Jiang Haowen is now running towards the altar with his back to the grave. But he was suddenly alert and felt the strong intention of killing coming from behind.

Immediately it rolled on the spot again. It really became a lazy donkey, rolling on the ground continuously.

PA, the North Pole ghost killing seal smashed on a pair of sarcophagus next to it, which made a roaring sound and smashed the sarcophagus.

Solemnity was a cold sweat, because he remembered that old Searle seemed to be still in the sarcophagus. If it happened to be this Sarcophagus, it would be the end.

Fortunately, there is not a trace of flesh and blood except for the flying stone fragments everywhere.

It's obvious that old Searle is not in this sarcophagus.

In the distance, there is a sarcophagus, the rest is the ordinary wood coffin.

Solemnly walk a few steps, while pinching out the tie seal to attack Jiang Haowen, while moving to the sarcophagus.

He kicked the lid off solemnly. And then there was old Searle's little bald head.

"Hold... Hold me to death! Solemn, you think of me It was as if old Searle had seen the great Savior, and he seized the solemn arm and cried.

A generation of scientists, maybe even great people juxtaposed with Einstein, choked like little girls.

Just between life and death, it is to let old Searle know the value of life. At the same time, his research is more difficult to give up. He just vowed that if he could be saved, he would compress his sleep time and speed up the progress of research. If you meet this kind of thing again one day, don't you really have no chance to finish the research?

Solemn but don't know, an inadvertent negligence, on the contrary, contributed to Ruyi this technology in advance. If Chu Yu knew the inside story, he would surely give Zhuang a bonus.

"Old Searle, let go, the battle is not over!" Solemnity is like a brave soldier, said in a determined tone.

Old Searle found that the man who had captured him was still alive, but he looked a little embarrassed, covered with dirt, and even lost his mask, revealing a young face.

"It's amazing how young people are now. It's amazing how solemn they are." Old Searle muttered, crawling out of the coffin and running to Gu Yi's side.

He could see that the eastern nun was also very powerful, at least to ensure her own safety.

Gu Yi glanced at old Searle, but he didn't say anything. He looked at Jiang Haowen intently, and suddenly cried anxiously: "solemn, stop him! He's going to judge with God

"Divine judgment?" Solemnly stunned, he immediately looks at Jiang Haowen, only to find that Jiang Haowen is standing next to the altar with a solemn face, holding up his hands and chanting ancient incantations. Listening to the tone, he seems to be begging for the judgment of the gods.

Solemnity can't help sinking.

Divine judgment witchcraft, also known as divine judgment, divine judgment and natural punishment, is a kind of witchcraft that prays for gods to judge the truth or falsehood and property disputes in the world. Divine judgment is an ancient judgment method commonly used by all nations in the world under certain historical conditions. It seems that the name is somewhat westernized and has the meaning of the Holy See. But it does exist in the history of Chinese witchcraft, even in some remote areas.

In ancient legend, Gao Tao used the method of divine judgment to try a case. The method was to use sheep, and the suspect who was touched by the horn of God sheep was considered guilty. Later, the sheep became the symbol of the upright judges, and later judges were all dressed up by *.

For example, the judge of theft: Jingpo people have "fighting snails". The loser first puts one snails in the bowl, and the suspect also catches one snails and puts it in the bowl, so that two snails fight each other. Finally, the judge of theft is the winner or loser of the snails. The Achang people light a candle on each side and decide the right and wrong of the two sides according to the burning time. There is another kind of "egg divination" of Jingpo people. In the dark, all the suspects take a piece of thatch from the roof of their houses and put it in a bowl. Then they ask the wizard to chant scriptures. They pour an egg into the bowl and stir it a little. The suspected people also rush to the scene to see whose thatch stick the egg white sticks to first, and the other family will steal something.

In Tibetan areas, there is a divine judgment of picking things up in the fire. The method is to burn a stone or an iron in a fire pool or a temporary pile of charcoal fire, so that the suspect can pick it up with his hands. If his hands are not burned, he will be innocent, otherwise he will be guilty. Zhuang people also use the method of stepping on the fire (preparing for fire prevention in advance). If their feet are not injured, it is reasonable, otherwise it is unreasonable. Blood sentence: under the supervision of the head wizard, the suspect of the Wa nationality who lost his life rubs each other with one hand. Until a certain period of time, if both sides bleed or do not bleed, the fight will stop. If one side bleed, they will compensate or apologize according to the price. There are also divine judgments of leading, hand stabbing and so on. In addition, there are oil pan (vinegar or wax), water pan (millet), diving and so on.

What Jiang Haowen used is different from the above form of divine judgment.

What he used was the judgment of the ancestor. It is not to solve the dispute between two people, nor to let the great God come to judge right and wrong, but to use the power of the gods to force the other side of the dispute into a state of silence. Once the divine judgment is successful, there will be a situation in which the technique will be imprisoned. The spiritual power of the whole body will not be able to operate, and any moves and weapons will not be able to use.

But Jiang Haowen is free to use witchcraft. It can be said that this is a kind of witchcraft that Taoism is most afraid to encounter. Its source is unknown, but after the successful casting, it will suppress the Taoist users.

This is God's judgment. God's judgment is beyond doubt.

Hearing Gu Yi's warning, he solemnly and hurriedly raised the seal of killing ghosts in the north pole, and the seal of killing ghosts in the North Pole suddenly turned upside down and hung over his grave head.

Solemnity, on the other hand, changes the Dharma formula and blesses himself with the Kaiguang mantra.

"The divine light of the sky, the divine light of the earth, the divine light of the sun and the moon, I am here to enlighten you, open your eyes, see the world, open your eyes, and open your mouth. Open the ear to hear the sound to save the suffering, happy light merciful salvation, open the hands and limbs to receive the demons, open the spirit foot to fly thousands of miles, open the golden body to shine. Please come to God. I will follow the laws and decrees of emperor Ziwei

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a solemn moment of light. Every pore of my body emitted a golden light, just like a golden statue.

Solemnity, however, is just the use of the Kaiguang mantra to enlighten oneself. So that his various evils do not invade, not affected by Jiang Haowen's magic curse.

At the same time, Jiang Haowen's sorcery spell was completed. He felt a dark feeling in his heart, just like the sky with the sun in the first place was covered by dark clouds, and he became very dark and could not see anything clearly.

To deceive. This is the function of divine judgment. It can blind the life and mind of the caster, making the target willing to be judged by God.

The golden light on the solemn body, under the influence of the dark atmosphere, gradually becomes dim from the initial golden light. It's like a soap bubble, which has been pressed into shape. As long as you exert a little more force, you can completely oppress the soap bubble.

Gu Yi also saw the danger of solemnity at this time. Once solemnity fell into the curse of divine judgment, it would become a lamb slaughtered by Jiang Haowen and would surely die.

Gu Yi doesn't care if he's hurt. He drinks and pours at Jiang Haowen.

Jiang Haowen turns his eyes and sees Gu Yi, but he sneers. When Gu Yi comes to him, he waves his hand.

It's like the mechanical arm of the excavator is stretching. A huge force attacks Gu Yi. Just listen to Gu Yi's cry, he is hit by the wall of the underground palace and spits out a mouthful of blood.

She was already injured, but now she was hurt more than she was hurt, so she couldn't get up.

"Die for yourself!" Jiang Haowen looks at Gu Yi coldly and hates the voice.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you when I take care of this guy. For the sake of apprenticeship, I'll give you a good time. After the summer millet that little girl also killed, let you reunite in the underground. Well, am I kind to you? "

Jiang Haowen grinned grimly, his eyes were wild and proud.

At this time, solemnity only felt that the pressure on his body was increasing. Not only the golden light outside his body could not continue to protect him, but even the Arctic ghost killing seal hanging on his head began to fall, and he was about to hit solemnity's head.


Solemn suddenly a hide, but listen to before standing place spread a sound, but is the North Pole kill ghost seal smashed into the ground, the bluestone ground smashed out the cracks. You can imagine what it would be like if you hit solemnity.

Although I escaped by chance, the golden light curse on my solemn body is like a candle in the wind, dying. Only a faint glimmer of light was left, and I felt the boundless darkness coming, not only blinding my heart, but also darkening my vision.

This power

For the first time, Zhuang Zhong knew the horror of witchcraft. I'm afraid only the ancient witchcraft incantation could summon such a strong dark power. This is absolutely impossible to be possessed by the modern fast vanishing witchcraft. It must be the ancient witchcraft curse that Jiang Haowen got from the underground palace!

Sure enough, then Jiang Haowen said with a smile: "do you know how powerful it is? Do you think Shenhun Tianshu can only revive the dead? It is a thorough explanation of the power of life and death. It can resurrect the dead. How powerful is the power of dark death? You know that now, don't you? "

Listen to Jiang Haowen's words, solemn but understand. No wonder Jiang Haowen refused to give up the underground palace. No wonder he had to use the altar to perform the witchcraft. It turns out that this witchcraft must rely on the power of death left by you Houxi.

The breathless power of Jiang Haowen was the power of death in the underground palace, which was summoned by Jiang Haowen using the magic spell recorded in Shenhun Tianshu.

Jiang Haowen is right. Being able to revive the dead means that the witchcraft has completely controlled the power of death. Just like a doctor who can cure and save people, it's easy for him to kill people.

In the news some time ago, it was reported that a girl who studied medicine had her boyfriend split her legs, and the man pulled her new love to show off in front of the girl every day. The girl really couldn't stand it. Finally, she quarreled with them in the canteen and stabbed the boy with a knife for more than ten times. As a result, the knife avoided important organs, and the boy was severely injured, but he was still judged to be slightly injured.

This event caused a sensation, and the girl's story has become a must in anatomy class every year.

That girl is similar to Jiang Haowen now.

Looking at the solemn almost bent into the shape of shrimp, Jiang Haowen smile faster and more freely.

Jiang Haowen points at the ghost killing seal in the North Pole. Under the control of death, the ghost killing seal in the North Pole flies towards Jiang Haowen involuntarily.

Jiang Haowen grabbed the Arctic ghost killing seal in his hand, played with it for several times, and then said, "you're right. It's really a good thing. But now it's mine. Well, I seem to have all the treasures of Qingwei school in my hands. I'm sorry to think about it. Well, when I kill you, I will inherit the post of the Qingwei sect. I will certainly carry forward the Qingwei sect. "

Jiang Haowen is not polite, simply sealed his own do Zhang Jiao.

"You are delusional!" he said

Jiang Haowen shook his finger at Gu Yi and said, "no, I'm not a delusion. Delusion is the self consolation of losers, and my words are prophecies, prophecies that will come true. "

"Bah!" Even if the body is about to be crushed, solemn still spit out a mouthful of saliva to express his contempt for Jiang Haowen.

Jiang Haowen's face was cold.

"It seems that the pressure on you is not enough! In this death space, divine judgment will not only imprison your mind and body, but also take your life easily! Now you know how stupid you are, don't you? Breaking into my field is killing myself

With that, Jiang Haowen cut his ring finger, dropped a drop of blood on the altar, and recited a magic mantra.

With Jiang Haowen's recitation, he felt more and more pressure on his body, and the only remaining golden light went out with a bang. At that time, the black air of death poured into his pores and wound his whole body.

This is the "divine punishment chain" that Jiang Haowen obtained from Shenhun Tianshu, which is similar to the chain that can capture the soul of a person.

After the black Qi entangles the solemn body, it forms chains, and then penetrates the pores and goes deep into the solemn body.

Solemnity only feels that the whole person is bound by a strong force. The strong sense of strangulation makes solemnity unbearable. When he wants to cry, he finds that his throat can't make a sound at all.

It's like all the organs of the body, including the soul, are locked up.

Soon, the solemn eyes, which were still shining brilliantly, became dim, and the dark pupils became bigger, which filled the whole eye socket.

From a distance, solemnity is like a puppet. There are two dark glass crystals in the eyes, not human eyes.

"Solemn! Wake up! Wake up Lonely easy anxious shout a way.

But it doesn't help. The voice of Gu Yi can't be conveyed, let alone awaken solemnity.

"Villain... I'll fight with you!" Gu Yi struggles to get up from the ground, grabs the remnant front standing beside him with both hands, and wants to hold the remnant front to chop Jiang Haowen.

However, she is seriously injured in the body, strength is not enough, even the disabled front dance up is difficult, urge disabled front own evil spirit is impossible.

Jiang Haowen just looked at Gu Yi contemptuously, and then waved his hand to hit a thunder method.

The thunder method hits Gu Yi's chest, Gu Yi's whole body is paralyzed instantly, and falls to the ground straightly.

"Don't do anything stupid, or I don't mind being the first to kill you! Although I hope you can witness my success Jiang Haowen said coldly.

Then he no longer cares about loneliness, but looks at solemnity.

At this time, the solemnity has completely lost consciousness, and the chain of divine judgment has been deeply drawn into the solemnity of the body, locking the solemnity of the spirit.

Three souls and seven souls, all under the control of the chain. As long as Jiang Haowen rings his fingers, the chain will fly out and take the solemn soul out of the body.

It's like a soul alluring ox head and horse face, sneaking into the dying man's home at night, putting on a chain and pulling the soul of that person to go. When the others found out, the man had already lost his breath.

"I have to say you're a genius, too. But it's a pity that one genius in the world is enough, and there is no need for a second one. That person can only be me, Jiang Haowen! Immortal Ziyang! Ha ha ha... "Jiang Haowen laughed wildly.

Then he made a pull gesture, as if he had a chain in his hand.

Then you can see the solemn rickets of the body a little bit straightened, just like the dead shrimp was forced to open, revealing the fresh meat in the shrimp shell.

The difference is that solemnity reveals not the flesh, but the soul.

If someone can open the eyes of yin and Yang, he can even see the process that the solemn soul is gradually stripped from the body from the step.

Soon, the solemn soul only has the head part, as long as this part peels off, the solemn end, has become a body without soul truly.

Jiang Haowen showed a smile of satisfaction at the corner of his mouth. He was happy that he had been able to control Shenhun Tianshu skillfully, and he was also happy that an opponent died.

The soul enchanting chain is embedded in the solemn consciousness of knowing the sea. With the solemn consciousness, we are about to break away from the consciousness of knowing the sea and let the solemn die.

At this time, I saw a corner of the solemn sea, suddenly lit up a red light, like a neon light flashing in the night.

It was the eye of death that had fallen into the sea of solemn knowledge before.

When the eye of death lights up, it's like knowing that grave is in crisis. The light flashes three times in a row. It's like thinking about the influence of grave death on it.

A moment later, it seemed to have finally thought about it.

I saw the light on my eyes become brighter and brighter, as strong as a laser. At the moment when the enchanting chain was about to leave the sea, a red light like a laser beam shot out and hit the enchanting chain.

Wow, the enchanting chain was hit. It was originally linked to the end of the solemn divine consciousness, and suddenly burned up.

The invisible and immaterial flame is beating, spreading out along the chain of enchantment.

The enchanting chain is like a flammable product poured with gasoline, which is suddenly covered with flames.

Just listen to the sound of hissing, the flame instantly burned the chain, and the solemn soul hooked out of the body by the chain drifted away for a few seconds, as if still leaving the body.

At this time, a vortex suddenly appeared in the eyes of death. The vortex produced a huge suction. The solemn soul was pulled by the suction and suddenly returned to the solemn body.

When the spirit returns to its original position, the chain that bound the solemn soul is gone. Solemn suddenly wakes up, his eyes suddenly open, and he looks at the elated Jiang Haowen.

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