I saw layers of human skin stacked in the coffin. After hearing the birds, they all stood up, like clothes blown up by the wind.

One by one, the skin bags came out of the coffin one by one. The solemn scene shook with Smith at the same time. Solemn even felt that his whole body was covered with fine goose bumps. That kind of solemn scene will never be forgotten in his whole life.

"Sanyang is really hot, it's burning!" After shock, solemnity reacts and quickly casts the spell to light the coffin.

There was a roaring fire, and the charm attached to the coffin was burning violently. At this time, half of the human skin folded in the coffin could not get out. All of them were ignited by the charm fire, making a crackling sound, as if the human oil was burning.

The more than ten leather bags that had already come out of the coffin, all waving their bodies, rushed to the grave and Smith, as if to cover them with human skin and turn them into coffin skin murderers.

Smith tried to use the gun in his hand to break the leather bag. Unexpectedly, the gun hit him, but he was entangled by the "arm" waving by the leather bag, and the arm was still growing slowly. He stuck it on the back of Smith's hand along the gun.

Smith was hit by a sneak attack, just like he was scalded by a pair of tongs. He howled.

The other hand tried hard to tear the skin bag off the back of his hand. Unexpectedly, it led to a large piece of flesh on the back of his hand, which was directly torn to rupture, and a piece of flesh was about to be torn off.

These leather bags are like strong glue. They stick to the skin as soon as they are stained. They can't get rid of them.

"Don't move!" He said in a solemn voice. His left hand was on the bag quickly. A circle of red light flashed by. The bag suddenly took off from the back of Smith's hand like a frightened Octopus sucker.

Then, solemnly, he recited a thunder mantra, and the thunder in his palm was thrown out. With the strong thunder light, he temporarily pushed back more than ten leather bags. And behind them, the coffin skin murderer had already run over and was about to catch them.

"Into the cabin!" There's no other way but to point to the wooden house road.

Two people on the spot a tumble, kick the burning coffin, temporarily stopped the coffin skin murderer, took the opportunity to run into the cabin.

After entering, they were surprised to find that there was a mystery hidden in the wooden house.

Originally thought it was just an ordinary cabin. Unexpectedly, there was a table in the middle of the cabin. Under the table, there was a dark tunnel entrance.

"How can there be a tunnel here? Does the drug storehouse that the informant said really exist? " Smith was stunned and said.

Grave shake head: "who knows."

As soon as the words came to an end, there was a crack coming from the door of the wooden house, but it was hit by the murderer of the coffin skin. It was about to be broken.

But the skin bags, they have adsorption effect on human flesh, they are useless in the face of wood, all of them are blocked outside the door, unable to enter.

But once the coffin skin assailants hit the door, they can also enter from the door. In this narrow space, they can't avoid it at all. They will definitely be touched by those skins.

Thinking of this, he solemnly pointed to the entrance of the tunnel and said, "go down!"

"Ah? Down? What's next we don't know? What if it's a dead end? " Smith hesitated.

I can't help but say that I opened the table solemnly and put Smith directly into the tunnel: "the dead end is better. The tunnel is so narrow that it can restrict the traffic of those things. Even if they are caught up, they can only come over one. They can't attack us. It's faster to die on it

Smith fell down in the tunnel, listening to Zhuang Chong's reasonable, just to the mouth of the complaint also swallow back, will be on the barrel of the tactical spotlight, two people quickly go to the depth of the tunnel.

At this time, there was a click, but the coffin skin assailant knocked open the wooden door and rushed in. But after coming in, the coffin skin murderer looked around and sniffed. His eyes looked at the entrance of the tunnel, and he was about to jump down.

However, when his feet touched the ground at the entrance of the tunnel, there was a cry of pain. It seemed that there was something in it, which made him extremely painful.

Then he ran out of the wooden house, and the more than ten leather bags didn't have the consciousness of the coffin murderer. They stepped in fearlessly, but they turned into a pool of corpse water without two steps.

The soil at the entrance of the tunnel made a Zizi sound and absorbed all the corpse water, as if nothing had happened.

"No, these two people ran into it! But it doesn't matter, the space of death is so easy to enter? I wish you a long way At this time, a figure appeared at the door of the wooden house and murmured to himself.

With that, he sent out a bird cry to the coffin murderer who fled in the distance. Then the coffin murderer stopped and stood still.

Inside the tunnel.

Solemn and Smith had been walking down the tunnel. They thought it was a dead end. The more they walked, the more spacious they found. Even after the initial soil road, the steps that appeared at the foot of the two had become bluestone steps.

"Why are there bluestone steps here? Is this a military base? " Smith wondered.

It has to be said that the first thing people from the FBI think about is military threats.

Solemnly, he said, "what kind of military base? I think it might be a tomb site."

"Grave? We don't like you Huaxia. We even like the places after death. How could there be such a big grave? " Smith said incredulously.

Grave and contemptuous look at Smith, said: "it seems that the news is right, ah, you really do not take other people as a family."

On hearing this, Smith suddenly woke up. In this continent, there are still a group of yellow people, that is, the Indians who were almost slaughtered.

If this tunnel is an Indian relic, it's really possible. Several world cultural heritages in the United States are built by Indians.

However, there are not many pure Indians left today, so some of them are forgotten.

"What's that?" All of a sudden, Smith will light the light to a certain place, but found in front of a sudden, there is a hall of 50 or 60 square meters.

The hall is magnificent. The whole wall is made of a kind of transparent huge stone emitting cyan light. Around the hall, there are several thick columns. On the dome, there is a face shape pattern, as if overlooking all living beings.

"Not a grave?" Solemn see this hall, but is a Leng.

The hall is not so much built for the dead as for the living. Is there any Indian people who like to live underground?

"There's something moving in the wall!" Smith was watching the hall when he called out.

Solemnly look at the past, sure enough, a figure in the blue boulder is wriggling, it looks like a human skin.

But the figure is like being imprisoned in the bluestone, can only vainly swing the body, can't get rid of the shackles.

Although I felt strange, seeing that those things were not aggressive, I ignored them for a while and turned to stare at the pillars in the hall.

These pillars have some peculiar shapes, which are distributed around the hall and meet to form a pair of hands holding things. The pillar on the left is engraved with a pattern of male characteristics, while the pillar on the right is engraved with female characteristics.

The place held up by these pillars seems to be a cauldron furnace hanging in the air, emitting a faint light, and the grimace of the dome overlooking all living beings is facing the cauldron furnace, as if watching the suffering of all living beings coldly.

"This really seems to be an Indian relic." The solemn and uncertain Tao“ Look at this hall. It should be a religious place. Everything in it is related to religion. But it's strange... "

"What's so strange?" Smith came up and asked.

"Look at these pillars, men on the left and women on the right. They gathered together to hold up a stove with both hands. What kind of God is this Solemnly pointing to the pillar, the road.

Smith puzzled answer: "the statue of liberty?"

"..." I wish I could slap this guy. The American people really don't understand Indian culture at all.

But solemnly, he had to explain: "the Indians are divided into several different groups, one of which is called Aztec. They believed in the immortality of the soul and the idea that everything was governed by the supreme ruler. They worship natural gods, such as Sun God, moon god, cloud God, rain god, Flower God, corn God, etc. Aztec people use "cross" as the symbol of religion, sacrifice prisoners of war and "King" as the incarnation of God. In the Aztec mythology system, the world has gone through four stages of development, each of which is ruled by different gods. The universe is shaped like a cross, with a furnace in the center. From nine to thirteen levels, the sky is covered with a layered underground world. The whole universe is surrounded by water and held in the hands of the high God OMED kutley. This God is a combination of men and women, with the dual nature of life and reproduction. "

"Oh, I see! Do you mean this hall is likely to be a sacrificial place built by the Aztecs to worship the high God? " Smith suddenly realized and said.

If Smith didn't understand, it would be a pig.

"Well, there is really a cross on the ground!" Smith put the spotlight on the ground and found a huge cross between the pillars, which corresponded to the myth of the Aztec.

"It seems that this is indeed the remains of the Aztecs!" Smith concluded excitedly. I didn't find drugs, but I found a cultural relic, but I made money. What the United States lacks most is this kind of thing, which can make many experts and scholars go high for a while.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished. It may not be a pure Aztec relic, because other Indian beliefs are mixed in. What do you think it looks like when you look at the grimace in the dome and the figures in the surrounding walls? " Asked solemnly.

Smith looked at it carefully for a long time, then suddenly gave a shiver and said, "it's like the space of death that imprisons the souls of the dead."

"Yes. But this image does not exist in Aztec's religious belief. On the contrary, another Indian group, the Mayans, believes in death very much. The primitive religion of the Mayans was the God of nature, which gradually evolved into the God of rain, the God of five grains, the God of death, the God of war, the God of North Star, the God of wind, and the God of four directions. The highest god is the sun god ichana. He is the emperor of gods, the incarnation of God, the master of "day" and "night", and the creator of words and books. The Mayans also have the theory of "heaven" and "hell". In the sky, there lived ISTA, the God King of heaven; There is hell underground, ruled by the devil and the God of death. The fate of the Maya after death mainly depends on the social status of the dead, and partly on the way of death. And this face overlooking all living beings should be Wu Hao, the God of death. " Solemn way.

Two different beliefs merge together to form this strange architectural style. So it is solemn to conclude that this may not be a pure ancient relic, but a late formed relic.

However, in the process of development, the Aztec civilization absorbed many achievements of the Toltec culture and the Mayan civilization. This may be the site of the post Aztec civilization.

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