The afternoon passed and night fell. When the moonlight hit the branches and reflected the whole of San Francisco in the hazy, he got on Hu Qingyin's car solemnly.

As soon as I got on the bus, I found that there was one more person on the bus, but he was fat.

The fat man looked at the thief with a solemn and cheap look.

He looked at the fat man seriously and said, "why should we take a burden? We are going to catch people, not birds. Even if we are going to catch birds, he can't help us."

In the face of serious dislike, the fat man got angry, patted his whole body with fat meat, and said: "fat master, how can I be a burden? What do you say about fat man? If you can't say it, I'll fight with you! "

He said solemnly, "I see you are full of burdens. What's the matter? You've got to work hard! "

Fat man, look at the solemnity. I have no courage.

But next Hu Qingyin a repair knife, it is to let the fat had been injured heart directly broken.

"The tiger will only choose the fat and slow man."

The meaning is very obvious, once the other party is a tiger, then the fat man will be the one who blocks the gun when he runs away. Because fat people are the fattest and slow.

This is more than the burden of abandoning him also let him sad.

"You two are so inhumane. I'm wrong about you. Stop the car. I want to get off!" The fat man said angrily.

And just listen to a GA, Hu Qingyin actually stopped, and then opened the door.

Fat man finally knew that it was not easy to play with Hu Qingyin. Since then, he honestly shut up and didn't say any more nonsense.

Finally, after seven turns and eight turns, the car drove into a suburb. There is an abandoned garage in the distance. Hu Qingyin said that the location chosen by the other party is this garage.

Solemnly and cautiously get off the bus, but it's easy to have ambush in this kind of place. In case of landing on the road, it's over.

After getting off, Hu Qingyin took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone and said, "here we are."

Soon there was a voice on the phone: "come in with something."

Hu Qingyin hesitated for a moment. Seeing the key point of Zhuang, he couldn't help saying: "good."

Then he took an empty book box in his hand, pretended that he had got the Shenhun Tianshu, and went to the garage.

Solemn but did not follow behind Hu Qingyin, but around a direction, from the side to the garage.

The garage is small, with only one room. It has become dilapidated. The broken glass is covered with cobwebs, swaying in the night wind.

The bright moonlight paved a passage in front of the factory, but it couldn't shine into the factory.

What makes some serious people suspect is that there is no light in the workshop, only a small candle is flickering. Through the window, we can see two people casting shadows beside the candle. The shadows are pulled for a long time, but it is difficult to distinguish gender.

And both of them were dressed in black robes, covering their heads like nuns of the old century, even covering their bodies, let alone their faces.

Solemnly and quietly lie next to a window, and then make an OK gesture to Hu Qingyin standing at the door, indicating that Hu Qingyin can go in boldly.

At this time, the fat man played a little bit of man's nature, blocked Hu Qingyin in front of him with his fat body, and took the first step into the factory.

"Here we are. We've brought something. Where's the money?" The fat man yelled carelessly.

In his eyes, money is always the most important.

The two men shook their black robes and then lifted a box from the nearby workbench.

"Open it, or you'll make a hole in it. What shall we do?" Fat people don't believe in the way.

The two men hesitated, but they opened the box and saw that there were stacks of dollars in the box, which seemed to be true.

"It's your turn." Under the black robe, a hoarse voice came out. It seemed that it deliberately lowered the voice so that people could not hear the original sound.

At this time, Hu Qingyin took a step forward and raised the empty book box in his hand: "Shenhun Tianshu, Meishan witchcraft classics. Actually, I'd like to know what you want this for? "

When they listen to Hu Qingyin, they tell us the origin of Shenhun Tianshu, but they think that Hu Qingyin has seen something. They don't doubt that Hu Qingyin is cheating. "I hope you just have a curious look, or you will die to enjoy the money," he said in a cold voice

"If I have life or death, I don't want you to care. Fat man, take the money. " Hu Qingyin said to the fat man.

The fat man nodded and went to get the money box.

"Pay and deliver!" Who knows, the man did not agree.

"If I don't know what the book is, I can pay for it and deliver it. But knowing what this book is means that you two are in danger. I don't want to lose my wife, so please forgive me. We can't get away with the money anyway, can we? " Hu Qingyin said.

The man gave a cold hum, seemed to agree with Hu Qingyin, and handed the box to the fat man.

And the fat man took it over, opened the box and checked it again. He couldn't help smiling: "Wow, it's all real dollars, it's developed!"

This guy is open-minded and forgets that he is in danger at this time. In the face of fatso's behavior, Hu Qingyin can only use his eyes to signal fatso to come back quickly.

Fortunately, at this time, the fat man finally remembered that he didn't really have Shenhun Tianshu on hand. He hurriedly carried the box back to Hu Qingyin and was ready to leave at any time.

"Book, bring it." The man said to Hu Qingyin.

Hu Qingyin smiles, then throws the box in his hand: "it's done!"

The box rolled in the air and hit the man in black. The black robed man snorted and gently put it on the box, and the box was honestly pasted on the palm of the black robed man's hand.

With a click, the box opened to reveal the inside.

"Empty?" The man in black was very angry.

At this time, Hu Qingyin and fat man have already run to the door, and they are about to run out of the factory.

At this time, the black robed man gave a sneer and said, "do you still want to cheat me with this kind of trick? I'd like to see if you can get out! "

After that, he heard the black robed man make a gesture. His five fingers were raised one by one, and he said in a loud voice: "when I go out, I will turn the mountain people into earth shaking five rampant soldiers. When I get in the way, I will turn the mountain people into mountain blocking five rampant soldiers. My grandfather will go to five rampant soldiers. After three shouts, I will launch 100000 Tianxian soldiers, 100000 Dixian soldiers, 100000 Narcissus soldiers, and go to 100000 mountaintops. I'm sick!"

As the voice of the man in black robe fell, he saw that in the originally dark workshop, the ghosts were confused, and the howling sound sounded. Hu Qingyin and fat man, who run to the door, are only one step away from the door, but they just can't take this step. In the distance, in five directions of the void, it seems that there is a demon with a snake coming, which encircles fat man and Hu Qingyin at the same time.

"No! It's the way of rampant soldiers! " Hidden in the window outside of a solemn look, suddenly lost his voice.

Five way rampant soldiers is a kind of witchcraft in Meishan witchcraft. The black robed man just called "grandmaster" is actually the only true God in Meishan witchcraft. His name is Zhang Wulang. It is said that he is the incarnation of Chi you.

Among the Meishan witchcraft, Zhang Wulang is the highest military leader in command of the "five route rampant soldiers" in the East, South, West, North and middle. In every major hunting activity of Meishan people, they have to recite "Wulang Jue" and ask Zhang Wulang to send "five route rampant soldiers"“ The wizard first saves the five rampant soldiers in the formula, and then sends them out according to the five directions of East, South, West, North and center: right index finger means East five rampant, right thumb means South five rampant, left little finger means west five rampant, left thumb means North five rampant, left middle finger means middle five rampant.

At the end of the formula, the five rampant soldiers immediately launched to block the void in all directions and imprison people in the same place.

What's more, the "five party and five road rampant generals" include five rampant generals on the East Road, five rampant generals on the South Road, five rampant generals on the West Road, five rampant generals on the North Road and five rampant generals on the middle road. Specifically speaking, they refer to the nine Barbarians in the East, eight barbarians in the south, seven soldiers in the west, five Di soldiers in the north and three Qin soldiers in the central government. In terms of duty, it refers to five rampant activities, including cold living, hot eating, hairdressing, hunting, soul collecting, blood killing, blood cutting, self calling, flag waving, finger biting, pain removing, blood breaking, bone sealing and so on. It can be seen from the name that the rampant soldiers are not in the ranks of Taoists at all, so the common Taoist Arts can't crack them.

"Well, ghosts and monsters dare to play tricks in front of me! Tell me the whereabouts of Shenhun Tianshu, and I'll spare your life! " The man in black continued to ask in a low voice.

The candle around him kept jumping, just like a bright light, commanding the rampant soldiers to advance. Solemnity finally knows why they use candles instead of lights. Obviously, the candle is not an ordinary candle, it should be made of some kind of witch grass, which can launch magic at the critical moment.

"There's no real book at all!" Hu Qingyin said.

"To tell you the truth? Well, I'll give you a taste of it! " When the man in black robe finished speaking, he moved his finger and saw the soldiers all the way rushing at Hu Qingyin, which made Hu Qingyin and fat man pale.

"Go back to me!" At this time, solemnity finally stood up, with three moral mother coins in his hand.

Only the mother of morality circled half a circle, hit the rampant soldiers all the way, and then returned to the hands of solemnity.

However, the rampant soldier was beaten by the moral mother money and retreated to the previous position.

"Who?" The black robed man was shocked. It seems that the other side is not easy to beat back the rampant soldiers.

The man was hidden in the night and could not see his face at all.

"People who see injustice! Are you not afraid of retribution when you use rampant soldiers to harm ordinary people? " In a solemn voice.

Rampant soldiers will not only follow orders to attack the target, but also the caster. The five rampant troops and horses are divided into three grades, first class, middle class and second class. Generally speaking, only the middle and lower five rampants follow the Taoist. When the upper five rampants collect demons, they may come. This is the right five rampants. The five evil rampants are also called the five lazy rampants. They are usually Meishan soldiers and horses. The five lazy rampants are specially used to harm people. Those who are not good at heart use the five lazy rampants to change money. They use the five lazy rampants to push people to fall down, to break their hands and feet or to dislocate their bones. Then they will go to the people of the evil Dharma to heal their wounds. This kind of rampant soldiers are generally easier to command.

The middle and upper class soldiers are much harder to serve, especially the upper class soldiers. They have self-consciousness and will punish according to the behavior of the summoner.

Solemnly, I heard that a wizard killed too many ghosts because he saw ghosts. After killing ghosts again, he was beaten by the rampant soldiers. Beat the wizard black and white, warn the wizard not to hurt the evil, not all the ghosts have to be killed, otherwise not only hurt Tianhe, he who depends on the ghost to eat also lost his job. Another situation is that after recruiting the five rampant soldiers and horses, when eating and drinking, they must first let the five rampant soldiers and horses eat and drink, especially when drinking. They must first dip a few drops of wine in the wine bowl with chopsticks and sprinkle it on the ground, which means inviting them to drink. Otherwise, they will get revenge.

In a word, this kind of thing is the same as Shamanism's request for God, which belongs to the category of witchcraft. The spirits invited also have a certain sense of autonomy.

As we solemnly say, the black robed people's act of killing ordinary people will be punished by the rampant soldiers afterwards.

"How can the rampant soldiers punish me for getting rid of two perfidious villains in the world? As for you, you are the one who should be punished for helping the tyrant! " The man in black replied coldly.

However, they are not afraid of what solemnity says and even want to take solemnity down.

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