"Brother Chong, what should I do? They have knives. " Leizi's eyes narrowed. In the face of danger, Leizi didn't have a trace of cowardice. Instead, he turned into a lone wolf. His muscles tensed up, and he put on the "Ding" frame of gossip palm, ready to fight at any time.

The reputation of the eight trigrams palm of the Korean school is not from the blow, but from the fight between life and death. The Kung Fu that monk Han taught Leizi is not a routine, but a real killing technique. Mixed with Shaolin's intention, it is even more fierce.

Solemnly looking at the big blade in the motorcycle's hand in the distance, my heart was tight.

If the water stains on the blade are not left, the raindrops will slip when they hit the blade, and they will not stay on the blade. Obviously, it's a sharp sharpened knife, not a machete used by hooligans to fight.

In this way, a dozen motorcycles surrounded Leizi with solemnity one after another. No one spoke, except for the vast rain between heaven and earth.

"They're supposed to be choppers. Be careful. This kind of person is extremely dangerous and vicious. Don't keep your hand when you fight in a moment, kill Solemnly made a decision and told Leizi.

The fast car chopper Gang is a popular criminal gang in Nanfang Yangcheng. They usually drive modified motorcycles and constantly look for people with valuable jewelry on the street.

Once the target is found, it will race past, cut off the wrist of people wearing jewelry with a knife, rob the jewelry and leave.

Once upon a time, a kuotai brought a glass emerald bracelet, worth hundreds of thousands of yuan. As a result, kuotai was targeted by the chopper party. As soon as kuotai came out of the shopping mall, the chopper party cut off her left wrist and robbed the bracelet.

This big case shocked the high-level of Yangcheng, so the chopping party was once exterminated.

But unexpectedly, there is such a team in Mingzhu. Looking at the momentum of these people, it seems that they are well trained, more powerful than the choppers on the streets of Yangcheng.

"I see, brother Chong." Leizi replied that his hand was changed to poke.

This is a kind of palm posture created by the eight trigrams palm imitating the sharp knife. It accumulates the force in the palm, and punches people's waist and eyes with one move.

It's painful to cut people, but the real killing still depends on stabbing. If the point of the knife is poked into a person and then pulled out, the person will surely die. If a person is cut several times, he is likely to survive.

The poke knife in the palm of the eight trigrams is a fierce killing technique, which is specially used to poke people's waist and eyes. In particular, Leizi, the top master of Mingjin, will definitely pierce people's waist and eyes and die on the spot.

Although Leizi was honest and honest, he was not stupid. He was cruel enough when he really started. Although I've never killed anyone, I haven't practiced my martial arts in vain for so many years. I have a fierce mind.

Solemnly see Leizi put out poke knife type, secretly nod. Leizi is very reassuring at the critical moment. The fight between life and death can't tolerate any kindness, otherwise it's his own death.

Solemnity is also a posture, with the left foot thrusting backward to the right and the right hand protecting the ribs downward. This is an old diamond frame, a posture of poking the foot.

Similar to Lei Zi's stabbing knife, it's also extremely cruel. The practice of poking the feet starts from kicking the stake, and the toe is used to poke the vulnerable parts. The master can kick a wooden stake that is thick and thin. If he kicks a person, he will be kicked through the viscera.

Both sides set out to fight. The sky and the earth were in a state of extermination. The rainstorm became more and more fierce, and it hurt on the face. From time to time, there were several flashes of lightning in the air, which broke the silence.

When a spherical lightning burst in mid air, the killing finally began.

The first one was a heavy-duty locomotive. The tire ran over the mire and burst up countless muddy water, which blocked the sight. With the acceleration of the motorcycle, the mud and water burst out more and more, and even splashed on the solemn face.

And solemnity is like standing in the same place without realizing it.

As the first locomotive started, the rest of the cars roared out at the same time, incarnating a fierce beast in the rain, opening their mouths to devour the solemn two.

In the light of the motorcycle headlights, the blade is shining with snow-white light. The choppers hold the blade high and drive with one hand. With the momentum of the motorcycle, they cut down the blade at the solemn and Leizi.

"Before me, after you!" With a solemn shout, he burst out like a snake swimming in the water curtain, holding up his head and spitting out his letter, which was extremely vicious.

This is the snake shape of Xingyi boxing. It's also the snake like footwork when walking solemnly. It's easy to get into the gap between two motorcycles.

As soon as he turned around, he could avoid the blade cut by the first motorcycle. Then he quietly exerted force under his feet, as if he had a spring installed. His toes were straight, carrying a powerful force, and he kicked the motorcycle into the palm of his hand.

This foot is fast and fierce, and the power is swift and violent. The motorcyclist cuts the air with a knife. Before he has time to change his moves, he is stabbed in the heart with a solemn foot.

With a click, the motorcyclist's ribs were punctured instantly, and then a cloud of blood gushed out. The motorcyclist's pupils spread out, but his heart was seriously kicked out.

I can't see it.

The so-called "no move, no fight" is just a moment. All footwork, adhere to this principle, because the foot does not shrink as freely as the hand, once the foot is a flaw, we must ensure that the foot hit the opponent. Otherwise, they will be caught and severely damaged.

Boom! The motorcyclist died, but no one was driving the car under him. He fell to the ground and smashed up a piece of mud.

On the other side, Leizi doesn't move like a mountain and lets the blade cut at him. When the blade is about to cut on his body, Leizi suddenly moves his hand and shakes his shoulder lightly. While avoiding the blade, his right palm has been poked at the motorcyclist's waist and eye.

Only the motorcyclist snorted, and the whole skeleton tilted to the left. Lei Zi's knife broke the motorcyclist's entire left rib, causing the skeleton to be unstable and collapse to the left.

Bang, the motorcyclist who was stabbed in the waist fell to the ground and died.

Solemnity and Leizi both killed them on the spot with only one move.

Choppers were also scared by their hostility. They didn't expect that the idea they met today would be so hard. You can see blood in your hand.

When the choppers were a little stupefied, they pulled Leizi solemnly, and they suddenly gave a loud drink and rushed to the left side.

As soon as they rolled on the spot, they rolled more than ten meters away in the mud. Where they were standing, several knives just cut through.

"Run ahead, there's an alley ahead!" Solemnly, he got up and ran to the front.

It's a dilapidated village. It's hard to find such a sparsely populated village around the Pearl. It seems that these people have worked hard.

There are not many people in the village. Even if there are, they are just some lonely old people. Young people have long gone to work in the city. So killing people in this place, no one will interfere.

Solemnity and Leizi flash into the lane as quickly as possible.

The narrow Hutong can only accommodate two motorcycles in parallel, which to a certain extent limits the advantages of the chopper Party's vehicles.

Without the impact of the car, the choppers have to get out of the car and fight hand to hand. Relatively speaking, it's much easier to do.

At the moment when he dashed into the lane, a motorcycle reacted very quickly, followed him first, raised a sharp knife and cut down his back.

"Brother Chong, be careful!" Thunder son exclaimed.

Solemnly but as if not paying attention to the general, with a wave back, wrist shake out a dull sound, will be heavy rain line broken, broken into many drops.

Under the action of inertia, all the water droplets flew to the motorcyclist's throat.

When the motorcyclist saw a few raindrops, he didn't care. He still tried his best to cut off the blade in his hand.

However, before the blade was cut down, the motorcyclist suddenly let out a "Er", his eyes protruded and fell to the ground.

In his Adam's apple, more than a dozen blood holes Yin ran, extremely terrible.

"Dark strength double!" Lei Zi was surprised“ Brother Chong, you have reached the second level? "

On the basis of Mingjin, Yinjin creates an extra internal force to hit the viscera. Before, solemnity was wandering on the dark strength.

And the dark force is double, you can beat the inner force from the object, similar to beating cattle across the mountain, through the body, as long as you use the strength, even if you fly flowers and pick leaves, you can hurt people.

As for the dark force triple, it is to hit an inch across the air. It doesn't need to touch the body at all. It can hurt people with the burst of dark force.

The way to kill the driver solemnly is the way to use the dark force.

Use the dark force to break the raindrops, and then hit the most vulnerable parts of people, causing the killing effect.

People's eyes, Adam's apple and lower Yin are the most vulnerable parts. Solemnity is with the help of dark strength, hit the driver's Adam's apple, so that a hit works.

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