With this gesture, solemnity and Jason smoothly enter the banquet hall.

The believer who opened the door muttered: "the Pope asked you to catch those two heretics. Why did you come back empty handed? You will make the Pope unhappy. May Satan bless you

What he said made the grave feel uncomfortable. Satan bless us? Bless us to die soon? Can ya talk?

At this time, the mass was looking at the stars with bright eyes. It seemed that they were thinking about something, but they didn't notice that solemn and Jiesen came in.

Originally, solemnity and Jiesen wanted to make trouble directly after coming in, but now they are not in a hurry.

See mass concentrate on looking at a place, as if into a similar state of meditation, the whole person is frozen.

"What is he doing?" Jie Sen asked solemnly.

A solemn shake of the head.

To be honest, he couldn't see what mass was going to do. The mass is now in a strange state. It gives a solemn feeling. It's like a skeleton in an instant. There's no life.

How could he be like this at such a critical moment? Is there any sequela?

Solemnly and strangely, he wanted to suggest that Jiesen took the opportunity to attack. Who would have thought that at this time mass suddenly grinned, with a strange smile and a hoarse voice, like a skeleton rubbing against the throat bone.

This strange appearance suddenly scared all the female stars pale, because the mass at this moment is like the devil coming, and her face is extremely ferocious.

"Not good." Said solemnly and abruptly.

As soon as the solemn voice fell, I heard the mass say: "sure enough, the revelation of Satan to me is right. Heretics come disguised as saints, which is the beginning of carnival. It's a bit unexpected that you two dare to go back and forth. "

"He... Found us?" Jiesen asked in disbelief.

Just now the mass didn't even look at this side, but found Jiesen and solemn. How could that be!

"Yes, I have already found out. He didn't move just now. He was actually praying for the spirit. " With a solemn sigh, he said. No wonder he thought the mass just now was very strange. His whole body was full of the breath of the dead, but with a kind of Holy See solemnity.

Now I think about it, but I understand it. The mass was obviously a prayer ceremony. But this kind of ceremony is the unique skill of the necromancer of the church school.

Church necromancer, a special branch of the dark arts. The Necromancers of this sect use very strange black magic. It is said that in the middle of the night, the necromancer would recite the dark poem in the cemetery: "the resurrection of the dead is near me", and then disperse into the church cemetery. When called, they cry and sing: "egosumtepetoetuidere

When they leave, they will say, "go back to the Kingdom designated by God.".

For example, mass, a satanic necromancer, even tempts some angels to be his slaves. Of course, few of them succeed. But it also proves that they can do everything.

But this kind of necromancer has always been despised. In addition to its improper purpose, the most heinous thing is that the dead body is often used as the raw material of the objects used in the ritual. And the necromancer believes that the corpse who died in violence or died prematurely is the best medicine! Because they think this kind of dead people have more unused psychic power. Among the witchcraft of ancient northern Europe, the most powerful necromancer can even revive people who just died on the gallows! Paul Roth, a religious judge, once recorded: "necromancers use charred corpse fragments, especially those who are hanged or humiliated to death... Use small nails or teeth... Hair, ears or eyes... Muscles, bones or fresh meat..." some necromancers eat corpses, especially those who are not baptized. So many tombs were stolen at that time. The most famous case in history is that Alice, an Irish female necromancer, was prosecuted for stealing and using the hair and skull of a corpse. Both said that the moss growing on the corpse's head was very precious to the necromancer.

The mass was not so vicious. What he said about Satan's revelation is nothing but affectation. The real reason is that he felt the death of the two believers and learned that the two people who came in were not his own.

When he saw that he was exposed, how could he refuse to talk to the mass? Without saying a word, he winked at Jiesen. One by one, the two believers standing beside Jiesen and Zhengzheng were suddenly broken.

Solemn is a hand knife to break each other's Adam's apple, but Jiesen is the most violent and most ornamental hand strangling. Two arms around the neck of the believer, suddenly rotating, only to hear a loud sound of broken bones sounded, the believer fell to the ground.

This scene is to let many girls fear at the same time, but also vaguely produce a touch of worship.

In contrast, the solemn action is too understated, but it can not gain much attention.

Only Donald and Jennifer, who had been staring at solemn, seemed to have expected solemn would come back to save them.

"Yes, it's great. But so what? Do you really think you can save everyone? " Mass looked solemn and asked in a cold voice.

"No, I never thought so. And I didn't come back to save people, I just wanted to beat them. " Clench your fist in a solemn way.

"Beating people up?" The way of mass.

"Yes, beat you! Solo, dare you? Satan, the devil's follower? " Solemnly said, provocative to mass hook fingers.

And solemn this words, immediately let other believers angry, one by one angrily raised their guns at solemn, eager to tear solemn to pieces.

Solemn but fearless, just looking at the mass, repeated a sentence: "solo dare?"

After staring at the solemnity for a long time, the mass suddenly laughed: "do you want to divide my authority? If I don't answer your request, the believers will shake me. Right? You are so naive. "

Mass disdained to shake his head, the solemn idea of all insight.

With a solemn sigh, this guy is worthy of being a pope. He always looks at things with the calm of the undead. It seems that we failed this time

However, as soon as the idea of solemnity appeared, the mass on the stage suddenly jumped over from the stage with a posture similar to that of an eagle in the air.

Solemnly, he quickly spread his posture, bent up, made the frame of a rabbit pedaling an eagle, and suddenly made a force to pedal toward the mass in the air.

With a sneer, the mass quickly put out its arm, grasped the leg that was pushed out, and tried to break the leg.

In a simple two style fight, mass shows different ways of attack, which seems to have the characteristics of both Oriental and Western boxing.

"Germanic capture?" With a shake of his solemn leg, he shook away the mass hand and then stood up with a rollover.

Germanic capture is a kind of unarmed combat martial arts produced from the Holy Roman Empire in the Middle Ages to the Renaissance in Germanic areas. When the weapons used by the soldiers on the battlefield are damaged or lost, they must rely on their own hands and feet to protect themselves. Germanic catching is different from ancient Greek fighting. It is not a kind of martial arts produced by competitive competition. It is a kind of martial arts with high actual combat effectiveness. Moreover, it is also different from German jujitsu, which was newly developed in Germany in 1967. It is a combat purely developed for European people, not born out of the oriental martial arts system.

In the middle ages, wars often took place in Europe, especially in the Germanic region of central Europe. Feudal lords often fought because of conflicts between them, so some special unarmed fighting and weapon use came into being. Under such bad conditions, martial arts was able to produce, Its emergence and Chinese martial arts have a similar way of historical development, in today's definition, Germanic capture belongs to a complete MMA.

I didn't expect that mass was proficient in this kind of Kung Fu.

After a word, they did a few more moves quickly. Mass was really a master of this skill. His movements were small and meticulous, and he had a lot of skills in the coordination of hands and feet. He often made a surprise attack on a solemn side.

And he will throw the trick, including cutting into the opponent's body, hand and foot with a move to throw the opponent down; In addition, there is the use of push palm, his horse stance is not big, but very stable. In terms of striking skills, there are obvious Western boxing styles, and even the knee bump in Thai boxing and the entwined move in Oriental jujitsu.

All these moves are mixed together to form a precise and rigorous system. Just like the character of Germanic people, they are serious and serious, and don't allow any mistakes.

The mass was so close that it got the upper hand.

"Well, if you want to be a hero, you have to have this ability! How many of these people do you think are really good? I'm afraid even Satan won't take them in after they die! For such a group of people, are you worth it? " Mass said coldly.

Indeed, most of these Hollywood stars are really not good people. All kinds of negative news emerge one after another, including very bad abuse, drug abuse, shooting, and so on. If they are seriously investigated, each of them may go to jail.

Solemn for such a group of people, is it really worth it?

Mass this sentence, seems to ask the solemn general, let solemn for a time a little confused, moves also began to appear confused.

Yeah, is it worth it? Solemnity seemed to rush up without thinking about it at all. If at first it was for the puerpera and the innocent baby, what is it now?

Solemnity can't think of it. Solemnity can't think of it.

The sound of mass is like the temptation of Satan, leading the solemn thought to a corner, there is no room for turning

All of a sudden, the mass suddenly hit the solemn chest, and immediately beat the solemn back and fell to the ground.

"Zhuang!" Jason yelled anxiously. There was something wrong with his solemn manner, but he didn't understand what had happened.

After the mass knocked down solemnity, it didn't stop at all. It followed closely, and then it knelt down and hit solemnity's head.

This is fast and ruthless. As long as you hit, you can definitely kick your solemn head.

However, as soon as the mass knee reached the solemn head, the solemn eyes suddenly opened, and his left hand blocked the fatal blow of mass. Then his right hand swung up and cut off the mass knee like a big axe.

The mass was shocked. I never thought that solemnity could wake up. He just used the hypnotic Magic spell. Hastily withdraw, but still slow step, solemn hand knife is like an axe blade, directly across the mass shoes, just cut off the mass toe, exposing the toes.

Just a little bit close to mass, the toes might be broken and solemnly cut off.

The power of the hand knife is just like the blade.

"I'm lazy. I don't think about things I can't understand. Since I don't understand your question, I don't want to. Think of it as for your own good. In China, there is a saying which is more pretentious. It's called the idea of fluency. You can become a Buddha only if you have access to ideas, so I can only beat you up for my access to ideas. " Solemnly stand up, leisurely way.

And his fingertips were still holding the toes of mass shoes. He trembled a little and suddenly threw them out as a concealed weapon.

Just listen to a whoosh, but almost hit mass, close to mass cheek and left a black and red mark. Red is because of bleeding, black is because the mass soles are too dirty

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