"Carrying something unclean with you?"

Donald and Jennifer both heard the implication from the solemn words and asked.

"I'll talk about it later. I'll help you get rid of that dirty thing first." Solemn but said, went to the northwest corner.

"Find me a bowl full of water." He squatted down solemnly, looked at the corner of the wall, and suddenly rushed to Donald.

"I'll go!" At this time, Jennifer has been completely attracted by solemnity. It seems that there is a strange magic on this man, which makes her have a little trust in solemnity. She can't help volunteering.

After a while, Jennifer came with a bowl full of water.

"Is that ok?" Asked Jennifer.

Solemnly looking at the water in the bowl, he said, "almost. Give it to me."

Said, solemnly took the bowl, and then put it in the corner, and then hands together, put out a strange gesture, suddenly read aloud.

"Qingtian pure water sprinkles three thousand, and eight virtues benefit people. Please come here as soon as possible, guard the heaven, protect me, help me with all my virtues, and do everything in a spiritual way. I'm in the South Heaven. I'm in a hurry like the law!"

After reading, he stroked the water with his hand. The water was rippling. A moment later, a pale face appeared in the bowl, but it was a little girl with vicious eyes.

"Ah Jennifer backed away in horror“ It's her, it's her! Torture me in my dreams every night

"I wish it was her. It's OK. I'm here. Don't be afraid. " Solemnly turned to look at Jennifer, comforted.

Strange to say, solemn words are more effective than tranquilizers, and they make Jennifer calm down all of a sudden.

"Little girl, I know you are a poor man, but this is not your place to stay. Go where you should go." Solemn murmured to the grimace in the bowl.

The little girl's face was still showing her teeth, and she made a fierce expression on the grave.

But as the solemn hand was on the water, a golden light rippled from the center, and the little girl's face began to break. Scared the girl to beg for mercy.

"It's just punishment. If there is one, it won't be so easy next time. You are hurt by others, but there is no need to hurt others to vent your anger. Let bygones be bygones. " With that, he solemnly picked up the bowl, went to the balcony, and suddenly sprinkled the water in the bowl on the aloe.

As soon as the aloe was sprinkled with water, it began to wither. First, the whole flower stick shrunk into a small point, then the tender leaves began to shrink, and finally all rotted and fell into the basin, becoming the nourishment of the soil.

Solemnly picked up the potted aloe, gently drew a talisman on the surface of the soil, then turned to Jennifer and said, "if you have time, bury the flowerpot with the soil, try to find a better cemetery, and then go to the memorial ceremony when you have time. The little girl will thank you and help you

When Jennifer heard this, she trembled and said, "just help me, as long as she doesn't look for me anymore. I will do it as soon as possible. I will never hurt her. "

Donald watched and asked curiously, "what's the matter? What does that little girl have to do with this aloe? "

"In fact, it's nothing. It's just that the aloe paste is mixed with the little girl's ashes. She was specially used to grow aloe after she was killed. So this basin of aloe will appear abnormal situation. And Jennifer uses the method of raising the spirit pet to raise, the result is just the opposite, called the ghost of the little girl. Naturally, strange things happen. " Solemnly explaining.

"I see!" It dawned on Jennifer and Donald at the same time. At this moment, however, Jennifer was no longer suspicious of solemnity.

Because she felt that after Zhuang Chong finished the Dharma, her whole spirit was much better in an instant, just like she had a pair of shackles on her body, which was removed by her solemnity.

"Thank you, Zhuang!" Jennifer is sincere to Zhuang“ I had a bad attitude before. I apologize to you. "

"You're welcome. I wish you could recover. But I have to remind you that I don't think it's an accident

"What do you say?"

"The mixture of ashes and mud is likely to be artificial, that is to say, the person who sent you this spiritual pet is likely to know. Otherwise, that person won't tell you it's a pet. Because if you don't use the method of raising the pet, you won't call the ghost of the little girl. It's someone trying to hurt you. " Solemn way.

“shit!” When she heard this, she couldn't help yelling.

Donald was also furious and asked, "who gave you aloe, Jennifer? I have to break him up

"It's a boyfriend I've been dating before, but I can't really talk about it, because I've only known him for less than half a month, so something happened. Later, I found out that he had a bad mind, so I broke up with him. This basin of aloe was given to me by him at that time. I didn't expect to be harbouring evil intentions! "

"Don't worry. I'll let him pay for the bleeding." Donald patted his chest and assured.

Solemn but not interested in listening to the past love story of Jennifer, how chaotic the entertainment industry, that is well-known things, in solemn heart, the entertainment industry in addition to Han Xue, are not clean people.

"Boss, what's the name of the ghost seeing spell you just used? Can you give it to me? Hey, hey. " Donald suddenly rubbed his hands, rubbed over and said.

Seriously looking at Donald, you said: "it's not impossible to teach you, but someone knows that I'm here, and even hasn't ordered a restaurant, which has made me unhappy."

"Boss, you were kidding! In fact, I specially invited a French chef to my home to make you a top French meal! I guarantee you satisfaction! " Donald patted his chest.

"Well, that's about the same." Zhuang nodded emphatically.

"Can you teach me?"

"Well, for your sake, I'll teach you. The method I just used is called Tianmu Yuanguang. As for the function, you can see that it can reflect the invisible things like a projector. " Sit down and say. This is different from the Daoxin round light used before. The advantage is that it is easy to learn and can be learned by ordinary people. The disadvantage is that its function is not as good as Daoxin round light.

"Generally, those who are good at root utensils can see Qi and picture from the bowl after several times of cultivation. Next, I'll tell you how to practice. Please remember. To practice this technique, prepare two bowls of the same size, a new porcelain bowl with a diameter of 10 cm, one upside down on the table and the other upside down with 80% water. Practitioners cross legs or sit upright, about one meter away from the water bowl to watch the whole water; The left thumb and the tip of the left index finger are pinched into a ring, and the right thumb goes through the ring of the left index finger and pinches into a ring with the tip of the right index finger, which is in the shape of the ring of the left index finger and the ring of the right index finger; Put it gently in front of your belly, relax your whole body, breathe naturally, and recite the spirit opening mantra three times: Master shouts and shouts, turn on the thousand and two hundred lights. "

Solemnly speaking, demonstrating the gesture to Donald. And Jennifer is also curious to follow the study, but much smarter than Donald, just to see Zhuang redo once learned. It took Donald five or six times to learn.

"After the enlightenment, it's a formal step. Look at the water and recite the truth in your heart: Qingtian pure water sprinkles three thousand, eight virtues benefit the heaven, all gods, please come quickly, guard the heaven, protect my body, help me to do all kinds of good deeds, I am in the South Heaven, the master of good deeds is as urgent as the law! At the same time, it seems that there is a "nothingness" on the surface of the water, practicing for more than half an hour each time. If you have good root utensils, you can show them in a bowl in a few days, but this is only a small success. In addition, there is a way to achieve success: open your mouth and inhale hard, as if you inhale the aura from a water bowl into your mouth and sink into the lower elixir field, so repeatedly for 9 times; Then I want to bathe my body from top to bottom for nine times, then rub my face and bathe my limbs, and finally cover the water with red paper for the next practice. "

"I... I seem to see something. There seems to be a little sun shaking in the middle of the water." Just then, cried Jennifer.

"Really? Are you kidding us, Jennifer? " Donald doesn't believe in Tao. He did it several times in a row and didn't see anything. Did Jennifer learn it once?

"It should be true. Otherwise she would not have described the characteristics of circular light. You are quite qualified. " Said to Jennifer with grave admiration.

After listening to the solemn praise, I don't know why, even if she had attended the Oscar ceremony, she blushed.

"It's really depressing. Forget it, I won't practice!" Donald practiced a few more times, not to mention the sun. He didn't even see the moon. Obviously, he was far behind Jennifer. One heaven, one earth.

"You have limited qualifications. Don't waste too much time on it. Otherwise, it will delay your ability to make money. " Solemnly reminded Donald.

Donald immediately thought, "yes, making money is my greatest skill! What do I do with this? "

However, the voice fell, but he was immediately discouraged.

"Boss, even if I say that, I can't stand others to harm me if I make money. What if I am the next one and you come back to China? Are you waiting to die? "

After listening seriously, he couldn't help saying: "what you said is also a problem. Well, you might as well have a pet. "

"Darling?" Donald heard this, but fat shivered. Because of this, he's a little bit resistant to lingchong.

"Don't think about it, Jennifer. It's not your fault. It's someone trying to hurt her. The real pet will not happen this kind of thing, on the contrary, it will warn when it happens. For example, if Jennifer had a pet cat or dog, they would have alerted her when she brought the aloe. Even the aloe could not survive. Cats or dogs will eat aloe vera to prevent accidents

As soon as her eyes brightened, she immediately asked, "can I have a cat? I still like cats

Zhuang nodded emphatically: "of course, but cats are not easy to control. If you raise it well, it will be the crown of spirit beast, but if you do not raise it well, it will be the root of disaster. Cats should be white tigers. They are born with great spiritual power, but not Yang Qi, but Yin power. In ancient mythology, the cat was in charge of the ghost. The great emperor Dongyue of China is in charge of the power house. He sits down on the black tiger, which is actually a black cat. Cats are born with the ability to command evil spirits! Different from the chicken, the chicken is a fight to the death, but the cat is the ruler, which is much stronger than the chicken! What kind of cat can gather money, can kill people, and even "make trouble for the tiger" is actually the same truth, serving the ghost. Why do cats like fish so much? Because fish is in the water, Yin Qi is the heaviest. Cats need to nourish Yin Qi. But here comes the biggest problem. Just like the more capable people are, the more arrogant and uninhibited they are. Cats are so uncontrollable that they have almost no loyalty. Although it lives with you, it just takes you as a big head, eats your food, drinks your food, and even wants you to touch it, tease it, wait on it to play, but it can't be expected to pay anything for you. It's actually very difficult for cats to have a real sense of belonging to your family and really recognize you as the master. You said beat it, beat it, bad, it immediately attracted a large group of "helpers", put you Yin, you don't know it is strange

"If you want to have a cat, you have to have a routine. The kitten will be separated from the mother three days after birth. No one is allowed to see, only the master, by the master a person to feed, with milk and so on. Until the cat is half a year old, don't let it leave the front teeth, just shut it up at home, eat and drink Lhasa are not allowed to go out. In this way, it will protect the home, then you drive it, it will not go. Do not feed full, always hungry it a little, so it will think that the family is poor, so it will transport money to help the family. But it must not be hungry. Hungry, it thinks it can't stay here, so it wants to run. It's too difficult for him to recognize and protect the Lord. It seems to mean that he has to have deep predestination and moral conduct, and also have some means to sacrifice him at a specific time before he is willing to talk to you. "

"Ah? So complicated? " Jennifer pouted when she heard it. The cute movie queen has another kind of amorous feelings. When she looks at it solemnly, her heart swings and she hastens to close her eyes.

"Powerful things are naturally complicated. I can't do it. I can raise carp. This is a more traditional Feng Shui lingpet, and its effectiveness is no less than that of the cat. " Solemnity, calmness, Tao.

"This is good! I raise fish. It's easy. Hehe. " Donald said quickly.

Solemnly, he glanced at Donald and said, "if you think too much, none of them is easy. Do you think the carp is just fed with water? There's a lot of knowledge in it! "

"No?" Donald scratched his head, a little incredulous.

"What do you know?" Solemn way“ Carp, corresponding to the green dragon, is the most special of the four pet. It is extremely Yin in essence, but it is by no means the Yin evil spirit of evil spirits, nor the Yin spirit of cats and turtles. On the contrary, it is very much like the Yuan Yin of Yin transforming Yang and Yang generating Yin when the soul is in the womb! This kind of cathode is more precious than any thousand year old ginseng, because it supplements the soul and the life energy. Carp has always been a very auspicious spirit in China. Carp have dragon phase, but no dragon shape, a jump dragon, it is true. It's just that Longmen is not the Longmen gorge of specific terrain, and the jump is not the kind of jump out of the water. Longmen actually refers to the forehead of carp. After a long time, the forehead of carp will protrude and finally crack. That's the plan to jump over the dragon's gate. Actually, it needs to be shelled. No one has ever seen what a fish shell turns into. According to historical records, it's probably a dragon. However, some people have found the fish shell left by the slough. A newspaper in China in the past eight years reported that it was said that "the huge fish skin entangled the child playing in the water". In fact, it was the skin of the carp. "

"To protect the house with carp, put it to the position or pass of Dasha, and let it pass through Yuanyin, accumulate fortune and wealth, so as to suppress disasters and turn evil into evil. This is the most famous Feng Shui fish in Chinese metaphysics, also known as Hualong Town, which is the most horizontal and luxurious town. As for why the most extravagant move, later said. A good carp can have the most powerful skill among the four spiritual favourites, and stand in to block the robbery, if it is channeled and protected by the Dharma array! It's a real block. Once you block it, you'll get rid of it. There are two amazing characters in Xiangjiang. Both of his brothers are engaged in film business now. But in the early years, both of them were born in the underworld, and they had won anything. They have an old house in Yuanlang. There is a big crystal jar in the old house. There is a big Koi in it. It has two knife marks on its body and a big hole on its head. But it is still alive. Its name is Laoli. There used to be two Koi, and another one called "a yuan", but now only "Lao Li" is left. The reason is that the two brothers survived every time they were in trouble. And those two fish will have more wounds for no reason. Five times in total, one of them was blocked. In the end, there was a big hole in the head for no reason, and it almost went up, but it didn't die. The brothers both felt that this was a warning from heaven and a last chance for them, so they decided to close the mountain and turn to the right way. "

Solemnly speaking, I couldn't help laughing. Because this is the story of Xiang Huaxing and his brother, which was told to Huaxing and solemn before, but was used as a textbook by solemn.

It has to be said that the textbooks are different. Donald's eyes are full of little stars.

Rich people like him are most afraid of being plotted. Since Feng Shui fish can have such a magical effect in preventing disasters, he must get some.

So Donald can't wait to ask: "boss, don't just say how powerful, tell us how to raise that thing."

"What's the hurry!" Solemnity gave Donald a white eye, he said“ Although carp is the best pet, it has a very strict rule, which makes it the most difficult to raise. Ling carp must be raised from one age for ten years, fed daily, changed water, and recited scriptures to it, so as to be able to communicate. And a person can only raise one at a time, not to mention ten years of fish is very difficult to live, even if you live to ten years, you almost one day to break the supply, it can not be done! At most, it's Kaizhi. I just know you. My contribution to my house can only be the same as that of tortoise, or even worse than that of tortoise. This is why Ling carp are extremely luxurious. Now you know how hard it is to raise? "

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