It can be said that if it were not for the appearance of Taoism, the Chinese metaphysics would still be controlled by witchcraft. Moreover, even if the Daoism is obvious, witchcraft still exists in some remote mountainous areas, and even affects the outside world.

Like witchcraft, like Shamanism. These witchcraft have been sealed up in a small area because of inconvenient transportation hundreds of years ago. However, with the change of modern environment, it has begun to appear more and more frequently in front of the public, and even means to surpass the Tao and Dharma.

Take the solemn experience in Xiangjiang as an example, the traditional metaphysics is not as good as the technique of lowering head in Thailand. In Xiangjiang, most of the stars have raised kids. Use that kind of thing to improve your fortune in a short time and achieve success in your career.

I have to admit that it is really effective, so one spread ten, ten spread a hundred, then it becomes a prairie fire, sweeping the whole of China. Around us, we will always see a lot of Thai Buddha brand, IMP and other marketing advertisements on our communication tools.

Solemnity has always been noncommittal about these things. It's true that imps can really improve a person's fortune quickly, but the consequences are also very obvious. Once there is a lack of worship or the imp is dissatisfied, it will backfire, and often the person will pay more than he gets, even his family will be destroyed.

People are greedy, always can't stop, so solemnly never suggest that people raise those. Although Fengshui is slow, it has no sequelae( As an aside, it's better not to touch this kind of thing. Don't think about how to repay it when I get rich. Better not even think about it. I know a friend who raised a kid in his early years. Later, he made some money and bought a house and a car in the imperial capital. But in the first half of the year, his family began to frequent some things. The most serious problem is that his parents, wife and children take turns to get sick. His mother is still in hospital and has not improved. He's going to be driven crazy, and for a while his nerves are starting to go wrong. At that time, after looking for someone to see it, he realized that it was the thing raised that began to bite back. At that time, the master suggested that he hang money sword in the yard. The money sword is a very powerful magic weapon, which is murderous. Generally, there is no spirit in the home, so it is absolutely not recommended to use it for decoration. The master that the friend seeks suggests him to hang this, explain the condition of his house already very bad. He was also advised to stop living at home and move away for a few months. As for his current situation, I don't know. Let's learn from it.)

"Solemn?" Hu Qingyin's voice came from the phone, but he didn't reply for a long time and thought that he had left.

"Ah?" Solemn back to God, involuntarily sighed. As Zen master said, walking in the world is full of monsters. Those who are predestined can become Buddhas, such as Monkey Sun. Those who have no chance can only be killed, such as Baigujing. Whether everyone becomes a demon or a Buddha is not controlled by solemnity. Solemnly, just do what you want.

"Ah, what? I've said so much. Are you listening? " Hu Qingyin's cold voice blames the strange way.

"Listen, listen. It's Meishan culture. The Shang Dynasty was in vogue, so it's not surprising that you Houxi's military wizard Association. I also think that the reason why you Houxi was able to travel in America for many years and create a new habitat is inseparable from the magic of sinking soul into Tianshu. How do you want this army to be enough? Eighty percent of the dead soldiers are used as laborers, which is called waste utilization. I can't imagine that you Houxi is very far sighted. " A solemn, playful way.

"I don't care about you. Remember the time. I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow night. Don't forget Hu Qingyin reminds solemnly again, then hang up the phone.

Solemnly looking at the hang up phone, helplessly shaking his head, put the phone back in his pocket.

As soon as I entered Hongmen, I saw Zhao Lingzhi looking at him with a smile on his face. It's self-evident. It's obviously asking if solemn has hit a home run.

Solemnly, he felt his nose awkwardly. He just said hello to Zhao lingzhi and ran back to his house in a hurry.

Talking about that kind of thing with a man of the same age can be said to be congenial. But it's embarrassing to discuss with an uncle. Solemnity can only escape.

Back in the house, solemn and straight to sleep. During this period of time, he was very tired. Since he came to the United States, he had never had a good rest, not to mention visiting scenic spots. He even had no chance to be corroded by the sugar coated shells of capitalism.

This sleep directly to the next morning, early in the morning, solemn to get up after washing, came to the yard boxing.

Solemnly used to practice routines are generally those sets of Neijia boxing, which can move the spirit at the same time. Taiji, Xingyi and Bagua are all interwoven with exercises. Of course, he put more effort into his most familiar form and meaning.

Solemnly, after seeing the combination of law and martial arts of Song Ling and Qianming mountain, I have a deeper understanding of Neijia boxing. Because in essence, Neijia boxing comes from "Fa".

It's better to live with bamboo strips at home than not at home. In ancient times, most Taoists were doctors and martial arts teachers. Through alchemy and meditation, we can observe all things in the world. From generation to generation, we know every minute part of the human body structure very well. With the development of countless people and generations, all kinds of health preserving boxing techniques have been created. This is the origin of Neijia boxing, born out of Taoism.

However, solemnity infers from this and confirms what we have learned before. It is found that there are yin and Yang as well as geomantic omen in boxing.

The reason why Neijia boxing is different from Waijia boxing is that it has the theory of yin and Yang, which leads to the different understanding and application of the body and the different linear relationship between yin and Yang.

The inner movement relationship between the two points is foreign boxing. Its nature is like the attraction of the opposite sex in the magnetic field of yin and Yang. It can't run away from the line between the two points. It's what we often call "seeing behind and fighting before". Like archery, chopping and so on, it depends on the consistency, and mostly uses the contractile muscles of the human body. The movement relationship between two points is the internal boxing, the sexual resemble is the same sex exclusion in Yin Yang magnetic field. After two points, the relationship between nails and hammers is dependent on the awesome strength of the human body.

This is the reason why Xinyi boxing has the theory of three sections and four tips. The tip section is like a nail, the middle section is like a hammer, and the root section is like a hammer handle. The muscles in the four tips are responsible for the weight-bearing and trajectory of the human body, the tendons are responsible for the connection and continuity of the human body, the bones are responsible for the standing and pulling of the human body, and the Qi and blood are responsible for the force and acceleration of the human body. It's like a big Taiji fish of yin and Yang. The division of labor of yin and Yang is different, but they are integrated with each other, and can't be separated clearly. Therefore, the neijiaquan system of China is unique to the Chinese Kung Fu in the world. But it is a great treasure.

Pa Pa Pa, this is the whip sound of solemnity in Tai Chi. It's a very relaxing movement, but it reveals great lethality.

Brush, this is the voice of a solemn blow. It seems that the murderous move really breaks out in the air and is a soft syllable. It represents the convergence of solemn power, but it has reached the point of rigidity and softness.

"Good boxing! It's only half a year. You've made progress again. " At this time, Zhao lingzhi and Chen ZhongLuo both appeared in the yard and praised.

Solemnly see two people, closed the move, saw a head of heat transpiration from the head, straight as smoke, slowly dissipated in the air.

"No matter who is fighting with the master every day, he will make progress between life and death." Said with a solemn smile.

"Ha ha, I can hear it. Seriously, this is condemning us for putting too much pressure on him. " Chen ZhongLuo laughs. No longer as the leader, put down the burden, but he is more and more young.

"Young people, only under great pressure can they make progress. We old men can't do it. " Zhao Lingzhi also said with a smile.

But in his words, he said that he was determined to be solemn, and he wanted to rely on solemnity. Who let the solemn accept the position of leader of Xianghuo hall.

Solemnly but turn a white eye, ignore two people. I said goodbye to them and went to have a bath and dinner.

When everything is finished, I have nothing to do, but suddenly I get a call from Smith.

On the phone, Smith didn't make it clear. He just said that he had made a great discovery and asked him to wait for him in the coffee shop next to the Gekko group.

"How come it's Gekko again?" A solemn and strange question.

Smith is not willing to say anything, the professional habits of the FBI made him never trust the telephone tool. So what can be said in person will never be said on the phone.

Solemnity can only promise, and then went out to go to the opposite coffee shop of Jike group.

When I got to the coffee shop, I found that Smith had already arrived.

A greeting, solemn and straight to the point asked: "what in the end found? Why choose here? "

Smith did not answer, but will open the hands of the notebook, point to open a video.

Solemnly took a look at the notebook, but was stunned for a while, because the picture is you Hou Xi underground palace. I didn't expect Smith to record this. Apparently he was carrying some kind of micro video equipment.

What appears in the picture is the last time the statue of youhouxi was found. Solemn from the door to see those coffins began to see, has been to see the end, but nothing found. I don't understand what Smith is trying to say with this passage.

"What are you going to say?" Solemnly push the notebook to Smith and ask.

Smith laughs, then plays around on the video, again turning the laptop screen toward solemnity.

At the first glance, however, I was almost scared. I saw pale faces in the video, which was extremely ferocious.

"What is this?" Asked with a solemn frown.

"When I get back, I'll start to track down the criminal gang as you said. But I didn't find any valuable clues. I was disappointed. But when I happened to watch this video, I made a big discovery. Where do you think these faces are from? "

"Are they from the coffins?"

"Smart! The dead bodies in the coffins! Fortunately, the equipment I was carrying was the latest, otherwise I couldn't see clearly. I found all the bodies that could see the face completely, and then entered the database for comparison. Guess what I found? " Smith asked, looking at the grave excitedly.

"What?" Solemnity is also interested, asked.

"I found that four of the five visible bodies were former employees of the giskohan group!" Smith said.

"Is it?" Solemnity is also shocking.

There are four of the five, which is very illustrative. This is quite a proportion. Either it means that the mysterious person may also be an employee of the geek group, or it means that the mysterious person has a grudge against the geek group and specially attacks the people of the geek group.

"Here's their resume. Take a look." With that, Smith opened a document and said.

In a solemn twinkling of an eye, I found that, as Smith said, all of the four were employees of the geek group, not ordinary employees, and could be regarded as middle-level employees. And three of them are employees of important departments.

According to the data of these four people, they died successively in the last year and a half. The cause of death was sudden death. The result of autopsy was attributed to work fatigue. The families of two of them also sued the group, for which the Group paid a large sum of money. It was even pushed to the top of the storm and was almost put on file for investigation by relevant departments.

Fortunately, later, geek group came up with a specific working schedule and clarified the misunderstanding in the media with facts. This is a crisis. If the work arrangement of the Gekko group is true, then the death of these four people is bizarre. Because working eight hours a day is impossible for four people to have sudden death in a row.

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