"Mr. Smith, do you know a very strange man these days, who is very quiet and seldom speaks. There's a strange smell on his body. Whenever you get close to him, you always feel cool on him. " Solemn and leisurely.

"How do you know? How can you possibly know? " Smith was shocked.

Yes, he just met an informant these days, which is what he said solemnly. He is usually silent and few words. Only when the relevant information is submitted. In this hot weather, the man was always cool. He could feel it clearly whenever he was close to him, which made Smith want to contact him.

And the most important point is that he managed to get on with the informant. In the past two years, he has been tracking down a criminal gang, but has been unable to penetrate. It wasn't until the appearance of the informant that there was a turn for the better, and even captured several members of the gang.

This also makes Smith excited. He thinks that he can crack down on the gang through this informant, so that he can get a promotion and raise salary, marry Bai Fumei and go to the top of his life.

However, I can't help but be silly to hear these solemn words now. What's wrong with the informant? Solemnly speaking, as a feng shui master, is it a problem of the supernatural? No wonder I always feel that I'm in a bad mood during this period of time. I've been scolded several times for no reason.

Thinking of this, Smith broke out in a cold sweat, changed his face and became very polite. He said to Zhuang Zhong, "Mr. Zhuang, have you found anything? I would be very grateful if I could give you some advice. "

A solemn smile beckoned Smith to sit down.

"It's our feng shui master's duty to get rid of magic and defend the way. I don't need Mr. Smith to promise anything. I'll try my best to do it." Solemn way.

As soon as smith sat down, he almost jumped up. Son of a bitch, he also said that except the devil is the duty, what do you mean by promise? Don't you mean to remind me to give you something?

The Chinese are really cunning!

Fortunately, Smith controlled himself and said, "if it's true, I won't forget the kindness of Mr. solemn. But if you cheat me with this, I have more than a dozen ways to make you repent. "

In the face of Smith's threat, solemnity just shook his head. After drinking some water, he said, "well, I think Mr. Smith himself knows what happened? Before telling the truth, I'll tell Mr. Smith an old Chinese story

"The story?" Smith doubted, but he listened patiently.

"Mr. Smith should know that the last dynasty in China was the Qing Dynasty. The story I'm going to tell happened at that time. Qin Sheng, a scholar of Shandong Province, died when he was young. His family was poor. He was driving Shandong Province into famine. After three years of crop failure, people often died of hunger. But I left my hometown. After I became the leader, I went to Kanto alone. "

"He struggled for several months. At night, he met a river blocking the road. When he arrived at the river, he just met a man and wanted to go outside the pass, so he went with him. Because of the rain in recent days, the river surged, and the boatman didn't ferry guests at night. Qin Sheng and the fellow had to find a small shop to stay. Probably after dinner, the shop owner took Qin Sheng aside and told him that there was something wrong with your friend. You should guard against him. Qin Sheng asked him what was the matter. The shop owner said that he was a man who died early because of his appearance. He might be in danger of dying when he was with him. Qin Sheng was very afraid, so he asked the store how to rescue him. The store said he was not sure whether the man was a ghost or a human. He said, "before you go to bed, put a green onion under the mattress under the brother's bed, and put another green onion under your own mattress. It will be known tomorrow morning."

"So Qin Sheng did as the shop said. The next day, at dawn, the man urged Qin Sheng to cross the river with him. The shop owner gave a wink and asked Qin Sheng to go over. The shop owner held two green onions in his hand and said, "here's a yellow and decayed one under your mattress, and this one looks very fresh. It's the brother's. That thing is definitely not human! Qin Sheng, in a cold sweat, was very surprised and said, "the old man wants to help me.". The store owner said that in this case, I think this thing will definitely ask you to go to his house after crossing the river. You must buy a big red umbrella before you go to his house, and when you go to his house, you must ask him to go in first, and then open the umbrella against the door of his house. No matter what he says, don't look at it. Close your eyes and leave at dawn. Qin Sheng paid thanks and did so. "

"After they crossed the river, the elder brother invited Qin Sheng to his house. Qin Sheng couldn't leave, so he had to go to his home with him. Because I had to walk on my feet until it was dark. At this time, the man pointed to a light in front of me and said, "my home is in front of me. Go and knock on the door first, and I'll go to the village to buy some wine and vegetables.". Qin Sheng listened to the shopkeeper's words. He dared to go first. He said that I went alone. My sister-in-law and the children didn't know each other. For fear of scaring them, I'd better go together. The man had no choice but to go together. It took Qin Sheng a lot of time to coax the elder brother in when he came home. Qin Sheng immediately opened the door of the big red umbrella when he saw his brother's things go in. All he heard was a screech from the door: "look at me! Look at me Qin Sheng, who dares to see? He passed out in less than half an hour.

"At daybreak, Qin Sheng woke up and found himself in a wasteland grave, with a coffin on top of the big red umbrella. The so-called erection of coffins refers to the fact that people who died in an unnatural way in ancient villages did not hide after they died. They chose a good place to temporarily erect the coffin there, and sealed it with bricks and other things to eliminate the resentment of death. Some places are also called "autumn sheds". After Qin Sheng met the owner, he did not dare to travel alone, so he begged the store to take him in. He cried and worshiped him. The store realized that it was fate and accepted him as the posterity. Later, he learned that he met a "river crossing corpse" and thought about it

I'm still afraid. Later, Qin Sheng studied hard for three years and finally became a senior official. It can also be said that there will be a blessing after death. "

The story is rather long, solemn and slow. Smith's water is warm, so solemn is the end of the story.

As soon as Zhuang Chong's voice dropped, Smith asked in a trembling voice, "Mr. Zhuang, do you mean that the man I met is also a river corpse?"

"I'm not sure if I haven't seen it with my own eyes. But from the corpse gas between your eyebrows, it should be that thing. This kind of thing is very rare in China. In the age of popular cremation, there was no saying that people were buried in coffins. I didn't expect Mr. Smith to meet me in America. I'm so lucky Seriously joking.

"Don't make fun of me, Mr. Zhuang. If that thing is really a river crossing corpse, do I want to buy a big red umbrella to block the door like Qin Sheng in the story? " Smith asked, shivering.

After listening to the story of solemnity, Smith reflected on the informant's daily behavior and felt that solemnity was right. How can we not be afraid?

"It's just a story. Don't believe it." Solemn but shook his head.

"So... What am I supposed to do?"

"In this way, you first verify that the thing is not a river corpse, if confirmed, let's make other plans, OK?" Seriously.

He can't be so cheap. Smith has to help him solve this problem a little bit, so that he can't help but rely on solemnity and finally fall to solemnity and stop investigating solemnity.

"Well, I'll go and buy onions now!" Smith nodded hastily.

"Brother, what can I buy? Do you know why onions are used in the story? Because the dead body is not alive, a fresh scallion is placed under the body, just like in the refrigerator, it will not change. And people are lively, so they will continue to exhaust gas, making scallions yellow and withered. In other words, it's the same with other fresh herbs. But now the question is, do you dare to sleep with that thing? " Solemnly said.

"No... absolutely not!" Smith was terrified.

Sleeping with a dead body. He's not new. But he didn't sleep with a living corpse. Who knows if that guy will eat himself in the middle of the night?

"That's it. In this way, I'll give you a talisman bag. You can say that you asked for it from the temple in Chinatown today. It can ensure safety. At that time, if he refuses and shows fear, it means that he really has a problem. Come back to me later. " Solemn way.

With that, he solemnly folded a talisman bag, attached a trace of spiritual power to it and gave it to Smith.

Smith took over, although still a little dubious, but as long as the evening contact with the informant, I believe the truth will soon come out.

To bid farewell to the solemnity, Smith took the bag and left.

Soon, the moon rises and sets, and time comes to night.

Smith, as usual, contacted the informant at the bar.

The noisy music covered up Smith's nervous mood. He was sitting alone at the bar, drinking with a lot of worries.

After a while, the door of the bar was pushed open and the informant came in.

As usual, he came straight to Smith.

"Coming? What would you like to drink? " Asked Smith.

"You know I don't drink." The informant replied in a voice.

Non drinkers? Smith used to think that the informant might be a good man and had to fall into a criminal gang. At this time, it seems that there is really a problem.

"Well, let's talk about what we've got in the near future." Smith quietly took out the bag and held it in the palm of his hand, pretending to be careless.

"I found their hiding place." The informant seemed to be stating something that had nothing to do with himself.

"Drug dens?" If it had been put in the past, Smith would have laughed three times. But now, instead of laughing, Smith is afraid.

Because he thought of the solemn story, in which the river crossing corpse cheated people into their homes with similar reasons. This guy must be cheating himself!

Thinking of this, Smith coughed and said, "that's great. When they are captured, I'll make it clear to them and forgive you for your crime. By the way, when I went to Chinatown to investigate the case today, I passed by a temple and asked for some peace charms. My wife and daughter are one by one. The extra one is just for you. In my heart, you are my partner. I don't want anything to happen to you. "

With that, Smith opened his hand and handed the package to the informant.

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