With a clatter, the machete in Leizi's hand fell to the ground, and then Leizi sat down on the ground.

Solemnity is also unstable and falls to the ground.

The two of them looked at each other with a smile.

It is said that the strongest friends are: "together with the window, together with the gun, together with the prostitute, together with the share of stolen goods", solemn and Leizi grew up together, these four things in addition to whoring, basically done.

But to be solemn now, the most iron brothers are not above, should be together to block the gun!

Solemnity and Leizi are the kind of people who can block guns for each other. This is the most iron man.

"How's it going?" He asked Leizi with a solemn smile.

Leizi grinned and said, "it's OK. My skin is thick. It's not in the way."

The killing God just now turned back to the honest boy. And his answer is more simple and honest. In fact, Leizi has nothing to do. He is solemn and clear. There are no less than 20 stab wounds on Leizi's body, four or five of which are deeply visible. If it were not for Leizi's strong physique, he would have died of exhaustion at this moment.

Solemnity is not so good. There are all small knife wounds on my body, especially one on my leg. I didn't feel pain before. Now I'm drenched by the rain. It's very painful.

Damn, pearl absolute pn2.5 exceed the standard, otherwise why the rain to the wound so painful? He swore with grave indignation.

"Brother Chong, we've killed so many people today. Will it be ok?" Leizi took a breath and asked.

This is the boundary of the Pearl. Such a tragic homicide will certainly attract attention.

"There must be something, but who knows we did it? This rainy day has really helped us a lot. All traces are wiped clean, and the police don't want to track us down. But this taxi needs to be disposed of, and we can't go to the hospital for this wound. " Look around solemnly and say.

In case this incident attracts the attention of the police, the taxi parked here is the clue. The police can find the airport video of the taxi after a little investigation, and then they will find two solemn people. So taxis have to be disposed of.

And the police are not sure they will also investigate the list of recent hospitalizations to see if there are people who have been slashed. Pearl's Hospital, it can't go.

Think of this, solemnly touched the pocket, fortunately the mobile phone is still there. Take out a look, solemn can not help but praise Nokia's technology, such a fierce fight, the mobile phone is OK, everything is normal.

"Let's go. Get in the car and get out of here." Solemnly, he said to Leizi while dialing the phone.

They got into the taxi. The driver was in a hurry, but he didn't take out the key. And if the driver had taken the key with him, it would have caused serious suspicion.

Why go down to repair the car and take out the key? Don't you want to cover it up?

Start the car, drive solemnly with one hand, turn around and drive back to the road.

At this time, the mobile phone also dialed, inside came Joe Coco's voice.

"Hey, big wolf, what are you looking for? Got your friend? "

"I got it, but there was something wrong on the way. Is there anyone around you now? "

"Wait a minute." Looks like there's someone around. She's going to a quiet place.

"Well, there's no one. What's the matter? It's so mysterious. " Joe coco said.

"I've been ambushed and cut. Can you contact a personal doctor for me, and then wait for me at the intersection of the city." Seriously.

"What? Cut? Do you have anything to do? Are those people still after you? Shall I talk to daddy and send someone to help you? " Joe coco asked in surprise.

"No. People have been killed by me, you find a good doctor, and then take him to the intersection of the city to wait for me

"Kill... Kill? How many people did you kill? " Joe coco shivered and almost threw his cell phone on the ground.

It's no surprise that serious homicide happened. When he was kidnapped, Joe coco witnessed the serious homicide with his own eyes. But solemn will kill said so coldly, words contained in the cold killing or let Joe coco a bit shocked.

"Twenty people, all choppers. Well, I'll tell you more about it when I go back. You'll find a trusted personal doctor first Solemnly, he hung up the phone.

Listen to the blind voice on the phone, Joe coco is a little dull.

Solemnly killed 20 people! Twenty, not chickens and ducks, not cattle and sheep, but living people! Is solemnity such a murderer?

Joe coco just felt a little confused.

But half a moment later, Joe coco woke up. Solemnity is a person who has been ambushed and has to be killed. It's not active killing. It can only be regarded as self-defense. Of course, it may be over defensive, but at least it shows that there is no problem with solemnity.

And after Zhuang Chong came out, he immediately asked Joe COCO for help. Obviously, in his solemn heart, Joe can be his trustworthy person. This makes Joe coco a little happy, big sex wolf is still very accurate to see people, my mother's righteousness is not built!

After thinking about it, Joe coco dials a person's phone, finds his car, starts it and runs away.

Half an hour later, driving a taxi solemnly, I saw the Pearl City.

A few kilometers ahead, you will enter the Pearl City. This taxi is not convenient to drive into the urban area, because there are too many probes in the urban area, so it is unavoidable to leave a certificate.

Look around solemnly. There is an open space around. There is a pond in the distance, which is very suitable for destroying cars.

Solemnly let Leizi out of the car, and then drove the car to let the pond pass. When driving near the pond, solemnly stopped the car, kicked down the license plate, then started the car, put it in gear, watched the car slowly drive into the pond, and finally fell into the water.

And the license plate was solemnly taken back to the road, on the road to see a goods truck, solemnly conveniently left in the truck compartment.

When it's done, solemnly follow Leizi to rain, wipe the blood off his body, and then walk to the city.

After a short walk, the solemn mobile phone rang.

It's Joe coco.

"Well, solemn, where are you? I'm at the intersection

"Go ahead. I'm walking on the road. It's easy to see me."

No one is willing to walk on the road in the heavy rain. Naturally, it's easy to see the difference between solemnity and Leizi.

"Solemn, here, get in the car!" After a while, Joe Coco's red BMW appeared in a solemn vision.

Joe coco will drive the car in front of solemn, open the door, let two people on.

In the back seat of the car sat a middle-aged man with an emergency box in his hand.

Solemnly look at the man, but feel familiar, immediately think of, this man in the star emperor bar, it is the doctor who gave solemnly an injection of normal saline.

The doctor saw solemn with Leizi, immediately frowned, said: "you two are not lightly injured, ah, not hospitalized treatment is very difficult."

He shook his head solemnly and said, "you often help Liu Dong deal with such things. You should know the specific reasons, and I won't say more. Next, just do your part. "

The doctor took a serious look and shut up immediately.

What does Liu Dong do? Involved in the underworld, but the doctor did not help Liu Dong deal with such things. Qiao Keke asked Liu Dong for him in a hurry.

The doctor helped Leizi deal with the wound first, but when he lifted his clothes, he suddenly exclaimed.

"So many wounds! And it's so deep! He has to be hospitalized! " The doctor said firmly.

Solemn eyes a Lin, said: "I have said very clearly, you just do your own thing!"

Who knows, the doctor was not afraid of solemnity, but insisted: "he has hurt the bone, with the medicine in the emergency box can not be treated, only a little first aid. Otherwise, the wound will become inflamed and fester, and life will be in danger. "

On hearing this, he let go and said, "you know, in case of hospitalization, it will cause unnecessary trouble..."

At this time Leizi interrupted: "brother Chong, it's OK. I'm not in hospital. Doctor, just wipe me some liquid medicine. It won't get in the way

After listening to Leizi's words, the doctor glared at Leizi angrily and said, "I haven't seen a person like you. If it's OK to wipe some medicine, I'll let you stay in hospital? Well, go to my house. I have a small medical room. I'll deal with it for you there. "

But the doctor came up with a compromise.

Hearing that there was no need to be hospitalized, he nodded solemnly with Leizi and agreed.

So after the doctor reported an address, Joe coco drove to the doctor's house.

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