"Well? Zhuang mu? Not him... Li Zhong? It's not... "Xu Jing angrily looks through the archives, looking for the characters who are slightly close to the word solemn.

Xu Jing doesn't think that solemnity will be honest enough to say her name. She thinks that at least one of the words solemnity is false. When she enters the word solemnity in the file search and indicates that there is no such person, she believes her own judgment even more.

So Xu Jing began to search for the people with the surname Zhuang and the name heavy, but after searching the files one by one, she compared them with the ID photos, but still got nothing.

Bai worked hard for half an hour, and finally got the result that "no one was found", which made Xu Jing a little angry.

How could there be no such person? impossible! Xu Jing thought that she would open the list of all the employees in the purchasing department again. What she looked for this time was a written record, for fear that the computer might miss it.

And when Xu Jing one by one contrast investigation, tired dizzy, but unfortunately found that this time or did not find the name of the dignified that bitch.

"Asshole!" Xu Jing suddenly throws the folder on the table.

At the thought of the arrogance of the dignified slut, Xu Jing was inexplicably upset. But now unexpectedly can't find the solemn information completely, let Xu Jing be displeased even more.

"Isn't this guy from the group headquarters? Is it a subsidiary company? " Xu Jing frowned and thought.

In that case, it would be difficult to find solemnity. More than a dozen subsidiaries of Hantang group have tens of thousands of employees, which can not be found by checking. And the name solemnity is still a pseudonym.

"No, we must not let this black sheep stay in the Han Tang Group! I'm going to adjust the image data. I'm going to find this asshole! " Xu Jing clenched her fist and thought, then ran to the security department.

When she came to the security department, Xu Jing, as the head of the human resources department, still had a lot of power. The security guard on duty quickly called up the video of an hour ago to make Xu Jing look beautiful.

Xu Jing constantly adjusts the progress of the video, and finally finds solemnity in the video 40 minutes ago.

This is the image left in the elevator when you leave the Han Tang Group.

"Sure enough, this boy is not from the headquarters!" Looking at the solemn elevator to leave the headquarters of the Han and Tang Dynasties, Xu Jing confirmed her guess.

"No wonder he is bold. But what about people who are not in the headquarters? Do you think I can't do anything about the affiliated group companies? As long as I find your company, I can get rid of you! " Xu Jing thought silently.

Then I took a picture of the face with my mobile phone.

As long as she goes back and transmits the photos from her mobile phone to the computer, and then uses the image index, she can quickly find out the solemn details. This is a human resource system made by the Han Tang group with reference to the search system of the public security department, which is quite convenient and fast.

"Boy, you can't run away this time!" Xu Jing smiles with pride.

When Xu Jing was about to turn off the video and leave, she suddenly found that the image in the video turned around, but she caught the people around her.

"Miss Joe?" Xu Jing was stunned. She couldn't understand how Joe coco could be with such a serious scum.

But maybe they just happened to take the same elevator? Xu Jing explains herself.

However, this idea came into being, but in the video, Joe coco suddenly stretched out his hand and twisted it on his solemn arm.

Solemnity is the pain of bared teeth, a face of grievance.

Joe was hateful, looking solemn and angry. But as a woman, Xu Jing sees another emotion in Qiao Keke's eyes, angry.

This kind of mood only exists between lovers. If Joe coco is not familiar with solemnity, this kind of mood will never appear.

"Do they know each other well, or is that bastard Miss Joe's boyfriend?" Xu Jing was completely surprised.

"If it's really miss Joe's boyfriend, it's tricky." Xu Jing knows the importance of Qiao Keke in Qiao Zhengsheng's heart. If Qiao Keke wants to keep a person, Xu Jing will never drive that person away.

For a moment, Xu Jing was a little frustrated. After working hard for a long time and looking up so much information, it turns out that it is a blind man who lights up in vain!

Minister Xu, who came here with a high head, left in a state of displeasure. This also makes the security guard on duty a little unclear, so.

Xu Jing black face back to the office, think about it, or decided to check solemn in the end in which company to work.

As the pictures were introduced into the computer, data retrieval began to run, and lines of information flashed quickly. Tens of thousands of employees' information was beating on the computer screen, but the retrieval results never appeared.

"How can it be? Can't it be Zha Wu again? " Xu Jing is inexplicably worried.

Drop! A minute later, the search was completed, but there were four big words on the screen.

No one!

Stunned, Xu Jing completely stunned. And then there's a surge of anger from the bottom of my heart.

Hard for a long time, it turned out that she was seriously played! Solemnity is not an employee of Hantang group at all!

Xu Jing gasps angrily, her towering chest keeps rising and falling, and her cool face is full of anger.

"Damn it! Egg For a long time, Xu Jing spat out two words from her mouth. Almost gnashing teeth. This is the first time that Minister Xu was fooled by a man. As a top Harvard student, Xu Jing has never been fooled by a man, but this time she was fooled by a sex wolf!

"Ah At the thought of the solemn smile and the comments of the five elements, Xu Jing can hardly control her emotions. With a slap, the cup fell to the ground.

Outside the office, the assistant secretary of the human resources department was stunned. I don't know what made the minister so angry. The last time the minister was angry was two years ago. It was a major project error that led to the minister's anger. Is there another big project error this time? But no matter how big it is, it won't break the glass, will it? It's the first time that the minister has lost his temper

At the moment, the creator is comfortable lying on the sofa, bored watching TV.

And constantly on the TV sister paper comments.

"Oh, my chest is so small. I can take off and land airplanes in TV series."

"Damn, such a big chest has come out to shoot TV series, isn't it poisoning teenagers and children? The island film industry needs you! "

"It's not big or small, but it's a pity. How can it droop so young? With Joe... "

Solemnly said, suddenly covered his mouth. But it was almost smooth.

He wanted to say that "compared with Joe coco, it's a long way off", but when he thought that Joe coco was playing with the computer not far away, he couldn't help but rein in the precipice.

"Solemn, shut up! What's in your head all day? People like you can live in the world Joe coco crackles playing the game and attacks solemnity.

Qiao coco, who has got a solemn biography, is now in the game. Originally, Miss Qiao has the advantage of equipment, but now she has the technology. All of them cry and kneel down.

But heartbreaking is that Joe coco has already left the master of solemnity behind and wantonly attacked solemnity.

"Are you too unkind, Joe coco? Take the skills I taught you to abuse others, but I don't even have any respect for the master. Do you mean that? " A solemn and discontented return.

Joe coco disdained to curl his mouth, said: "I'm talented, you need to teach me? You can be my master? "

For Joe Coco's disobedience, solemnity is angry and angry, but there is no way. After all, he is now dependent on others and has a short mouth, so he has to swallow his anger.

"Hum, I don't want to fight with women. Anyway, whoever asks me for advice in the future is the dog!" Zhuang Chong is like a little daughter-in-law and says angrily.

Joe coco white solemn one eye, cold hum way: "hum, how can I ask you?"

To the extent of Qiao coco, he can only look up to the sky and sigh solemnly.

Two people temporarily stopped bickering, in the living room only had the television and the computer crackling sound.

However, half an hour later, Joe coco suddenly called out "damn".

An hour later, Joe coco dropped the computer on the sofa.

An angry face of Joe coco looked at the computer, and then look at the solemn, expression and tangled face angry.

Finally, Joe coco picked up the computer, looked at the computer screen constantly flashing swearing, low voice went to the solemn front, and then speak.

"Woof, woof, woof."

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