. They really dare to ask for such a large amount.

The son of Li Ka Shing, the richest man in the Chinese community, was kidnapped, and the kidnappers only asked for one billion Hong Kong dollars. The kidnappers even asked for 200 million US dollars, which is too much deception!

"It's impossible. I can't get 200 million US dollars in less than one day. Well, at the beginning, Zhang Ziqiang kidnapped Li Jiacheng's son and offered a price of one billion Hong Kong dollars. How about this price?" Qiao Zhengsheng said decisively.

"Ha ha, boss Qiao really thinks highly of us and compares us with the first kidnapper Zhang Ziqiang. Unfortunately, we don't want to be like Zhang Ziqiang. Two hundred million dollars, not a cent less! Or you'll be waiting to collect your daughter's body! " Said the crow like voice.

Joe's heart sank. The kidnapper was hard to deal with.

"After all that, I don't know if you really kidnapped my daughter. Can I hear my daughter's voice? "

"It's natural. Bring it up The voice of Xie Xie Suo came from the other end of the phone. It seems that a person was dragged up.

Then the noisy kidnapper said, "give her an antidote." then there was a silence. Then there was a confused voice on the phone.

"Where am I? Who are you? Why are you binding me? "

It's Joe Coco's voice.

"Coco! Coco! I'm daddy. Can you hear me? " Joe was shouting.

"Daddy! Daddy! what is wrong with me? Who are they? " Joe coco heard Joe's voice, rushed to the phone and called.

"It's OK, coco. If you calm down, you can go home tomorrow. " Qiao Zhengsheng's words showed a trace of grief and comforted Qiao Keke.

"Well, that's what I've said. Boss Joe, think about it. We're not in a hurry. There are 12 hours left. It's a long time. Goodbye, boss Joe. We'll get back to you. " With that, there was a blind voice on the other end of the phone, but it hung up.

And Joe is sound decadent weak collapse on the seat, full of grief.

Five minutes later, Joe picked up the office phone on his desk.

"Hello, is that the finance department? Help me find out how much liquidity the group company has on its books now. "

"Boss, we still have about 2 billion working capital." Soon the Finance Department replied.

"Why so few?"

"Because there are many projects in these two months, all the funds have been invested. In about two months, a batch of funds will be recovered. "

"Well, I see. Now you've got 1.5 billion ready for me, and I'll use it. " Qiao Zhengsheng frowned and said.

"All right, boss."

Qiao Zhengsheng's company was founded by him, but he has a lot of power in the company. Therefore, he said that a huge sum of 1.5 billion would be spent, and the employees did not dare to ask more, so they had to be honest.

After calling the financial department, Qiao Zhengsheng seems to think of another thing, dials another number and says, "secretary Chen? You will take the relevant documents to the bidding meeting of Xijiang business center tomorrow. There's something wrong with me. I can't go. Well, that's it. "

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