"What to do, Mr. Chu. We can't run that car at all Although the driver is an old driver, and his driving skills are quite good, he is also pale with fright.

Koniseg's performance is really excellent, and Chuyu is just an ordinary business car. How can it run too fast?

"Solemn, what shall we do?" But Chu Yu had no choice but to ask Zhuang chongdao.

Solemnly frowning, slightly thinking, then rushed to a park in the distance: "go there, into the park!"

"Ah?" The driver didn't understand“ There are no cars in the park. There are road stakes at the door. "

"It's OK. Just do it." Solemnity is a decisive way with a wave of hand.

The driver had no choice but to hit the steering wheel and head for the park ahead.

Prince bamen followed him closely. When he saw some of Chu Yu's men fleeing to the park, he could not help sneering. He secretly told them that they were looking for their own death and would not relax their pursuit.

The park is not far away, just a few hundred meters ahead. The distance is still within control, and koniseg can't catch up.

At the intersection of the park, the driver instinctively wanted to slow down and turn, but he was seriously stopped and said, "speed up!"

The driver was surprised. Wouldn't this acceleration lead to rollover? But when he thought about it, he immediately understood the solemn idea. The moment the car overturned, it could just pass through the narrow gap of the road pile. I'm afraid there will be casualties after rollover.

"Sit down!" The driver reminds a way, but also be excited to get angry, prepare to put all one's eggs in one basket.

Hum, just listen to the engine speed reaches the maximum, the driver suddenly turns, the vehicle turns quickly, under the inertia, the whole car turns to the left side, and goes to the park in a special driving posture.

I saw that I was about to cross the pile, but what I didn't expect was that the car started to tilt in the middle of the pile because of too much force, and wanted to overturn directly on the pile.

This is not good. The road stake is likely to puncture the roof and cause fatal injury.

"Ah The driver screamed in horror and closed his eyes. At this time, it's just a matter of fate.

However, what he didn't expect was that the expected rollover did not come, and he felt that the steering wheel was being grasped by a force, driving his arm to rotate.

He opened his eyes in a hurry and saw that he stood up and focused on the front.

"Brake!" Suddenly, solemn way.

The driver stepped on the brake in a hurry, only to hear the harsh sound. The tire glided a certain distance on the park floor tile, but it fell back with a bang, and returned to its normal posture.

At the same time, there was a loud noise. When they looked back, they saw that koniseg, who was close behind, couldn't avoid the road stake, but directly hit it head on, causing half of the road stake to collapse.

What makes people angry is that the safety performance of this kind of car is really good. At the moment of collision, the air bag popped out, and Prince bamen sitting in the driver's seat had nothing to do with it! And koniseg was just a small piece of the front of the car. At the end of the day, it turned out that the road stump suffered a loss.

Prince bamen didn't expect that he would fight with danger. He only pursued, but he didn't expect that there was a road stake in front of him, so he ran into it all at once. Although people are OK, but also dizzy, some can't slow down.

"Asshole!" Prince bamen shook his head and continued to start the car. Now that Chu Yu's car has come to a standstill, it's a great chance to kill them!

Dare to be rude to themselves, dare to compete for business with themselves, don't they know that in bamen, this is a capital crime?

Prince bamen thought, with a grim smile, he was about to run into him.

However, before he had time to step on the gas pedal, he heard a bang. Koniseg's hard door was pulled open directly, and a face he hated most suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Get out of the car!" The solemn voice is cold and cold. Whether Prince bamen can understand the solemn words or not.

And the two guards sitting in the car, just wake up from the impact, see solemn, immediately flustered.

They pushed the door open and rushed towards the solemn, vowing to protect the prince to the death.

But they were too confident in their own strength. Just as they came into contact with their solemn body, they suddenly felt a strong force coming, and they flew out one after another.

Poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop.

Beating people is like hanging a picture.

Two people want to get up, but they struggle for several times, and there is nothing they can do. There was something on the ground that stuck them to death. But they don't know that this is the characteristic of beating people like hanging a picture. They can put people down without exerting their strength. In the past, serious beating could make people unable to move in ten seconds. Now, the level of attack is improved, but it is more powerful. The two guards were glued to the ground.

The prince of bamen looked at him in horror and warned him not to act disorderly, otherwise he would be retaliated by the whole kingdom of bamen.

Solemnly and impatiently, he was lifted up and cracked. The safety belt that was tightly fastened on his body was directly broken by solemnity. It can be seen how strong solemnity is.

Prince bamen then realized that he seemed to be in trouble with someone who shouldn't and couldn't. He just wanted to revenge, but he didn't expect that his opponent was so powerful, which was beyond his cognition.

After putting Prince bamen out of the car, there was a strong murderous look in his solemn eyes. He held Prince bamen's throat with one hand and kept on exerting his strength.

Prince bamen was seriously choked out of breath. His face turned red, but he couldn't say a word.

He can feel that the murderous spirit of the solemn body is real, not in an artificial posture. This Chinese man really wants to kill himself, not scare himself!

"No... no..." Prince bamen tried his best to squeeze two words out of his throat.

But it was seriously ignored, solemn eyes cold, it seems that in addition to killing, no other emotion.

Solemnity is really killing.

He had never met anyone so arrogant and domineering, or so critical of human life. And this is not in bamen, but in a foreign country!

If the solemn party is in bamen at the moment, what will be the result? Solemn, dare not even think! I'm afraid there won't even be a chance to run for your life, will there? He died in the presidential palace.

This kind of person, but can't stay!

Feeling more and more fierce murderous spirit on the solemn body, the arrogant Prince of bamen knew what fear was for the first time. He looked at him in horror and solemnity. His eyes were full of despair and entreaties. An unknown feeling spread from his scalp to his stomach. Then a smell of urine filled his eyes, but the prince was scared to pee.


With solemn fingers, he pinches Prince bamen's Adam's apple to make a sound. As long as he adds a little more strength, Prince bamen will die.

At this time, Chu Yu rushed over and yelled, "solemn, no!"

"Don't kill people here, otherwise it will be very troublesome. We may not be able to get out of Paramaribo and be taken as scapegoats by President Suriname and handed over to King bamen!" Chu Yu ran over and explained to the grave.

After listening to Chu Yu's words, the solemn and strong killing machine slowly faded away.

Solemnity is not afraid of anything, but it does not mean that Chu Yu is not afraid. Chu Yu's family had a great career. He didn't feel like he was solemn and carefree. Solemn but there is no need to implicate Chu Yu.

"Plop", solemnly and casually threw Prince bamen on the ground, like throwing away a dead dog.

"Don't let me see you again." Solemn cold way.

Prince bamen looked at him in horror. Although he didn't understand what he said, he guessed it.

"Let's go." Chu Yu patted the solemn shoulder and said.

Zhuang nodded and got on the bus. Start the car slowly and drive away from the park.

Prince bamen was lying on the ground, smelling the stench from his body, ashamed and angry. He had just escaped from death, but he was not half happy. On the contrary, after confirming that he had escaped from death, a look of resentment appeared on his face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I swear, I will break that guy to pieces, or it will be hard for me to get rid of my hatred!"

With that, he struggled to get up from the ground. Without looking at the two guards, he went to koniseg and left.

The two guards looked at each other bitterly and knew that they were finished. Once back home, they may be arrested, and even their families can't escape.

But what can they do? The world is so unfair that people can't even have the courage to resist

The night deepened.

Back to the hotel, Prince bamen stares at the solemn photo, thinking about how to revenge.

At this time, the phone in the room suddenly rang.

"Who?" Prince bamen asked impatiently.

"Prince bamen, I guess you must be very angry now, aren't you?" The voice of a strange man came from the phone.

"Who are you?" Prince bamen's vigilant way.

"You don't care who I am. I'm calling to help you."

"Help? How can you help me? " Prince bamen asked in disbelief.

"Because we are on the same front, just like our enemies, I have a way to avenge you!" The voice on the phone became a little loud, and it seemed that it really had a deep hatred with solemn and Chu Yu.

"Well, let's listen to your method. If it's really feasible, the prince will consider cooperating with you."

"Prince, the Dharma has six ears. This is on someone else's territory. Some things can't be said on the phone. Well, tomorrow morning at ten o'clock at zelandia fort, we'll see each other. "

"Fort zelandia? Good place. I just want to visit it. That's it. " Prince bamen finished and hung up.

Looking at the solemn picture on the table, he suddenly grinned, touched a fruit knife and gently cut the picture in half.

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