"Go on? Where to go? To tell you the truth, I still don't know what kind of structure this thing is. It's totally unreasonable. And so far, I haven't even seen a valuable thing! " The fat man said indignantly.

In fact, the last sentence is the key point of his speech. Only when there are interests can there be motivation. Otherwise, if he is tired and lazy, he will certainly lack energy.

Knowing the seriousness of his character, he said with a smile, "who told you there is no valuable thing here? If there is nothing, why does Miss Hu come here? In fact, just now, hammer and I found a weapon room, in which we found a few absolute things, Modao. "

"What? Modao? Are you kidding me? This thing has not been unearthed yet! " The fat man's eyes turned red.

"Believe it or not, and as far as I know, in the core area of the sunken ship, there is a strange sword, which is absolutely precious. Because it was used by Li Siye. " Solemn light way, once again added a fire.

Sure enough, the fat man's small eyes brightened and became ambitious.

“gogogo! What are you hesitating about? Let's go The fat man waved his hand and said.

"Go? Where to? Do you know the way? " Hammer don't see fat this kind of greedy character, disdainful said.

"Naturally, fat master, if I don't know, no one will know!"

The fat man glared at the hammer and suddenly walked to the altar.

Go to the statue about one meter position, stop, and then turn to solemn, hammer way: "I dare say you two people did not notice here."

Seriously curious to see the past, he did not notice the fat man standing in that position. It's smooth, but what's different?

It seemed that he saw the serious question. The fat man pointed to the ground with his hand and explained: "you see, the gaps between these boards are all made up of nine palaces. This is quite normal in ancient times, because those dignitaries always like to put a coat on their behavior, even the decoration of the home is the same, there must be some allusions, or according to some mathematical principle. In fact, our current decoration design is the same. Although symmetrical beauty is not popular now, it also follows another basic principle, that is, the golden section of beauty. So there are rules to follow. "

"Are you saying so much to show how knowledgeable you are? I knew that when I was in primary school! " Hammer cold hum a, way.

"It's hard to communicate without culture." The fat man sighed, as if he were so educated“ I just said so much, but I just want to tell you that since the floor is paved according to the nine palace grid, it must be all nine palace grid structure, and there can be no exception. Unless that exception is tricky! "

"You mean the floor standing at your feet is a mechanism?" Solemnly, his eyes brightened and he asked.

Fat man is not good for nothing, at least he really has some skills of seizing the gold, and has a little foundation in cracking the tomb mechanism. Otherwise, he would not be the only one to find out the problem.

"It's better to communicate." The fat man glanced triumphantly and nodded solemnly.

Then he raised his foot and stamped it on the floor. After stamping, swish, with faster speed than the rabbit to the side.

Obviously, the boy was worried about some hidden weapon mechanism, so he could slip so fast.

But to the fat man's surprise, half a minute later, there was no response from the floor.

"No, it's not scientific." Muttering, the fat man stepped up again and stamped his feet. I didn't run this time, but the result is still the same, there is still no response.

Seeing this, the hammer grinned: "you have culture, and you are right. I didn't expect that you were blowing nonsense. Ha ha... "

The angry fat man glared at the hammer and sat on the ground thinking hard.

Solemnly, he stepped forward and kicked the fat man: "let's have a try."

Fat man white solemn one eye, way: "fat ye I didn't understand, you can understand?"

But I moved my ass out of the way.

Solemnly, I first observed the floor a little. Indeed, the floor of the whole hall was nine palace grid, which originated from the pattern of Hetu Luoshu and was praised as the instruction of God. It's not unusual to appear in the sacrificial hall. And the piece that fat man found was just a separate piece, which did not form a nine palace grid with any piece around. Obviously, there is something wrong with such a floor.

Solemnly try to stand up, very strong, very other floors do not feel different, should not be the underlying mystery. Even, I feel that this floor is too strong

Is it... A thought flashed in my solemn heart, suddenly respectfully closed my legs, folded my hands, gently bowed, and made a salute to the statue of Poseidon.

"Tut Tut, do you think you're out of your mind? Worship God if you can't think of it? Don't you know that this ship died in worship? I think you're killing yourself... "The fat man saw this and began to chatter and despise.

But he didn't finish his words, but his mouth was wide open and he was stunned there.

Because just after the solemn worship, just listening to the rumble of the statue, there was a gap at the bottom of the Poseidon, which slowly separated on both sides.

"This... This is OK?" Fat people feel insulted by their intelligence.

Grave then sneered at the fat man and said: "if you don't understand, shut up, so as not to make you laugh. This is clearly a simple lever mechanism. When you spread the force evenly on the whole floor, the mechanism will bear the force, so it will not play any role. But you lean forward and use the method of worshiping God to transfer the weight of your body, so that the force in front of the board is increased. The lever naturally plays a role and opens the door of this secret passage. "

The reason is very simple. You can understand it as soon as you hear it. But the fat man didn't notice, but he was thick skinned enough to get up and muttered, "what's the matter, I didn't find the location of this mechanism? First of all, if we find the treasure, we can't use it. If we give him money, he doesn't know how to spend it. "

"Hey, who are you talking about? Believe it or not? " Hammer rage, raise your hand will be fat.

Scared the fat man ran two steps quickly, but he was caught up by the hammer and put the fat man into the secret road.

"Ouch, ouch, it's over, I'm dead!" The fat man screamed in horror in the dark, as if he were really dead.

With a solemn smile and shaking his head, he picked up the fat man's spotlight and went in.

In the light of the light, a deep passage extends down obliquely. I don't know where to go. According to the height of the five tooth warship, it can reach the bottom of the boat at most. Can it go to the bottom of the earth?

So solemnly and safely walked in, hammer followed, also walked into the secret road.

A moment later, the secret road was closed with a roar.

Walking in the secret Road, the three people were surprised. When they looked back and saw that the secret road door was closed, they could not help worrying. The secret road is their back road. Now it's closed. There's no second opening mechanism in the secret road. It's like a ridge breaking stone. This is not a good omen. Isn't it to trap several people in it?

"It's OK. It may be the normal design of the secret road. Li Zuoguo must have been in and out of this secret road a lot at the beginning. How could he get out? It means that if you go down, there must be another way out. " Solemn analysis, let the fat man and the hammer relax temporarily.

Three people rely on a spotlight to keep winding down, walked for more than ten minutes, suddenly in front of a blank, but the secret road to the end, there is a fork.

On the two corridors at the fork, there are two statues, similar to Poseidon.

On the wall of the statue, there are lines of words: "those who believe in me will live forever, and those who profane me will go to hell. I will give him great freedom, no life, no death, no terror, to those who give me piety. It's all right to say it, and it's all right. "

"It's all right to say it, it's all right. What kind of thing is this? It's the same as oblique teaching. " The fat man booed and said.

Solemnly, he slapped the fat man and said, "this is a saying in Tantric Buddhism, which is used to describe a monk's high practice. I didn't expect the source to be here. It seems to mean that people should believe in him, and then he will give people the power to be at ease. "

"No matter what magic power he has, we are not here to burn incense and worship Buddha. I don't think these two statues are big. It seems that they can be chiseled down and sold for money? " Fat man disdained to say, then greedy look to the two statues.

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