"Cinnabar? "Exorcism seal?" Joe coco repeated in surprise, and then watched with great interest.

After nearly an hour, solemnity finally edited the whole talisman.

In fact, this talisman is not only the exorcism seal in "all the soldiers are in front of each other", but also the two seals in Maoshan talisman.

One is "evil away from the body curse" and the other is "Xuanwu exorcism curse". These two talismans are different from exorcism seal.

The exorcism seal is actually a gesture. The index finger, middle finger and ring finger of the right hand are curled up, the thumb and little finger are stretched out, and then pasted under the palm of the left hand. The left hand is facing the ghost in a diamond palm. When you meet dirty things, just use this gesture, some weak dirty things will be driven away by this gesture, but when you meet strong ones, it's difficult.

At this time, we have to cooperate with the other two talismans.

The evil leaving body curse and the Xuanwu exorcism curse are both Maoshan charms. In addition to a long string of runes, there are also incantations. This also needs to be written down.

The reason why solemnity has been busy for a long time is to edit the incantations of these two talismans.

"When Heaven meets the gate, he will subdue the demons and the immortals, destroy the demons and attack the evils. The eagle and dog will take the lead, and the two generals will hear the call and stand in front of the altar. In accordance with the law, the divine power is announced by the emperor, and the demons and ghosts are killed without cover. The supreme holy power is boundless and mighty. We are in a hurry to obey the laws and orders of the northern emperor! " Joe coco was staring at the screen and whispered the evil leaving body curse.

"The Xuanwu emperor is in front of us. The gods go to the temple, the ghosts to the grave, and the demons to the mountains. The Xuanwu emperor is as urgent as the law and order!" It's another kind of basaltic exorcism.

"Hurry like a law, hurry like a law, ouch, I'm dead with laughter..." after reading the two mantras, Joe coco was already smiling. At this moment, it naturally appeared in her mind that she was seriously dressed in a Taoist robe and opened the court with a peach sword, which made Joe coco laugh.

Solemn heard Joe coco laugh, can't help but white Joe coco one eye, said: "what's ridiculous? Taoist talismans generally use the power of a certain spirit to achieve the purpose of exorcism. Hurry like a law is a curse for God. It's not often seen on TV

"I can't stand it because I see it all the time. Solemnly, if you wear the same Taoist robe as Uncle Ying, how ridiculous... Ha ha ha ha... "

Joe Coco's uncle, named Lin Zhengying, is a representative of Hong Kong's early ghost driven zombie movies. He is deeply loved by the audience. It's a pity that he died some time ago, causing countless fans to cry. The most classic image of Uncle Ying is wearing a Taoist robe.

Uncle Ying's face is upright and solemn. He is a real Taoist when he wears a Taoist robe. Solemnly put on, but it seems to be nondescript.

Solemn once again white Joe coco one eye, said: "I this is to get a mobile phone screen saver, wear Daopao why?"? Besides, do you still need to wear Taoist robes to catch ghosts? I'm healthy, and ghosts dare not get close to me! "

"Bah, that's all you have to do. Even ghosts dare not get close to you. " Joe coco said sarcastically.

Solemn can not help but black line. Who is cheap, you are cheap!

"Cough, really, as long as people are upright and sit upright, they will naturally feel no guilt, and their breath will be just and mighty, and ghosts and gods will not dare to invade. Ji Xiaolan recorded in the notes of Yuewei thatched cottage that the great Confucians were upright. But only ghosts and gods can see that kind of righteous spirit. The great Confucian is so arrogant that he is almost a few feet tall. As for those who are full of men, thieves and prostitutes, they are black smoke Solemnity can't help changing the subject.

Ji Xiaolan did write such a story in the notes of Yuewei thatched cottage.

An enchanting ghost official came to the sun to enchant the soul. When he passed a thatched cottage, he saw a light coming out of the room and guessed that he was a learned scholar. He also said that human nature is not obvious during the day, and at night, the books read in the chest will come out from all kinds of orifices and shine. This kind of light, ghosts and gods see will be afraid, dare not invade him.

In fact, similar to Mencius' "Haoran Zhengqi", they all practice their own Qi, and then make all evils not invade. What's more, Mencius' noble righteousness can also affect human beings, making other people submissive and dare not argue with them in front of those who have noble righteousness.

Mencius had a lot of debates in his life. Is it because he was sharp witted and his opponents were speechless? This is the auxiliary effect of Haoran Zhengqi.

What is said solemnly is not nonsense, but truth. As long as you pay attention to your own cultivation, you don't need to have magic power. If you are upright and upright, you can be worthy of your parents and friends. That kind of magnanimous atmosphere is more powerful than the lightning stroke on jujube trees for thousands of years, and no matter how fierce the ghosts are, they dare not get close to you( It's also useful in reality.)

"Is there another way of saying that?" At this time, Zhou Ruoxi also got up and heard solemn words as soon as she went downstairs.

"Well, this is what the ancient great Confucians and sages said. It can't be wrong." Solemnly and casually.

Zhou Ruoxi nodded, rarely agreed with the solemn once: "repair their own noble righteousness, and ghosts dare not invade. It really makes sense, just as a gentleman is honest and upright, and a villain is sad. "

After hearing Zhou Ruoxi's last words, his face suddenly became strange, because he thought of the famous Internet saying, "a gentleman is honest, a villain hides JJ.". A gentleman will reveal his eggs and a villain will hide them.

Solemnity is a gentleman, so solemnity wants to show it. But solemn know, can only think, if really exposed, less than ten seconds, will be someone pinch burst.

Think of this, solemn can't help feeling crotch chilly, can't help but look at Joe coco.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and meet daddy with me Joe coco gave a solemn look“ By the way, this is the wallpaper for my mother's mobile phone tonight! "

With that, Joe coco swaggered upstairs to change his clothes. And solemn stay in place to cry without tears.

Qiao coco said it was light. It took a solemn night to draw this wallpaper. Qiao Coco's mouth was over, but he had to stay up all night.

Zhou Ruoxi looked solemn and pitiful, sighed and said: "in fact, there is a Bluetooth function in her hand, which can pass your wallpaper to coco."

A word awakens the dreamer, solemn, this thought can use Bluetooth transmission, can't help but smile. Say thanks to Zhou Ruoxi. I went to change clothes.

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