In Chen's villa.

Chen Yi, according to his usual routine, finished the mask after the bath, and was ready to go to bed.

She walked slowly to the mirror and looked at the face with a mask on her face and smiled.

She still remembers that guy used to play a ghost to scare her. Also said that some ghost is the white face, is similar to the television star to put on the mask.

At that time, they could not afford to buy facial mask. They could only see from time to time in newspapers.

And now, but never go back, Si people have passed away, the rest is just a lonely life.

"Alas." Thinking of this, Chen Yi sighed, his eyes full of sadness.

If it wasn't for Chen Moyan, she would have followed that guy?

Fortunately, Chen Moyan is very competitive and gives Chen Yiping a lot of comfort.

Chen Jie washed his face and prepared to sleep.

The light in this room is not very strong, which Chen Yi specially asked for. She can't adapt to too strong light at this age, so she needs to be dark.

Gently through the mirror, Chen Moyan habitually glanced in the mirror, want to see if he is really old.

Women always have a fluke mentality about this problem. They think that they may be the lucky ones loved by the years, and the years may leave them a little youth.

However, when Chen Yi looked in the mirror, he was suddenly stunned.

Because she saw a white faced woman in the mirror!

White face? Oh, yes, I put on the mask myself.

Chen Yi thought, his hands on his cheeks groping for the scary mask.

But when her hand touched her face, she was stunned.

Facial mask? No,

There was no mask on her face. The mask had already been taken off by her and thrown into the trash bin.

So... Who is the white faced woman in the mirror?

Chen Yi suddenly thought of what the guy said, and it was a shiver.

Hurry to sleep, I must be too tired these days, hallucination.

Chen Yi Ran to the bed and turned on the bedside lamp. Tonight, I'm afraid I'm going to sleep with the lamp on.

Chen Yi quickly closed her eyes and wanted to fall asleep quickly. But the white faced woman was like a tarsal maggot, lingering in her mind.

Even if you close your eyes, it can be clearly presented in her mind, close in front of her eyes.

"Hoo, Hoo..." Chen Yi came out in a cold sweat and kept panting. This strange thing made her have a kind of inexplicable fear.

However, something even more frightening happened. The white faced woman's eyes slowly shed two lines of blood and tears, and her eyes that had been closed also slowly opened. It was a pair of dead fish eyes with white eyes!

"Ah Chen Yi finally couldn't bear it and let out a scream.

It's just that the scream didn't come out for some reason. It just reverberated in the room, as if the whole room was cut off by a big mirror. Chen Yi opened her eyes and closed them. All she saw was the face, and all she heard was her own scream.

"I've come to you..." the woman held out her hand and strangled Chen Yi's neck.

The long nail pierced Chen Yi's skin and made him suffocate.

"Release... Release me, who are you and who are you?" Chen Yi was kicking around on the bed, but it couldn't affect the female ghost's action at all. On the contrary, the sense of suffocation became stronger.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck Female ghost ferocious smile, the tone of abnormal infiltration.

Chen Yi fell into a coma in the twinkling of an eye, and ten bruises on his neck were very conspicuous.

"Ha ha, it's vulnerable." At this time, bassoon has received the feedback from mirror health, and knows that the host has been dizzy“ Then I'll give you some unforgettable memories. "

Basong said, pinching a formula with both hands, and the mirror image was launched again.

Clusters of black hair came out of the mirror in Chen Yi's bedroom and slowly grew, grew... All the way to Chen Yi's bed.

And those hair is like a life in general, began to drill into Chen Yi's face.

We should take root and grow in Chen Yi's face.

When Chen Yi wakes up tomorrow, he will find that he has become a monster with hair all over his body, and he will feel painful. After seven days of pain, he will rot a little until he dies.

This is the power of mirror image. It's vicious and tortured.

Seeing that clumps of hair are about to get into Chen Yi's skin, Chen Yi is in a coma and has no resistance.

But at this critical moment, Chen Yi's chest suddenly burst out a bright yellow light, yellow light quickly hit to the clusters of hair.

The hair was touched by the yellow light, just like a fire, and began to shrink, break and turn into fly ash.

And in the flickering yellow light, a person's image is extremely clear. The man with a smile, as if to say "I have, don't be afraid.".

It's the size of the young version.

But Chen Yi can't see this scene, because she's not awake.

The yellow light is fierce. In a moment, it burns all the hair clean and extends to the mirror before it stops. With a click, the mirror breaks quietly, but the channel of the mirror is blocked.

And the yellow light also disappeared, the image of square inch disillusioned in the air.

In a coma, Chen Yi suddenly woke up and sat up from the bed, gasping. Feel your neck. It's painful. It's obviously not a dream just now.

"Well? My Pendant All of a sudden, Chen Yi saw the pendant on his chest. He didn't know when it split. Several long and thin cracks stretched out on both sides. It was broken and shocking.

At this time, Chen Yi suddenly remembered that when the guy gave him the pendant, he said it would protect himself instead of him. It's just that Chen Yi has always been regarded as an ordinary keepsake, but unexpectedly, it still has such a function.

"I must have met something dirty just now. If it wasn't for this pendant, I'm afraid something happened to me. No, I have to have someone look at it tomorrow. But to whom? Many masters in Xiangjiang are cheaters. What if they are cheated? " Chen Yi said to himself.

Then I suddenly saw a business card at the head of the bed, which said "Jinxiu and huafengshui manager company". This was given to her by a lady friend today. She said that the company was very powerful. Something happened to the lady's neighbor's house, which was settled by the company. If Chen Yi has any needs, just go to them.

At that time, Chen Yi didn't like it, because she had never met anything dirty in these years. Now she just figured it out. The reason is that there is a pendant to protect her. But now the pendant is broken. Is it still useful?

I have to go to that company tomorrow. Chen Yi secretly made up her mind and closed her eyes. It's just that I can't sleep any more this time. I can only stay up until dawn in fear.

In a hotel in Xiangjiang.

Bassoon looked in amazement at the broken mirror in front of him, a little surprised.

It is beyond his expectation that the mirror image will fail.

There are not many people who can crack his mirror image, unless the opponent's strength is the same as him, or surpasses him.

Are there such people around Chen Yi? Bashong frowned and suddenly bit his finger, dripping blood essence on the broken mirror.

Then a blurred picture appeared, and bassoon saw the culprit who broke his mirror image.

"Well, it turned out to be an amulet, but now your amulet has broken. Next time, I'll see what you can use to resist it! But that amulet is very strong. When did Huaxia have such characters? " Bassoon said with a cold hum.

The mirror image has left a breath in Chen Yi's room. Next time, Basong doesn't need to use Chen Yi's hair any more. He can use the broken mirror to cast the spell directly.

"I can't escape the first day of junior high school, but I can't escape the fifteenth. You can invite one of these magic weapons, but you can't invite another. Tomorrow will be your death day! " Bassoon said to the mirror. With a wave of his hand, the mirror image disappeared and became a broken mirror again.

The next day, Chen Yi got up before five o'clock. Chen Moyan was awakened by the sound of Chen Yi making breakfast and was surprised at his mother's early rise. When asked why, Chen Yi just said that he couldn't sleep and didn't say anything.

But Chen Moyan clearly saw a deep tired look on her mother's face.

"It seems that my mother lost sleep last night. Alas, she is old after all. It's necessary for the doctor to have a check." Chen Moyan sighed, his heart could not help passing a trace of uncontrollable sadness.

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